The information from the old overgrow

Hello all :+1:
I used to be able to find a very large portion of the first overgrow faq and I was wondering if any of you useful people had any cached pages or any websites that are holding the same information.

I’m part of the old OG and would like to get back in touch with some of the characters from back in the glory days lol… I know it was only 14 years ago but that’s an age to many lol.

Anyway this should be considered an open topic but loosely based around the old OG :+1:

Welcome back.


I remember OG1.0 doing cannabis cup coverage and connoisseur guides to cannabis. We really have to admit OG1.0 was way ahead of its time. Way before Facebook and myspaces took over. The thing I miss most was the strain databases where all the grows were logged. All I had to do was type in the seed comany and everygrow from it would pop up because we as growers helped cataloged them. If we tag our threads correctly with company and strain then the current search option would work much better. lam guilty as well. Just a few things I can remember. The new OG is better then none.
Maybe admin can assist in someway to those of us with low tech skills or use mobile phones in adding correct Strain & Company tags to threads?


Here is another site with a large stash of old grow info. Click the link and then use the next button wont work if you click on page number


I think fb used the old strain database layout. They seem very similar from what I remember even the blue color.


Not sure about the color. But yes I totally agree; they stole the layout and overall idea of what overgrow created. And lets think about : With OG out of the way they could copy all they wanted and no one would say a word.