The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

I sure do love the Cap Junky strain. It’s got to be in the top 5 all-time favorites of mine.


Very pretty purpling on this Jelly Pancakes. She’s not a frost monster but I just have one of those feelings about the quality of her flowers. I’ll know in about 3 weeks.


They both look fantastic!

How long will you be taking the CJ this run?


Going for a more narcotic effect with this run of the Cap Junky. I’ll be looking for 30% + amber trichromes this round. I’m guessing 80ish days or thereabouts. Around August 7-10th most likely.


What nutes do you use @LoveDaAutos ?
Every pic looks beautiful. Well done sir… Well done

I use Mega Crop from @GreenleafNutrients and have been regularly for 4+ years.


Ever considered turning it into an auto? That would be a fun project.


once you cross that jelly pancake with the capjunky it might turn into a frost monster. for all the ihop lovers u can name it pancake junky


I’m pushing 67 years of age, not in the best of health, and growing in a very limited amount of space. That’s probably not going to happen here. :smiley:


It has taken me almost a month to select the four strains I will be growing later this year. One of the strains was a no brainer for me as it’s a strain I’ve wanted to grow now for ever a year. From C.S.I. Humboldt is Triangle Kush a strain that has long fascinated me.

Next up is a strain from Capulator which I purchased last year. Those of you who know me are aware that I really enjoy growing strains with Cookies in the mix. And recently I’ve begun growing some Chem strains so the Capulator Chem Chillz seemed a perfect fit for my tastes. Chem Chillz is (GMO X Chillz)…GMO is (Girl Scout Cookies X Chemdawg) and Chillz is (Sour D X Chem D) so you can see why it ended up in my seed collection.
This strain I plan to reverse for pollen and use that pollen to make some S1 seeds of the Chem Chillz as well as cross it with the other three strains even if only making a handful of seeds.


One of my oldest and dearest friends lives down in Mississippi and she loves loves loves sativas especially those powerful heart fluttering strains that put you on edge and make you nervous as you see things that aren’t really there. :joy: So once again this year I will be growing a couple sativa strains that may check her boxes. Not too long ago I was gifted by an OG member @Emeraldgreen a pack of Zamaldelica photo reg seeds which I will be adding to the list of four strains. Hopefully I can keep it in the tent. From what I hear and have read this sativa might hit a home run with my friend.

And finally I’ve decided to go with another sativa strain. From Dutch Passion is a tin of Durban Poison an OG member traded with me for a pack of Cap Junky beans. I know very little about sativas but Durban Poison is a strain I hear about quite often so I’ll take a shot on it.

Well that’s what I’m going with. Could I change my mind before it’s time to start this grow, you betcha. :laughing: But right this second I’m feeling good about this group of four strains.


Awesome man… look like good genetics too, I can even see your tail waggling… lol

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Looks like a good selection of sativa. Hope your friend falls in love with one of them!

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That’s not my tail! :innocent:

Have you noticed that the Alaska fish fertilizer veg really drops the ph? Is this normal with organic ferts like that and does it effect the the plants badly. Thinking maybe since organic it idk what I’m thinking do you adjust?


I’ve noticed this with lots of organic fertilizers. My tap water us high pH, so it usually works itself out. The soil doesn’t really care, it can actually be helpful in chelating micronutrients.


If you’re growing organically in soil there is no need to worry about the pH. If I am growing and using Mega Crop nutrients I add everything to the water and then balance the pH to around 6.5

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I’m not growing organically actually using megacrop A. So still ph just making sure couldn’t believe it dropped pH to 3 now I know why I burned a couple plants when I didn’t have a pH meter.


Yeah that could do it. I do have to say I use MC often. When it’s treat day for the plants at the end of the 2nd week post flip the plants are fed MC, Terpinator, Cal-Mag, Alaska FF, Kelp meal and Alfalfa meal and I think my pH goes down to about 4.8 or thereabouts.

I have to do a journal for ViparSpectra for a pair of their newer XS 1500 Pro series lights they gave me to test out. I’ll be doing that journal on another site. I am planning to run two autos in 5 or 7 gallon pots in my 2x4 tent. One under each light with some training to keep them lower and bushier. I am considering growing them organically as I have amassed quite a bit of Geo Flora dry organiic nutrients I need to start using. Quite possibly a pair of Sour Livers plants to do a seed increase of one of my favorite Mephisto strains.


great strains to choose im not into sativas for the reason in your description of them lmao. but bigmike has a nice outdoor zamadelica going right now and an indoor one.

if you havent seen holyangels triangle kush runs he would be someone to ask if you need any questions.

that chem chillz sounds tremendous cookies will bring some taste and the chems will bring the high.