The Grow Journal of TrichomesToStun

Morning @TrichomesToStun . Somebody on here was talking about stuff going off at just under 14 hours. I’ve thought about messing with light schedules, but it’s adding another variable I don’t need.

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Good morning @crownpoodle.

Man, I wish I had been on this forum and read about it before I had tried that.

After your comment, I took a few min doing a search here and read that it’s entirely possible. I didn’t read a lot into one, since I was more skimming, but it looks like a grower did a whole flowering run at 14/10 :exploding_head:

Another lesson learned I won’t be doing that again. I’ll end up going straight from 18/6 to 12/12 here on i’m sure. I guess I can feel better, since all that was puzzling to me, not knowing if I kept the right pheno… all the above really. Fresh smoke, sooner than later, is a plus!


I have another short Veg tent update. I had almost forgot.

In the group Pic #3 in the half gallon still needs to be chopped down. I kept the Paw Paw female and the male I liked most. It was one I was watching from the beginning and really hoping it to be female.

In front of the half gallons, in the nursery cups, are the WARDAWGS. They’re starting to move along and have a really nice color to them. I over watered one of them but not so much that it wanted to limp over. There is a close up of one of the WarDawgs in there as well. Really nice musky cologne stemrub on all of them!

Annnd the forum compressed first two images this time. I dunno how to fix it to be honest…


Garden Of Dreams - Forbidden Fruit x Mike Larry - Day 43 from 12/12

Thanks for stopping by.


Well… today is one of those “I couldn’t be more happy to be wrong” kinda moments.

Before chopping any of the plants previously, I topped them, put the tops in individually marked solos and then put those in the flower tent. Doing that verified what I was seeing with my tired eyes. I “identified” 3 as being male. All the cups in the flower tent showed more clearly within a few days except #3… I said f’ it, if I’m going to chop it down, lets try putting the whole plant in there. Well… three days later and she’s got pistils.

Good news is that I have one more female than I had. I’m 110% sure the others were male before chopping them. I do feel a fool about #3 but I’m happy I kept it around AND double triple checked. That helps things quite a bit for next run! So now I have two females and an absolutely GNARLY smelling male.


Counting down the days now. I’m not too concerned with pulling this run at the exact time. I went 70 days last time and it had a pretty heavy body load. The smells in the tent are pretty epic and my carbon filter in undoubtedly working over time. Right now I’m at day 47 from 12/12 and 54 from 14/10… silly mistakes. The changes from four days ago and today are pretty dramatic so we’ll see what the next four days have ahead.

I won’t have any veg updates for a little while. I do have some stuff ready to move into the flower tent, which is why I’m not too concerned with the timing of the Garden of Dreams. Once my Paw Paw are transplanted into the flower tent, I still have to veg them out enough to fill the screen. Plus possibly two newcomers… I’m REALLY hoping to get those in, and no they’re not the WarDawgs, those are stillll trucking along lol.


Some day 49 shots. Maybe one or two more of these and I’ll finish this run with a final picture update. This part is exciting and things are more photogenic now.

I made mistake this go, but I can’t remember a time where everything went absolutely perfect. I learn every single time.

Next round might be more of a challenge. If I only have opportunity for the two Paw Paw it will require a LONG veg and that puts a pinch on weather I have herbs to last. I’m not a big fan when that happens. I have two clones going now and I’m going to do my very best to get them caught up to the Paw Paw without a HUGE variance in size.


Second to last update on the Garden of Dreams. These were captured on day 55 of 12/12. These could have gone further, but I’m really ready to move on to my next plants. After smoking this same flavor since the end of last year, it’s safe to say I’m over it for a few cycles. Considering my 14/10 debacle, I kinda wasn’t feeling it when my stretch didn’t go as planned. But hey, that’s life.

I will give a final update on the Garden of Dreams when the buds have completed drying and curing.

As for next round, I have amended my bed and watered it in with lactobacillus serum. I’ll let it break down for a week or so before transplanting my next run.

Until then, thanks for stopping by and checking out my journal.


Yesterday was a LONG day!

Did all my regular in between round maintenance and prepped the flower tent for the next round.

I got two new fans last round and I didn’t like how they were setup so along with taking apart what I could in the tent, I re-zip tied all my wires. I have a nifty electric air blower for PC cleaning and I use that to blow out all my filter sleeves, all around the bed planter that cannot be moved, and the fins for my cobs. I then hit the tent walls/floor with a vinegar/alcohol/Lacto bascillus/peppermint soap. I sealed the tent and turned on the Ozone Generator for two hours. I let that sit for about five hours to off-gas and at the same time I took apart and cleaned up my humidifier. When that was done I cleaned my tent once more with a damp cloth.

Aaaand that’s not it of course I had to finish the day correct.

I transplanted the next set of plants to go into flower. Two Paw Paw - Indiana Bubble Gum x (Banana OG x Donny Burger), my clone project(Garden of Dreams) I had no intention on doing anything with - may as well flower it, and one WARDAWGS - Dawgs Of War x Chem D BC1! I truly wasn’t expecting the WarDawgs to show sex in time but two have and one was a female. I still have two that have not sexed yet but that will be for next run along with two absolute all-stars.

