What happened to the Faq

What happened to the Faq? When I first discovered overgrow was back up, I thought it was there. Had the formulas and charts and different grow styles.


Go to the upper right hand corner and click the three lines icon (categories) and go to Advanced Techniques> (click the arrow to the right, in the next box “ALL”) Grow Faq will show up in the drop down menu. peace


I was going to mention it the other day. This seems as good of a spot as any.

I also remember how much faith I put in the old GrowFAQ as a new grower. There were a lot less resources to draw from back then, and the grow FAQ was top notch.

We still have a GrowFAQ but it is a shadow of its former self, and it is placed in an obscure spot that you have to really look for. It used to be right on the top banner. Stickies too. People wrote super informative articles.

All of those detailed articles are out there, but OG is not the place that is really producing them anymore. We have all the information available on here, but you do have to sort for it. OG is an amazing community, but I do think it is aimed at an older, and more experienced group of growers.

It makes me wonder about our mission statement. Are we just a bunch of old farts trading seeds? That is cool. I am still in. The world has changed and we don’t need to be counter culture revolutionaries. There are also a hundred different sites where you can learn basic growing information.

However I think the original ethos was about “over growing” the government, and the price and quality of weed. We should still be teaching new members and encouraging others to grow their own. To that end I think we could do a better job making things like the GrowFAQ bigger and more prominently featured on the site. More easily accessible information for new growers.


Oh man, I’m totally not in either of those demographics.

This one is the most welcoming, and the least insulting.

A lot of the older information is still perfectly valid and repeated across the internet. It’s hard to find OG anything but encouraging considering all the good advice and kind words I have received since joining the community.

I don’t really know what my greater point is supposed to be here, I just like this website and the people that make it so great.


I agree, this one was hard to find. But, just use the search function to poke around. It should lead you to where you want to go. peace


There is really a lot more here than most people can take in at one time. And it is just difficult to organize and present a website especially one that is continually expanding and changing. (Kind of like herding cats) You are welcome to submit ideas and even structure that you think might improve things.

I stumbled across NOTEBOOK: science & og notes + sources and was blown away just a few days ago. :smile:


Dang! Nice stumble.
Thank you. :vulcan_salute: