The ongoing indoor grow

Hello everyone hope all is well, have a few things going on so let fill you all in. I could use some input from anyone who has experience with using STS. I was thinking I would have been almost, if not ready to harvest pollen from my Blueberry auto but nothing yet. The BB has bud formation everywhere, which I thought it would not do. Is this normal, do I need to wait for the full flowering time before it is ready to harvest the pollen? :thinking: Next is the Sour Dubb, it is starting to take off it is about 4 inches tall right now but its leafs are almost as big as my hand. Finally, I started a Sour Diesel auto and Fruit Punch auto last week and just moved them into solo cups so I can get this seed run in high gear. Just got some Bubble Gum auto pollen from @repins12 so even if I have trouble with the Blueberry I am still making seeds. Also I am getting some Paonia Purple Paralyzer so I am still planning on making at least four hybrid strains
Blueberry auto

Sour Dubb S1


Okay people, I am in a giving mood right now. I have 1 just 1 pack of Gelonade Reg seeds 5 seeds total I am giving away US and Canada only. Who wants it?


Throwing out 1 more free 5 seed pack first come first serve and this pack is Thailand Landrace Reg.


Damn Gelonade sounds interesting! Only reason I’m not hopping on it is I literally just opened the Lebanese you sent me 2 days ago and I don’t want to be selfish. Damn if it isn’t tempting with no one else awake and going for it :laughing:

I only know the little about STS I’ve seen on here so can’t really help you out there. That Sour Dubb is looking good though!


Whatcha got for info on the Thailand Landrace?

Dibs Dibs

Thailand landrace is awesome :ok_hand:
I’d be forever grateful :pray:


Let’s hear it. I’m interested in This Thai. And gelonade? Gonna have to look that up. Anyone claim it yet?

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Gelonade sounds tasty. And sativa dominant! If slick didn’t dibs, I’m gonna. :wink:

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Sorry for making everyone wait on me.
@Rhino_buddy Got dibs on the Gelonade.

The info I have on these seeds is limited. I got the seeds from a person in Hawaii, who in turn got them from points unknown. Only problem is they had passed through so many hands before they got to that point that all I know is they are Thai landrace seeds. If it help I also got some Vietnam Landrace from him and had a OG member who is into SE asia strains said from the look of the seeds I sent him he belives the Vietnam landrace seeds are legit. So it makes me belive the rest of the landrace strains I got from him are okay.

PM me your address @CADMAN


Thanks @darkillusion excited for some more tasty treats. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you @darkillusion very kind of you.


You are welcome. I have 8 different landrace strains now so I wanted to send a few out to spread the love.


Loves the Landrace Genetics :wink: gotta preserve them all.


I agree. After my current auto seeds run that I just started gets over I am thinking about a Landrace seed run. Just not sure which strain I want to do first. Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, or lithuanian.


Could do them all :laughing::rofl:
Pick 1 randomly and produce some budz /seeds.
Preserve them & freeze them for future use.


Does sounds like a good idea however I can only do 3 plants at a time between 2 tents and I dont want to do 2 different strains in the same tent to prevent cross pollination or pollen mixing up. Want to keep them as pure as I can. But since SE asian strains can go for upto 20weeks flowering I will be using my second tent to grow other strains for my personal useage. Sucks living in a apartment.


Me too . Only got 1 tent :tent::unamused:

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How long for the Thailand landrace?

According to the OG member I spoke with about the Vietnam seeds told me SE asian strains can go up to 20 weeks flowering and will get stupid tall after the flip can easily grow 150% more after flipping to flowering. He also said the Vietnam seeds tend to be female more so then male, not sure if the same apply`s to the thailand thorugh.


Just a blanket FYI I have around 300 seeds in the mail from the EU so in the next few weeks I will be able to show off some cool stuff. Some of which I will be giving out in limited numbers.