The ongoing indoor grow

Hello everyone, the FogDog is all but done. Pulled out a seed that was fully formed and passed the crush test, have it in water now to see if she germs. Beyond that the tips on all the colas on the FogDog are starting to show there age. She is at day 74 now going to give her one more week and see how it is going.

The Coked Out Girl Scout is not really liking the tent she is in now, it gets a little warmer in this tent because it has no exhaust fan and it seems she has a problem with warmer temps. But I have it under control by opening some side vents.

In the main tent all four autos are getting very stinky and frosty and are doing just fine.


Nice forest you have growing there.


Hello everyone, I cut the FogDog down a few days ago and I got a lot of seeds from her. But I have yet to get any seeds I have put into water to pop open, hope I did not just find myself with a bunch of dud seeds. Anyways I have named this strain Drunken Cherry FogDog.

Moved the Coked Out Girl Scout into the tent the FogDog was in and she likes this tent much better then the other one.

The autos in the main tent are looking very nice I am hoping in the next 3 weeks they can all come down.


Great grow and I’m really happy to see u getting some good looking plants and seeds I’m curious about the fog dog n I’m gonna be trying some from Atlas seeds I wasn’t a member for long when corey did the fog dog autos and I hope that u get good germination and is this from the “real” fog dog or the ones I have gotten through Atlas and I’m kinda bummed about that they’re different strains and it’s nice to get a comparison to see Happy Growing The Doc


Well I got a few extra fog dog seeds from Corey if you want a few.


I’d be very grateful for that ¡


PM me your address I can send it tonight after work.


Hey my brother, from another mother. Those were fem’s right? I’m having a brain fart. Trying to figure out my line up, for this next run.
Glad to see everything back on track for you, my friend. Plants are looking good :+1:t4:


The fogdogs are fem as are the seeds I just got out of my fogdog.


Outmotherfuckingstanding. Were you able to collect any pollen? I’m kicking my ass for not collecting any of the feminized White Widow pollen but, I was pre-occupied, getting ready for my cancer surgery. I think that I did pretty good, just getting that run across the finish line, with everything, that I had going on. Glad I stuck with it, those feminized White Widow crosses, seem to be doing good, for everyone.
These are the 6 different crosses of em, I got growing right now

I kinda hate using gear from Mark, because he never want’s to give me the strain info. Kinda like pulling teeth from an alligator, to get any info from him :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


I am loving your white widow crosses I’m a huge ww fan and am looking to do a cross of white widow x critical mass and I’m so excited about it amd what kinda crosses have u made with the Widow??? Happy Growing The Doc…also I wish u the best with your upcoming procedure sending some good vibes your way @repins12


No I have not reversed any of my FogDogs for pollen…yet. The seeds I got out of the FogDog I just finished were from the Cherry Brandy pollen I got from reversing those two late last year.


Gotcha :+1:t4: :v:t4:

1 Like

I did something similar :wink:

Critical Red Hour Glass. White Widow x Auto Critical

Auto Critical + | Linda Seeds

Our feminized Auto Critical+ Strain is extremely popular with many commercial growers. Of course we take this into account and are happy to give a quantity discount! Please feel free to contact us!

Stable growth, reliable production (THC 15-20%) and high yields in a short time are the unbeatable advantages of this cannabis plant.

Auto Critical+ seeds have been bred to produce, just like the original Critical+, a strong plant with dense and large buds and indica turn. The cannabis plants remain at a manageable height of 60-80cm and yet yields are impressively high.

About 9 weeks after sowing, Auto Critical+ is ready for harvest. If you grow the seeds outdoors, you should sow the hemp seeds from the end of May until mid June at the latest. The harvest time is then from the beginning to the end of August, depending on the sowing.

When grown outside, you can achieve a harvest of about 100g/plant. If you sow later and the plants do not reach maturity until the end of September, the yield will also be somewhat reduced. Indoors grown you can expect a yield of 12 to 16 plants/m² with 500-600g under 600W with 12 to 16 plants/m². Critical+ Automatic Cannabis seeds are an indica/sativa cross with Ruderalis genes, like all self-flowering cannabis strains.

The indica dominance is evident in the effect it produces when smoked. Auto Critical Plus has a very relaxing effect and slightly anaesthetizes the body. The grass of Critical+ Automatic has a sweet skunk aroma. The potency of the final product from Auto Critical+ marijuana seeds is wonderfully balanced. You will not get a “killer grass”, but a balanced “stoned” one.

Flowering Time
8 - 10 weeks
Seed Type
Growth Area
THC Level
15 - 20 %
Critical+ x Ruderalis

Reversed White Widow

Auto White Widow | Linda Seeds

The cannabis plants of these cannabis seeds are direct descendants of the great White Widow variety. Easy to grow and effective to enjoy. In the flowering phase, this Indica classic and Cannabis Ruderalis cross produces large, firm buds that develop a distinct aroma as they grow.

The Auto White Widow Strain - clear design and high yield

Within ten to twelve weeks, the strain will germinate into a plant ready for harvesting, which can reach a medium height (about 150cm) and will be rewarded with a large harvest.

The buds will be covered with almost excessive resin and will generate a clear, even effect when used. The high leads to physical relaxation as well as in beautiful harmony the mind knows how to captivate.

With THC values of up to 20% and a slightly higher than regular CBD content, the Autoflowering variety can also be used for therapeutic purposes. Under ideal conditions, yields of up to 250 grams per plant (600W/m²) can be expected.

Lots of THC (THC 15-20%), lots of yield (250g/plant), lots of cannabis plant (150cm), lots of free time !!

Flowering Time

10 - 12 weeks




mostly indica

Seed Type


extra large

Growth Area

THC Level

15 - 20 %

White Strains



White Widow x Ruderalis


I think that I have over 20 Widow feminized auto crosses :v:t4:


Your making them all sound good . I like the sound of 250 grams per plant .


Well I have all but given up on the seeds I made with the FogDog. I have now soaked 20 seeds in water and all have failed to pop open. So there is that, was hoping I had something cool to grow but guess that is not happening.
The Coked Out Girl Scout is taking off and looking very good. Plan on giving her another week or two before I flip to flowering.

In the main tent all four autos are nearing the end of the road. 3 plants are on week 11 and 1 on week 10. I am hoping by the time I flip the Coked Out Girl Scout to flowering I will also be cutting the autos down.


Well I cut down the Arachnid Pie Friday after work and just finished jarring it up for curing. She topped out at 26 inches tall with a 2.25oz yield. Would have liked to give her a few more days to get some more amber, but my stock of smoke-able said I needed to cut a plant down.

The other three plants are doing fine, planning on cutting down the Samsquanch OG F2 and Widows Red Berry Cheesebake in the next few days with the Ghost Rose next week.
Samsquanch OG F2

Widows Red Berry Cheesebake

Ghost Rose

The Coked Out Girl Scout is starting to fill in with new growth. Plan is to flip to flowering in another week or two. From my research on this strain I have found that there is 2 pheno types in this strain, a short and a tall type and it looks like I have the short type. After 6 weeks of veg. she in not even 8 inches tall.

Finally I was planning on growing out one of the seeds I got from the FogDog, but since I am 0/15 on getting a seed to pop open I decided to go with a different strain. At first I went with Critical Jack auto, but after 6 days I only had a 3mm taproot that did not develop after that point. So I tossed that seed out and dropped something else in water. If it goes good I will show it off next week.


Outmotherfuckingstanding, my brother :+1::clap::v:


Very nice haul on a beautiful plant.

:green_heart: :seedling: