The ongoing indoor grow

Talk about super fast thanks again.

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Outta likes, my brother. Outmotherfuckingstanding. Iā€™m gonna try and call you next week and we can catch up on a few things. Have a great day, my friend :+1:t4: :v:t4:


If you are going for the pollen I asked for Black Candy land. If you can get the Black cookies we can trade some.

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Awesome. Iā€™ll go back and ask for that. I just stated that I would take either :+1:t4: :v:t4:

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Just opened up some Hoabac! Thanks again kind sir!


Just a quick midweek updateā€¦The Sour Diesel auto went into flowering a few days ago, was a little disappointed to see it would not a grow into a hedge tree like the last one but thats the way it goes. That is until I got home just a little while ago. Just gave them a quick look over to see how things are going and I noticed my Sour Dubb is starting to flower. That is when I realized I made a silly mistake, when I put the Sour Diesel/Dubb into the tent I forget to change the timer on the lights back to 18/6 it was still setup for flowering from my Ohelo Berry and Aloha OG. Just means things will be finished a little faster then I expected. Moved my Vietnam Landrace to another tent setup for 18/6 might be the reason it is growing slow, and I also started another Vietnam Landrace seed.

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Iā€™m growing an auto under 12/12 on purpose right now and curious to see what itā€™ll do. I expect it to be on the small side and will be happy with whatever I get off it but if I did it accidentally I can imagine I would be bummed lol

Look at it as an experiment. Just a weird variable that you can observe the effects of and eventually smoke :smile:


Yea both plants will be fine, just the Sour Dubb will be a little smaller then I was expecting. But since I am just doing this for seeds it works out in my favor, both will be finished sooner then I was planning.


Iā€™ve grown autos under 12/12 and even switched them from 12/12 to 18 or 20/6. Iā€™ve been growing em with my photos, for kinda a perpetual grow, until these last 2 auto seed runs, Iā€™m finishing up on. Usually get 2-3 auto harvests, to one photo run. Actually, I run 11/13 during flower. Thatā€™s the beauty of autos, they are not on a light schedule but, a time schedule to flower. 1 more auto seed run after I finish up the one, that I have going on now and I will be back to running autos and photos, for non-seeded bud. I have had a few autos that refused to flower until I flipped them to 11/13 but, then I flip them right back to 18 or 20/6, if I am not flowering photos, in the tent. I also use autos, in this way to strain hunt, there is usually a photo counterpart to most autos :v:t4:

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It doesnā€™t stress them to flip them the opposite? I wouldnā€™t think it would revert an auto to veg or anything but Iā€™d be worried about herming them. This is good to know!

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If you would like, I will tag you into my journal, my methods are somewhat ouuta the box :v:t4:


Yeah Iā€™d definitely like to check it out! The Ghost Rose Iā€™m growing is an auto that was a last minute replacement for a male I culled when everything was already under 12/12. Still might run it 12/12 all the way through just to see what it does but my LED is on a male right now and wonā€™t be for that much longer so itā€™s nice to have options.

@darkillusion the seeds landed a few days ago. They set in the MB a couple days because I forgot to check my email.
I finally got the photo and loaded from phone to laptop.

Again Thank You so much. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
:green_heart: :seedling:


That is one heck of a understatement my friend. :laughing:


Here it is another week another update.Both the Sour Diesel and Sour Dubb are doing fine, just waiting on there colas to start forming so I can break out the pollen. I have some JOTI pollen in the mail if it shows up in time I just might use some as well. The landrace seeds both died after moving them into the other tent not sure what the problem is but I am not going to worry to much about it. Just dropped a Lithuanian into water, see what happens.


Time for the weekly update. The Sour Diesel auto got big and fast and is looking mighty good right now, and the Sour Dubb is looking very small next to the Sour Diesel but is doing great. Colas have already begun to form to the point I dusted both plants with the two types of pollen I have on have. Did four main stems from both plants, two for the Bubblegum auto pollen and the other two for the PPP pollen. I have been so busy with work I was unable to keep on eye on the landrace seed I had starting out and it dried out and died on me. O well, I will drop something into water in the next few days.
Sour Diesel auto/ Sour Dubb S1


Iā€™m out of likes. Looks great. Love the set up.


Thank you very much for your kind words. :+1:

Itā€™s hard work. Itā€™s almost unbearable sometimes. I was in the heat yesterday. Doing clean up. It take time. Not cheap either. The products and supplements are not cheap.

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The hard work for me comes into play just trying to get enough free time to tend to them right now because of work.

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