Calling outdoor growers! Spring solstice a month away

Anyone else getting excited and itching to get growing on for 2022

???So the big questions???

What cultivars are on your summer grow list?

Are you growing new (to you) cultivars or something you have tried and loved in the past?

How big is your outdoor space?


What’s your final pot size goal or going in the ground?

How are your plants getting their nutrition?

What are the typical challenges for your area with environment or pests?

What is general weather/environment like in your area?

When is your date that is the very latest you want them in soil and under the sun?

What’s your (realistic) target weight you look to achieve from each of your ladies?

Do you keep males and dust any branches for seeds or strive for sinsemillia?

Legal state or prohibition land? Other part of the globe?

Here’s some good topics for discussion! Chime in ladies and gents and share what you got growin on this year!


Southeast US. I think I am going to run around 20 autoflowers guerilla this year outside. I will plant them in the ground with castings and a bit of osmocote. It’s hot and humid here and deer hunters abound in September.
I plan on running Humboldt seed Co beans and hope to get 2 to 4 zips per. Fem seeds so no males.
The biggest challenge I see is watering frequency. This is my first outdoor, I’m used to fussing over my plants in a tent. So it will be a learning experience.


Heres mine

Strains I’ll be growing for CV-19 Omicron 2022 Season

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I’m in the northeastern US and I’m getting excited to get outside. My plan is to run a few autos which I’ll time to finish in early July. I’ll also have about 20 photo plants, half Mandala seed varieties and half BOG. These will all be guerilla grown with lobster compost my main soil amendment. I’ll try to work an outdoor seed run of some type, though no experience with this yet!


Good questions Red!
Summer grow 2022 planting outside Runtz, Bazooka Boss, Purple Rhino, Spirit Train, Painoa Purple Paralyzer, Malana, Monkey Slapz, Oregon Huckleberry are my varieties
Assuming they are female. I will take clones then flip them just to sex.
Outdoor space is 30’ x50’. I plant in ground, they get huge!
My challenges are spring flooding and if I have a long flowering time plant. We generally will get frost in October.
I try to get them in ground the last week of May - first week of June. Weather permitting no later than the 3rd week of June.
Outside I can get 1-4 lbs per plant. Depending on strain.
No Males in the outside grow. Only females outside…
I’m in a legal state of Michigan


Yours are F2? From Dynasty Genetics?

Paonia Purple Paralyzer cross ?

Tag me in your grow, I’d like to see how the Huckleberry turn out.


This is a really timely question. I have been fretting over logistics related to the upcoming outdoor season, as I will be exponentially increasing my plant count, and also managing a grow for my parents at their rural property.

In my backyard, I have narrowed it down to running 4 outdoor plants in 10 gallon pots. I am planning on running some Timewarp that I graciously received from @jessethestoner, as well as several of the autos I have received from @BasementBeans.

At my parents rural property, I am still trying to figure out logistics as I will be growing close to 40 plants outdoors. I am going to install a pump and a drip line, as they are on a lake, and I will be unable to monitor the plants daily.

I am hung up on starting the number of seeds that are required for the plants, or if I am better off starting a bunch of plants in my 4x4 and then cloning them and moving them outside once the weather permits. I am located in the Maritimes, and know that the fall can be quite fickle, so am looking through my stash for things that are also high value medicinally for my aging parents, but will also finish quickly. I know that logistically cloning autos is not something that is super accessible, but am open to any ideas that others will have here. I plan on doing some detailed documentation of the large-scale grow.

I am also looking at planting the 40 in the ground, and will top dress in some amendments at regular intervals to help them through.

So far, I have thought of running some of the Monster Kush I have, as it is a fast finisher, but was wondering if anyone had thoughts around other historically fast finishing photos.


My Oregon Huckleberry is from @AzSeaindooin420

Yes it was Painoa Purple Paralyzer sorry for the typo. Lol

I don’t normally do a log here. Might consider.


La confidential is very fast finisher, 6-8 week, the one I grew was done in 7, def one to consider

That spirit train @Bobgrows doing was a long finisher, finally cut it at 13 week

The Oregon huckleberry was one of the Sebring giveaways and Info on it can be found on his diy site

Always happy to see pics, success, and the progress :slight_smile:


Theres a user named browntrout over on icmag who does lots of outdoor growing and is in your neck of the woods. He could probably recommend some ideas

He has a line called triple berry, heres the description from hempdepot

Indoor / outdoor
A staple in my garden for sometime in different variations. An early colourful Durban IBL / Pakistani Chitral Kush hybrid was the basis of this strain and subsequently I added an array of coveted blueberry strains (Including MOB, an early DJ selection and a pre-2000 era blueberry sativa).

Expect some phenotypical variation with stable flowering times and high quality amongst all. Smells range from musky forest berries and jam and blueberry candy to very pungent Durban/chemical smells. Purple and pink phenotypes show up in about 40% of progeny in my testing. A large number of females and males were selected to reduce bottlenecking and create higher variety in order to find truly exemplary specimens due to the stable IBL and land race genetics used. We felt we really lucked out on this strain as she ticks all the boxes! Our breeding focus was aimed at a berry smell and taste with colourful buds, however yield, finishing time and resistance came along for the ride.

Most phenos ride a fine line between what is commonly considered indica and sativa, her buzz is strong and calming with slight euphoric and energetic effects when not over consumed.

Outdoors her land race beginnings allow her to finish quite early (Mid-late September) with large yields and extreme resistance to PM and bud rot. Bag appeal is also very high. She can also be photosensitive if put outdoors in early spring from indoors with lighting over 18 hours.
Feeding considerations: Moderate-Heavy feeder. Easy on the nitrogen, it tends to hold nitrogen into late flower, however no major adverse effects on taste have been noted.

Indoor flowering 52-58 days
Outdoor harvest 3rd week of September at 45NL

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I will look into the LA Confidential, I may hedge my bets and start all of the plants I plan to finish outdoors a little bit early so that they have some heartiness to them before I let them loose.

I think with the grow in my yard, I can at least move the plants into my shed overnight as the temperatures fall in late summer/early fall, to save them. Fingers crossed for a nice summer out here :slight_smile:

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Nice, Thanks for this!

I will take a look over there and see what he has going on!

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That’s my summer plans for now…until they get updated with newer, BETTER plans…lol

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I’m stoked and ready to get the outdoor going this summer, actually worked some ground (deep plowed then tilled in some lime, sulfur, phosphorus and potash) around the end of January. My plans are to run a pack of dynasty moose and lobsta as well as a pack of godhead from bodhi directly in the ground under that big ol grow light in the sky. There will definitely be some pollination happening if their is a worthy male or two. Probably going to start seed in cups early April and try to have em in the ground sometime around the middle of may. Location about the hottest and most humid part of Oklahoma. Good luck with the outdoor this year growers!


And you’ll likely be doing it 100% legally sooner or later. I understand y’all are about to vote to legalize recreational cannabis.

I’ve heard that, but haven’t myself kept up with what’s actually going on with any new legislation. I’m actually staying within the confines of the law with two med cards between two of us and that’s really bout as many plants as I want to mess with anymore. It would be nice not to have to buy a license anymore so maybe that’ll be behind us. I just really hope they don’t try to lower the plant counts if they start changing up the laws this is not a rumor or anything I’ve heard. 12veg and 12 flowering really gives a decent chance of finding a few winners if your working with good genetics to start with.


The region with the most potential (the Deep South) is going to be one of the last to make it legal. People here know that once it’s legal, it’s going be growing everywhere. This warm, sub-tropical climate would be really good for cannabis. Cannabis could easily become another invasive species here. Even now, with prohibition in full swing, there are feral patches of it.

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Sun is shining, spring has sprung.

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Here’s mine so far…

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Update on the outdoors…

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