And speaking of last run… I trimmed up all my nugs. The RH where I live has been abysmal. Rather than them getting bone dry over night I prepared them in smaller containers. Half way through I realized I didn’t snap any pictures… It’s not something I normally do. I didnt want to stop so I failed in getting pictures. Same thing happened yesterday… when I get focused and into my own, I don’t want to stop until my task is complete…

So yeah, that’s what’s I’ve been doing the last few days around the grow. I’ll get some pictures of the next run sometime this week.

Take care everyone!


Busy day. My phone camera is broken. New one today. I take a lot of photos. Always have. Of everything! I’m the documenter. Someone wants one from the past, I give them the bag with dated memory cards. Never deleted them. “You find it”

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That sucks about your camera, I enjoy looking at your pictures and to be honest I always thought they were taken with a dedicated camera.

I too like taking pictures… well I used to go EVERYWHERE with my camera on my sling. Although I’ve taken some pics of my grows, I’ve never documented them. I’ll have to say it’s neat to see them in different stages, they never seem to really be growing!

There is one major downside to being the camera person… you’re never in any of the photo’s and I’ll be damned if I hand my camera to a stranger… My phone sure any day… camera body no prob… don’t even breathe on my lenses hahah


Okay well… I had a write up for this update but I fudged it and somehow it’s gone. So quick rundown

  • Current run is in flower tent but looks so small in giant tent, it’s comical. (no pics)

  • Got new led setup for veg tent allowing me to reclaim 2cobs for my flower tent and saving me money.

  • Planned next run of WarDawgs, StarDawg Corey and Corey Heime #02

  • First seedrun planned for this winter using my PawPaw male.

  • Hopeful on selecting new seeds this winter for runs in the coming years and two that 100% will be next summer :crossed_fingers:

Pictures of new veg LEDs

Sorry for the bullet points but I didn’t want to re-write what I had.

Take it easy all, thanks for stopping by!


Opened up one of the Grove bags yesterday and took a picture with my phone, in the sun. I’ll get a zoom of a Nug from one of the other bags when they’re fully cured. For now, I needed some smoke.

Mind the trim job, it’s personal smoke.


“mind your trim job”? I rarely take mine down that tight.


I took backups of my Paw Paw’s. I also took cutting from the Garden of Dreams so I can downsize into bonsai moms. I didn’t take cuttings from the Wardawgs.

Once these show roots I’ll consider how much more time I need to veg out the flower tent and if the Wardawgs is large enough, I’ll take cuttings. I really hate not backing up a strain from a grow but I have two more WD’s to select from. Which by the way, one more IS female and I would be VERY VERY surprised if the one that has not revealed gender is a male.


A few days ago I setup the new led strips for my mom/clone/veg tent. In doing so I reclaimed my 2cob fixture. It was extremely overpowered for the 2x2 and now, with this addition, I have more than enough in my flower tent to be able to run both fixtures at 50%.

The fixture with green fins is my existing light and the light with black fins is from the veg tent. It’s at an angle to face the bed slightly.


Picture updates coming real soon. Lets do bullet points!

  • I don’t have roots on my cuts yet but I do see signs they will pop any day now.
  • The flower tent is recovering from all the backup cuttings I took and it’s moving along nicely.
  • The new LED’s in the veg tent are working better than expected and it’s keeping those plants nice and squat.
  • The Corey Heime#2 and Stardawg Corey are some of the bushiest plants I’ve ever seen! I cannot wait to flower those.
  • And lastly I’ve been working on stress testing that PawPaw Male. Things are going better than expected. If all goes well this will be my first male project. I plan to work with this male for several years to come. :crossed_fingers:

I’ll catch y’all soon with those picture updates. Have a good one and thanks for stopping by!


Cool setup @TrichomesToStun


Thanks @Bert. It gets tweaked each run, somehow :v:


Roots! I have roots exploding. I’ll give them a few more days and I’ll save two of each. I used a new rooting medium called coco coins. Previously I used floraflex(sp?) They claimed to be biodegradable but they don’t degrade. These coco coins are much larger and it seems it takes the roots a bit longer to reveal and fill the coco. Nonetheless I like to do my flower flips on Sundays. So not this Sunday but the following Sunday I’ll consider the flip in the flower tent.

I’m more excited this run than any other. I had planned to eventually to a pollen chuck but I had not so soon. The mistakes I made earlier with the PawPaw seeds kinda veered me into doing it anyhow. I couldn’t be more happy with the male, as I had mentioned before, I was keeping an eye on this one from the very beginning. It STINKS like vomit and minty bubblegum, has a great frame and it’s extremely vigorous! I’m not quite prepared for the chuck but I’ll get my ducks lined up and start that chapter of this journal.

Anyways, enough of my ramble for today. I’m always happy to see roots on fresh cuttings.