The ongoing indoor grow

My power bill with three tents running is less than $100 a month.


The power consumption with LEDs now is crazy low… My tent with all 4 lights going and all the water pumps and air pump, total 705 watts from the wall :grin:

Your grows are looking awesome my friend!! I’m really curious how that GDPX is going to turn out. I don’t know why, but the name reminds of Wolverine and “X-24”, the bad wolverine, lol. If you want anyone to try out that GGCB (Grape Grape Cherry Brandy… Sorry, best I’ve got right now :joy:), you know who to PM :grin::wink:

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GDPX? I am lost…did I miss something?

I’m not much of a drinker, but a quick Google search says that cognac is a type of brandy that is always made with grapes. Don’t know if this helps or not but it’s all I got lol

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Actually that helps a lot…like a lot.

How does OG Cognac or Cognac OG sound?


Not at all my friend, apparently my cheese is slipping off my cracker :joy:. Might be time for the super hero costumes in the closet over here :rofl:


I am afraid to know what you have in your closet. :rofl:


Hahahahhaa no no… There’s very little chance I’m not going to end up with some form of dementia and won’t remember much. So, to have a little fun with it, my Mrs and I have agreed, we’re going to buy a bunch of superhero costumes and when I get really bad, she has full permission to rotate costume and have some quiet fun with me :joy::rofl::metal:

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Careful now she might just be giving you a false sense of security with that. For all you know she might instead dress you up to look like little bo peep.

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Hahahaha I’m much less worried about little bo peep than superman and a ladder to the roof :rofl:

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You would be better off if you were dressed as a pirate with a steering wheel on your belt buckle.

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Adding that to the list :joy:

So, far, that’ll be right up there to watch with with the Flash… Imagine me, at 80… “Running” like the Flash :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Imagine someone asking what the steering wheel is all about. Just to say…
Argh…there driving me nuts.


If I could remember the punchline :joy:

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Another week, another update…

In the main tent I took the male plant out a few days ago and sent him on his merry way to retire in the city landfill. All three remaining plants are all forming seeds everywhere and I got a small amount of pollen to keep in my freezer, so I am happy.

The Emerald Fire OG has another week or two to go before she comes down and is doing fine.

In the last tent the Sour Twist started to go into flowering six days ago and started to get tall. I also moved the Purple Eurkle cross into its going container and it is already going to be a needy plant when it comes to cal-mag.


Looking frosty… Keep up the good work :grinning: :grinning:


Stupendous looking :eyes: pictures and a good looking :eyes: grow. Keep it going my friend! :facepunch::+1::wink::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Had a light easy week with the plants due to being sick this past week, but that is why it is nice when everything is on cruse control.

The Emerald Fire OG is almost ready to come down. Just finishing out the last few days letting more amber form.

The Sour Twist has blown up in size over the last week and is now pushing 3 feet tall. The Purple Eurkle cross next to it is looking kinda small. Will be flipping this plant to flowering in a few more weeks.

In the main tent all three plants are doing fine and seeds are forming everywhere.


you have a closeup of the cola with seeds growing, just interested how its looking.
Looking great as always. :grinning:


I can post a few pics of the once the lights come back on tomorrow.