The "Freaky Bastard" (f1) Experiment with Marola

@Sasquatch treeclimbing goats…that´s my pic from morocco,isn´t it?

great Project @ciganomarola!! pulled me up a chair as well.


Great! Thank you for joining us on this one @saxo. Glad you could make it!

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It sure is @saxo !!!


If you haven’t already noticed, I’m tagging along. Last couple of days as a lurking :eyes: freak . Had to get all caught up, but yea.

Just checking it out. cool project. f2 is gonna be fun.


If a crack whore could be weed that would be it

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I love what you are creating here, but I already have some seeds called “Freaky Bastard” from Captain Nemo Cannabis. The mix is Freakshow X Subterfuge. I’m not saying you cant call yours the same but I thought you might want to know that there already was one with that name.
I plan on following this interesting grow. Keep up the awesome work @ciganomarola !


Phreak as in


I know I’ve posted this before, but I would use freakshow as the female if possible. There is an X-linked recessive gene involved, in addition to what appears to be a simple recessive gene. So if you use the female freakshow, your F1 males will all be slightly freaky and sexable as sprouts based on appearance. Then sprout hundreds of F2s and the full on freaks will reappear in enough numbers to work with.


Freaky bastard sounds like a porn movie, plant porn that is.


I wish you luck with your Freaky Bastard adventure!
I’ll be watching to see how it turns out.

10/10 good advice here. Waisted a lot of time and seed because I wasn’t aware freakshow is a X linked recessive trait.


@Indoornesian I hadn’t; but thanks for joining!

Agreed; but please don’t hesitate to stick around for a bit.

@Tao thanks so much for the heads up… at least it is distinguishable in the type of hybrid (F1 vs f1) and donor line, although this just seems like a cheap knock off now… so we may circle back; but, tell us - have you ran these yet? Any insight as to what those F1 seeds express?

Checking it out. Thanks.

Sounds about right.

Promise to try and not disappoint!

Thanks OG. More the merrier!

Noted. As suggested, this was the intention from the get go, inclusively because of what McKernan highlights about what the ABC lines bring to the table and the fact that males tend to carry more genetic information.



Hello again I am running three of them right now. I’ll tell you so far all three have had issues. Two topped them selves at the second set of branches, making a top with no new growth point. Then the first branches sprouted new heads at the joints. The third one stopped growth after the first set of leaves but some how has sprouted a new growth point. They are still growing but look pretty stunted and probably wont get too large. They also look fairly normal as well, not much signs of leaf mutation so far. Those seeds were from the V1 pack I have not tried the V2s yet.


Thank you @Tao for sharing that… guess you are seeing some anomalies in the growth habits/ structure; but not leaf morphology… interesting!

I hope they do grow out/into it.

One of the six specimens kept for future use was kept for this very trait (self-topping)


Very nice page. Very cool my friend.



Both the Freakshow and No 5 (to the right) have been watered for the first time since the flip today.

I love how stout and wide this pheno is and feel she is the perfect match for the bastards.

These specimens are loving the organic coco blend and have long since left the boundries set forth by the pots behind.

To top it off No 5 has began to sprout new pistils.

NOTE These plants are being grown using only organic inputs, as I feel it contributes to ensuring long term viability and seed vigor


Thank you @Hemp & welcome to the show! Glad you decided to check it out!

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Crazy looking plants. I got some super freak going on. I’m loving this, I love the freaks. Looking for green hands. I have a page going, I don’t say much. I get nervous, lol thanks for the welcome. I’m a good guy.


That is a very kind trait for a plant to have!