The ongoing indoor grow

That’s a good FYI. :crazy_face:

Most will be SE asian type strains. The OG member who I spoke with about the landrace seeds was so happy to get 10 seeds from me has sent 2 boxes of seeds my way ~200 seeds he said. That is way more then I need and holding on to that many seeds is just being greedy.


No dibs for me. I just received a pack the other day from @darkillusion so I’m sitting this one out :beers:


Is there seeds being given away? Did I miss something here?

Yea sorry I gave out a pack of Gelonade and Thailand landrace seeds. Had to do some cleaning out of my seed bank and had these to share.


SO much OG love going on today. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Do you wait fore everybody to flock to @ReikoX thread :smile:
:green_heart: :seedling:


No actually I offered them up about 10 hours ago. I try to put them up at off hours to help out people who miss out on the other give a ways.


@Rhino_buddy @CADMAN your seeds are in the mail.


So I need to figure out how to set an alarm to wake me up to, :joy:
Your such a great OG’er
:green_heart: :seedling:


No problem just stirring the seed pot for the sharks chum . More than enough beans I should probably do a cleanse of the vault one of these days .


I wish I had enough to do a “cleanse” lol

When I do a giveaway it’s more like “what could I stand to part with”. I generally have at most like 10-13 seeds of something and most of my stuff is like 3 packs. I’ll just get an itch to do a giveaway though and take the ones I have 10-13 of and offer up a 5 pack. It’s a weird feeling wanting to acquire more seeds with the purpose of being able to give them away!


Yup know the feeling I’ve some quite a few older seeds that should be grown or gave away to be grown before they won’t sprout. Better to not have the strain in the vault and have someone enjoying them then sitting on some duds wishing they’d sprout.


Thank you :blush:

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Same here but would only want them to go to people with experience with old stuff and not people that come, get seed and leave. They would just kill them any way.


I guess I have been lucky in the fact that I have not had to deal with people coming in getting seeds from me and never coming back.


That’s just saying something about the OG community. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hello everyone, Time for this weeks update. It is starting to look like I will not be getting any pollen out of my Blueberry auto. Pollen sacs are starting to fall off the plant and there are all dry as a bone empty. To add insult to injury it has a lot of nice looking bud everywhere on the plant and since I used STS on it I can not even smoke it. I think for next time I will dose the plant more often. My Fruit Punch auto died a day after my last update so I dropped a Critical Jack auto in water and it turned out to be a dud, so I dropped one more Fruit Punch into water and guess what…another dud /facepalm. So slight change of plans. I transferred the Sour Diesel into its growing container and moved it into my big tent and also moved my Sour Dubb next to it in the tent.The Sour Diesel will be getting the Bubblegum pollen and the Sour Dubb will be getting the Paonia Purple Paralyzer pollen. Now that I moved the Sour Dubb out of its tent that tent is now open, time to try out a Landrace. Not sure which one to try first Vietnam, Thailand, or Lithuanian.
Blueberry auto

Sour Diesel/Sour Dubb


Hello again, got a few things going on. To start I cut the Blueberry auto down last week, got zero pollen out of it. I think for next time I will need to use a lot more STS on the plant, but I will chalk this up as a learning experience. Since The Blueberry is gone I can now officially retire that tent. It is just to small for my needs. The Sour Dubb and Sour Diesel auto are doing well I am going to give them another 2 weeks before I switch the tent over to flowering. Next I have started to play around with my landrace seeds. I had started to soak a Vietnam landrace seed last week and it popped open but died a few days later. I have a second seed in water at the moment and it has begun to pop open, so I know the seeds are viable just will need a lot of care to get them started. Finally, about a month ago I had a Swiss OG member PM me about a trade for some of my landrace seeds and today I got in the first of two packages from him. I received some Snowhigh Vietblack and Hoabac. Unfortunately about 25% of the seeds got crushed but I still have enough to work with. Normally I would make a few packs to give out freely but with these I am going to ask that people please PM me about getting a few of these. After the long shipping they went through I think they will need extra care to work.
Sour Dubb/Sour Diesel auto


Sorry the STS thing did not work out brother. My understanding is with the autos, we must start out with a known feminized seed. You and I both used regular autos. My understanding, also is, that you gotta start with the STS after the 3rd-5th set of true leaves, above the coty’s. I made that mistake with my first autos, that were feminized, that I tried. I waited until they showed signs of flowering, before starting STS. This time, I started the STS early, as my research, says I should. Problem was, these were regular seeds and the plant was already a dude, I think that :thinking: the STS, mighta put it on steroids, that fucker, was a beast. The next attempt, some where down the road, I will start with a known feminized auto. I have never intentionally tried to create seeds before and am still on a bit of a learning curve. It may turn out better in the long run, that they are regular autos.
Your plants are looking outmotherfuckingstanding, my brother.
I hope that all is well in your neck of the woods. Have a great day, my friend :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Received today… Thank you very much @darkillusion much appreciated.