The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

I think the lowers are called lowers for this reason. With just 2 weeks to go a light defoliation would help with airflow and might benefit the buds lower down in the plant. If you are feeding your plants some form of sugar you can take a few more fan leaves off.


What form of sugar do you use? White sugar work?
She a beauty
Still out :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
Good morning

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Unsulfured Blackstrap molasses which you can buy at the grocery store does as good a job as any. The three main times I use the molasses are as follows:

  1. When a seedling is about 3 days old I will add a 4 or 5 drops of molasses into 30ml of water, mix it well and then using a pipette slowly squeeze it out along the main stem up to a 2 inch diameter circle around the plant. Have a little new soil right there to cover the wet spot and to hold up the wee one in case it wants to fall over.

  2. I always uppot my plants in to their final pot a week before I flip them. At that time they are fed a loaded tea that brews for 36 hours or so. I add 2 tbs of unsulfured molasses to the tea. I repot the plant and hold back a cup or two of medium and then give them a real nice drink of the tea feeding very slowly across the whole top of the pot till a slight runoff. Then fill the pot to within 2 inches of the top.

  3. Midway through flowering, usually on day 35ish I again make a nice tea and add 2 tbs of molasses to it again, water it in very slowly till just a little runoff and then spread an inch of medium on top to cover the wet surface.

The reason I always cover the top is because the molasses will draw pests and nobody wants pests. And if your plants don’t suck up the little bit of runoff in 30 minutes or so be sure to vacuum it up or wipe it up.

I have a couple friends who grow outdoors who use molasses from seedling stage through harvest at every feeding and they grow monstrous beautiful and delicious plants.

Make sure it is Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses


Beautiful plant I’ll share a pic of my current auto about ready for a defol. Did you see the new mephisto strain?


I did and it will absolutely kill me not to buy a pack. I really need a good sativa auto and that I think is going to be one.


Ya this release got me all tingling inside lol.

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I’m assuming you have the zamelldica auto


What do think about defol this lady? day 63 and yes getting molasses added. Do you think most of the big fans can go?

thats a 2.5 gal airpot


No that looks great just like it is.

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I do have the zamaldelica auto from Night Owl


I’m thinking this Indiana Bubblegum has some pretty tight node spacing.


I just did my final “proper” defoliation on one of the CJ91 plants that keeps getting bushy. First she got her haircut followed by a delicious 36 hour tea. I know her feelings were hurt with the trim but the tea will make her forget all about it. Here are the before and after photos.


Looking good! Thanks for tip about plant. she is starting eating up her big bottoms leaves so getring there.

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Senescence happens all during the life cycle of plants. As cannabis plants near the end of their life cycle the plant cannibalizes its leaves drawing the sugars and nutrients out of them.


This is the time of the grow where I have a love / hate relationship with my flowering plants. The flowering tent is on cruise control, knock on wood everything is moving along beautifully. I just feel like my work is done here, I’ve raised them from infants and now they’re mature young ladies. I just want them to finish up now so I can move on to the next strains. I grabbed a few pictures today of my flowering girls.


Don’t shorten anything I have to agree I have never grown auto I have always been an photo guy and I’m finnalylooking at more autos so the more you say the more I listen !thanks please go on !

You should get go Diddy on the back ! Of your t shirt !

John stienbeck book true classic of classics I loved the original b/w version the guy who played the penguin in batman the TV show from the 70s Bergis Meridith I think his name was .

They all look great buddy.

Question on your tea feedings. When you treat them, are they getting a full feeding like you would normally… or perhaps a half feeding?

I’m unsure how much to give them, and if I should bottom feed by filling the trays or top feeding.

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You know @GCBudz if we were comparing apples to apples I would feel very confident answering your questions about feeding teas to your plants because I could tell you what I do and what works for me. But I am growing in either ProMix or whatever FoxFarm is on sale, not using auto pots.

So a Reader’s Digest version of what I do and you can pick and choose what you want to try.

I make my tea in a 5 gallon bucket. These are the tea bags I currently use.
compost tea bags

I put 4 gallons of tepid water in the bucket, hang the tea bag on the pot down in the water, and turn on the low pressure air pump and run it for about 36 hours. I generally fill it at night and start the pump say on Monday night and turn the pump off on Wed morning. I add enough ingredients to dilute my tea 2:1 so I end up with 8 gallons of tea or thereabouts.

This is just a guess but since you are bottom feeding I believe I would top feed the tea to your plants. Don’t interrupt anything just evenly and slowly pour about 1/2 gallon across the top of each pot. I figure they’ll stop feeding from the bottom while they are uptaking the tea??