The Grow Journal of TrichomesToStun

I keep failing to take pictures of the soon to flip flower tent, but I did earlier.

This first picture is the overview. On the left and right are the Paw Paw, middle back is the Garden Of Dreams and front and center is the WarDawgs. One thing to take note of are the nets. I’m not planning on doing much tucking this time but I’ll be using the nets purely for support. I raised them both significantly.

The WarDawgs. Rough on the edges but that was all my fault. I should have taken better care of these!

And lastly… I went ham cloning and this is the result of going overboard… I have backups now though :confused:

That’s about it for now. :v:


Looks good. Very clean setup you’re running.

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The WarDawgs by @JAWS are taking off now.

I hacked the others for clones, and that one in the back, again was an old experiment I decided to put into flower. That’ll be my ‘neglect’ plant this run. So with that said, this WardDawgs is looking mighty fine! The screen is 16" from the soil and the plants canopy takes up 12"x12". This is last week of veg and I’ll flip to flower.


Today marks first day of 12/12.

Unless the plants grow unruly, I won’t be doing any tucking this round. The Paw Paw on the far right didn’t take well to my over zealous pruning when I pulled all my backup clones. I’m not going to wait for it to catch up.

Next round my plan is to run three large plants in preparation for my seed run. I need to make sure I have enough flower incase things go sideways.

So yeah. Pictures.

Single net:

Bunk Beds:

Attack of the rooted clones:


7 Day update since flip to 12/12

Things are moving along nicely. Two standouts in the tent right now are very promising and making me VERY happy. The Paw Paw on the left and the WarDawgs.

The left most plant is PP#1 going forward. That one there has exploded with growth since the flip and it doest seem to be slowing down. The far right plant (PP#2) never fared well after my mauling by clonage. From the perspective of purely to make f2 seeds, PP#1 is so far the front runner. It has an excellent stemrub, amazing vigor, roots well… I like it.

Center plant in the front is WarDawgs and is is AWESOME! Screaming burned rubber stemrub with a musky cologne. Gigantic leaves and some stems like I haven’t seen in a LONG time. I’m positive, that with the way she is stretching now and how thick those stems are, no support would be needed to grow this one. I didn’t take cuts before the flip, but after getting that massive burned rubber cologne combo wombo, I cleaned up the bottoms and hopefully some will take roots.

With that, some pictures. Nothing photogenic so three generic pictures:
Side view(oh yes, I lowered the top net 4-6 inches)

WarDawgs in the middle. You can see the PP#2 on the right looking pretty sad:

One of the PP#1 leaflets:

More to come!
Thanks for stopping by.


Right on @TrichomesToStun , just got caught up. Looks like you have things well in hand, best of luck with your flower run!!


War dogs is one I don’t have. I’ll need to address that at some point.


Looking great :+1:


Thank you for following along. I’m starting to get the hang of it and I’m really excited to make seeds (intentionally) for the first time. I like the work on your thread. A lot of cool stuff happening over there all the time :+1:

I would love to see this one in your hands. If I had more seeds to offer I would shoot you some over. If Jaws released this one, I could easily see myself choosing it to do a multi pack pheno hunt. I really think it’ll be that good!

Thank you for the support. It’s a work in progress that gets dialed in more each run. I’m excited for these JAWS genetics


14 day update.

I did a topdressing yesterday of some Gypsum, Malted Barley and Bokashi.

A few images showing the stretch. PP#1 has a very thin lanky/airy structure but grows exactly as I remember GMO growing in the past. It looks like it will stretch the full 21 days. It has a good odor to the stem rub and while it has the GMO structure, it does not have the smell. The WarDawgs though… heck YES!

So the WD cuttings I took appear to have taken root. I imagine in the next day or two they will pop out of the pucks.

The WD in the flower tent continues to impress! Thick stems with amazing structure. The smell is becoming more and more complex each day. I can hardly explain the musky cologne anymore. Just solid stank. It not only looks better than the other plants in the tent but it smells so much more. I think the stretch on this one is slowing down already. As much as I want those Donny Burger GMO terps, I cannot wait to see what this WarDawgs develops into!


Hello all!

