The ongoing indoor grow

Hello everyone here is what has been going on. Both the Sour Dubb and Sour Diesel auto are doing great. Just put in my SOG net and I plan on flipping over to flower in the next week or two. The Vietnam Landrace seed is a slow grower. It is about ready to break ground and is green so I guess its okay. Also in the mail today I got my seeds I won from the OG auction last month, plus a few freebies. :+1:
Sour Dubb/ Sour Diesel auto


Well I got a lot of seeds and no room to grow them so I feel like giving out a few right now USA and Canada only, sorry. I have the following up for grabs
Jamaican Landrace Reg 1 pack 5 seeds
Slippery Rails #1 X Cake Crasher Reg By Baked Beans 1 packs 5 seeds
Hoabac Reg 1 pack 5 seeds
So that is 3 packs total who will the lucky 3 people be tonight?


I sure wouldn’t mind the cake crasher please

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PM me your address

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Appreciate it thank you.

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I will have it in the mail tonight.


Dont be shy people the seeds do not bite.

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Ok, not shy, more beans please? :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: Perhaps a trip to Jamaica since the cake has been eaten?


Overseas allowed? If yes, I’m in!!! :sunglasses: slippery rails…

do we call dibs?

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I am leery on overseas shipping my luck has been less then ideal when it come to the package getting to the final stop. I know I have sent a few thing to you not sure if they ever arrived.

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Not till the moment…

@DougDawson @G-paS pick a strain and PM my your address.

If USA is OK I am third so what isn’t picked.

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Thats why I am just doing for US and Canada I know I can get the package anywhere in those countrys. Hate to ship it if I know there is a high chance of if not making it.


USA and Canada is okay.

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Agreed! Not a problem!!! Thanks anyhow!

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It looks like the cake got eaten so a trip to Jamaica please :slight_smile:


I still have 1 cake left had 2, 5 packs to start with. @G-paS which strain would you like if he takes the cake I have a landrace and Hoabac.


Ok great. I will say ladies first @G-paS

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