The ongoing indoor grow

Please be careful with the focus if it’s an automatic and not a lot of maintenance wss done it’ll need at least a transmission rebuild within the next couple to ten thousand miles from the pos transmission in those model years and not saying it’s 100% happens but its just something that I have seen dozens of times when I worked at Ford for 13 years so just FYI glad that you’re safe as well The Doc


Well thanks for the info…will take that off the list.

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jeez glad your ok people have no idea how dangerous that can be one of my biggest fears on the highways. hopefully you werent to shaken up


I was fine, and not to worried about this. I was not hurt, my job is understanding so I am in no pressure to get back for another 2 days. So all I can do now is get the problem fixed by doing the only thing I can…throwing money at it. Already have a 2k deductible plus what ever I spend on a rental.


That sucks, I’m glad you weren’t hurt…scary shit a flying tire.


Its a bird, its a plane, no…its a flying tire, and its coming right at me. All I can do now is try to laugh about this. Also helps a lot that I have enough money in the bank to not have to worry about the financial cost this will run me.


Couple years ago me a a few friends rode motorcycles to Arkansas for the Bikes Blues and BBQ deal. We were traveling down the interstate about 60 mph. Got behind an 18 wheeler. All of a sudden. One of his tires came apart. The impact of that giant piece of rubber hitting my bike, nearly brought me down. It busted the shit out of my fairing and windshield. Scary as hell! Nearly had to go back to the hotel to wipe. LOL


A few years ago we had a whole wheel come off the second axel on our livestock trailer. It cross the road and almost hit a motorcycles. Thank God he was aver good defensive driver.

We had to have the studs drilled out and replaced on the axel.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Well I guess I need to take my mind of my car troubles for a few so let me post what is going on. Just a few updates since my last post. The Ghost Toof X Sugar Black got moved into her growing container, also she is small compared to the other three plants at that point in time for them. Hoping she will have a big growth spurt soon. Just noticed that the Samsquanch OG F2 and
Arachnid Pie have both started growing hairs, with any luck the Widows Red Berry Cheesebake will not be to far behind. Fog Dog is just fine, planning to give her some pollen in the next week at the rate she is going.


Nice! Car troubles suck!

:green_heart: :seedling:


Well here it is another week has passed and here is what I have going on.
Gave the FogDog a nice coating of pollen yesterday, this one is just a little smaller then the last one I grew but has more branching which gives me more colas to pollinate.
In the big tent all of the auto minus the Ghost Toof X Sugar Black have started flowering. Hoping in another week or two she will be doing the same. So far all the plants have given me no problems at all


Time for an update.
The FogDog auto has taken the pollen I gave it last week and seed formation has started. I gave it some more pollen the other day when I found a few spots I missed before, I want to get as many seeds from this plant as I can get. Beyond that the FogDog has been issue free as far as growing is concerned.
In the main tent all for plants are doing very well, Still waiting on the Ghost Toof X Sugar Black to start flowering. But she looks like she might be starting flowering soon, fingers crossed. The other three plants are well into flowering at this point in time. The Arachnid Pie and Samsquanch OG F2 are the two plants that have the most upward growth, while the Widows Red Berry Cheesebake looks like she will be a little shorter when all is done. Just like the FogDog all the plants in this tent have been on cruse control since the start.

L to R; Arachnid Pie, Samsquanch OG F2, Widows Red Berry Cheesebake, Ghost Toof X Sugar Black


Looking good, my brother :+1:t4:


Today of all days…the Ghost Toof X Sugar Black Rose just started shooting out hairs. So its official, all four plants in the main tent are in flowering.


Some of my favorite strains in the grow qnd it’s been great reading through and currently got up to speed and I am happy to see your beautiful grow and Happy growing and 4/20 The Doc

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Well today was my day off so I guess it is time to post a update.
The FogDog is about half way through flowering and besides giving it water and light I have done nothing else to it. I also see a lot of very big and fat seeds forming. Hoping the seeds that I get from this plant also carry this ease of growing trait.
In the main tent all four plants are forming bud everywhere, what a week. Did have to give the Arachnid Pie some Cal-Mag today, but I am not worried about that since these plants will be finished in a few weeks. I am expecting all four plants to be finished in the next 7-8 weeks, and the FogDog in 3-4 weeks.
A few weeks ago I got into a slight auto accident to which I am still waiting on my car to be fixed :triumph:. But right after it happened I had a co-worker help me out by covering for me at work one or two times and when I asked him what I could do to repay him he just told me to do some Girl Scout Cookies. So I spent the last week trying to get some of my GSC seeds to pop open and start with no luck, so I decided to pull out the big guns, my Coked Out School Girl (Girl Scout Cookies X Snow) from CSI.
She has popped open and is in soil next to my FogDog. By the time the FogDog is ready to come down will be about the time the Coked Out School Girl will need to be replanted into a final grow container.


Wow the string of bad luck and now you’re back within a month w girls already to go. I wonder if there’s such a thing as a “world record grow dismantle and restart” title :grin: You definitely have a system in your situation that’s impressive :+1:

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Thanks, I do what I can with what I have.


Hello everyone, its time for this weeks episode of show and tell…
The FogDog is just trucking along with no problems. Starting to see a few seeds starting to show themselves and I am expecting to be finishing off this plant by the end of the month. Once she is out of the way my Coked Out Schoolgirl will take over the tent. But I do plan on growing out one of the seeds I get from the FogDog in my small tent I retired so I can see how this cross plays out. Speaking of the Schoolgirl she is growing fast, less then a week after starting her and she is already 3 inches tall. In the big tent all four plants are just like last week just doing there thing. No problems and no issues in the tent after a small amount of cal-mag and nutes was given to them. The Ghost Toof X Sugar Black Rose has had a major growth spurt and is about 2 inches shy of being the tallest plant in the tent. I am expecting all four plants in this tent to be ready early next month.


Here it is another week and it is time for an update.
The FogDog is at day 67 of 90 so 3 weeks left and she is doing well. Looking forward to starting one of her seeds when she comes down. I really like how easy this strain is to grow.
I will be repotting the Coked out Girl Scout tomorrow into a larger container so she can start to do her thing.
In the big tent all four plants are getting nice and stinky, no issues with any of them but I did give them the their last round of nutes to help them through the last 4-5 weeks of flowering.