I’ll be busy for my regular 7day update so I have these pictures a day or two early. Normally on day 21 I do a solid defoliation but, this round the only one that really needed it was the WarDawgs, which continues to impress. I’m IN LOVE with this plant. A freaking freepack outpacing a $$$ pack. Don’t get me wrong… the PP#1 is stacking trichomes and it’s FINALLY starting to get that GMO funk. PP#2, I mangled but nonetheless, it’s not nearly as vigorous.

Overview Before defol:

WarDawgs bud structure

PP#1 Stretch & some trichomes

I haven’t done any tucking the round and the nets are just to keep them upright. If you have been following along, I made a mistake last grow with the garden of dreams. If you look at the back of the overview picture, behind the wardawgs, is the “neglected G.O.D. clone”. It stretched as expected… so yeah I missed out on a lot of yield last go.

Either way… This PP#1 and WD are going to be epic! I’m looking forward to a :crossed_fingers: smooth run of multiple flavors and I feel like I’m finally getting close!


Hello all,

I’ve got a 30day picture only update.


Alrighty, moving forward!

Sorry about my lack of descriptions last update. I was in a bit of a hurry at the time.

Things in the flower tent are starting to stack and sparkle! With all the smells in there, I can hardly detect whats going on, but it smells great.

The Garden of Dreams has that straight up cherry orange thing I’ve grown used to.

I was able to detect some GMO in the PP#1 a few weeks ago but now it just smells like good clean herbs.

And although the Wardawgs is not frosting out, it’s by far the stinkiest plant in the tent… by FAR. Very complex, chemical stink, that you want to smell obsessively. In the back end I think I smell a deep lemon thing. I’m not 100% sure on that. Chemical for sure! She’s also has the most massive bud structure I’ve personally seen. One thing I’m thinking about the WD, however, is that it feels like it would be a 11/12+ week plant.

A few leaves on the WD have this variegation going on. I suspect a trait from Chem D.

This run I plan to take to 63-70 days max. I have a few 12+ weekers I have planned for in the fridge. If the Wardawgs turns to be one of them, I’ll run it along with one of those.

Take it cheesy everyone :v:


@Indicana_Jones this is it here. The Wardawgs are in the last three images I posted.


Morning folks!

I bought a digital microscope recently. I’ve never had one of these but they’re fun to play around with. It’s not as fast as a loupe but I can see so much better! This tool will help me a lot.

These are day 41 pictures.

PP#1 :arrow_down:

PP#2 :arrow_down:

Wardawgs, I couldn’t find a bud mass to capture. Unfortunately the trichomes are pretty sparse :frowning: :arrow_down:


I’ve been thinking a bit on the title of my journal and I have decided to change it.

My original intention of my journal was to learn to make seeds ‘organically’. Meaning that, I wanted to stick with the gear I’ve already collected and expand it from there.

Do to the generosity and kindness of the folks here, my plans have changed quite a bit. While I already had a large seed vault before I joined OG, it has become exponentially larger recently. I will post more on that in the coming weeks.

For now, I will still collect pollen from and potentially keep the PawPaw male I have selected. I don’t have much of a plan to create additional seeds aside from some random chucks. For those reasons I have decided to change the title to a more appropriate one.

My thread will henceforth be called;
The Grow Journal of TrichomesToStun


Good morning! Those digital microscopes are something aren’t they? Fun to play around with and look at all sorts of things. Looking good in here!!! :green_heart:


I like it, it is classy.

I related to a lot of that - OG tends to really upend one’s plans, I just had to pick a few strains to run and it was brutal, I am leaving out so much heat!!

Keep up the good work!


Thank you! The hunts sometimes looks great and sometimes not. Next round is going to be some fun I think!

Thank you. The other title was… silly.

And you’re right! I’ll have to somehow prioritize what I’ve got going on now. What usually happens, is mid grow I’ll have a craving for “x” and then a year and a half later I get to smoke it :slight_smile: I haven’t forgot those Jaws cherry strains too. Just waiting for the right deal/time to order.


I’ll follow along buddy. I like threads with weed pictures, not just us mindlessly chattering. Is your Wardawgs from Jaw’s, or a different source? I grew his Dawgs of War. Still have a few buds left. I should get a digi microscope. Maybe Santa will produce one.
Nice looking plants too. Very good…