The ongoing indoor grow

Fingers crossed for ya, that’d be wicked!

Although I have to admit, I was really hoping it meant we’d be able to walk down the street with a doob, and that must certainly is not the case (but, for some reason its ok for someone to shoot heroine in the same place, I don’t get the policies here 🤷)

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Enjoying a nice rainy tropical storm weekend here and I have a few things to go over in this post.

The GG#4 and Double Grape are almost done. Even through the GG#4 started first the Double Grape turns out to have a seed to weed timeline of 65-70 days so that makes me happy. I have already taken a small sample of both plants to try out and I already like what I have going.

The Emerald Fire OG has bud formation going all over her and is looking good. She does not look like she will be a tall plant looks like she will top out around the size of the GG#4. Now pay attention to how well the buds are starting to form in the picture below because it will come into play in just a moment.

Now to the Blue Afghani plants…where to start. When I started this run out I kept the plants in tents with the other plants since there are all autos. But during that time something just seemed odd to me, the plants grew but not as fast as I was expecting. So I decided that when I put them into the main tent I would give them a longer light cycle of 18/6 thinking it will help them grow better. Soon after I got them into the main tent two of the plants started to go into flowering and I figured the other two other plants would start soon after. Since then the two that went into flowering have stopped flowering and look like this.

Keep in mind they started flowering about the same time as the Emerald Fire OG and you can seed what it looks like. The other two have yet to start, so this only leads me to one conclusion. These plants are not autos they are photos and the two females are in reveg.


That’s a trip about the blue Afghanis… Shitty, but I’d let em rip man, the bud should be delicious! :grin::grin::metal:

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I do not see it as a bad thing, Blue Afghani is known for being a fast flowering strain so its all good.


Bet that discovery blew your mind :exploding_head:, I always run my autos 18/6 start to finish and so all I ever adjusted if the light height and intensity. Nice looking :eyes: grow buddy! :+1::facepunch::wink::ok_hand::hugs::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Not really, it seemed off from the start and I had a feeling this was the reason for some time now. I just wanted to have some physical proof before I made the official call.


Finally made the cut with the GG#4 and I am happy with what I have. Found a few seeds when I was taking it down. However none of the seeds were good. Planning to cut down the Double Grape in the next few days with any luck.

Emerald Fire OG is doing fine and firmly on cruse control.

Finally in the main tent I am getting ready to flip the tent to 12/12 and get flowering started. I plan on taking one female out of this tent to flower with out getting pollen on it assuming one of the two plants that did not show there sex is a male.


I see :eyes: you 🫵 got everything on cruise control now. Way to go buddy. Good luck :four_leaf_clover: on the flip. I am watching you take this to the finish line :checkered_flag:! :blush::hugs::crossed_fingers::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::v:


Had a decent week and hope everyone else can say the same and I have a few updates…
Last Sunday I set my main tent to 12/12 flowering light to take affect Monday. When I did one last check of the plants Sunday night I noticed a pre hair coming out of the largest plant of the four Blue Afghani plants and was one of the two that I did not yet know the sex of. So now I have 3 females but I am not sure why it would do that while still in flowering light. This just makes me very unsure as to just what type of plants I have…photo, auto I am unable to say for sure. Just means any seeds I get from this run I will need to find a few testers to independently test out these seeds to help me figure it out. I know I will get seeds from this run because the final plant showed its sex yesterday and it is a male, so I ended up with 3 females and 1 male. All plants are doing good and I am looking forward to getting onto the next stage of this grow.

Plants A-D left to right. Plant A Male, Plants B-D Female
Next, I have moved the Double Grape into the tent with the Emerald Fire OG until she is done. Just waiting on amber to form now I was hoping she would be ready by now but I am still waiting.
The Emerald Fire OG is starting to get nice and frosty, she is about a third of the way through flowering so I still have some time to go with her.

Since I have a free tent open I started a Sour Twist auto to keep the machine in gears here. I am fixing to be playing musical chairs with the plants here soon. As soon as the Double Grape comes down the Sour Twist will be taking its place in that tent. I am also fixing to start a photo fem seed still thinking over what I want to drop but I will be dropping a seed sometime tonight.


A tester for Blue Afghani?? I could probably be persuaded to throw a bean or two down :wink::grin::grin::grin:

Plants are lokking great man, especially the stacking on your emerald fire OG on the left :ok_hand:. Yummy :grin:

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The plant on the left is the Double Grape…Plant on the right is the Emerald Fire OG.

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Oh, sorry, I can’t read, haha 🤦😂

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Everything looking :eyes: good bro :sunglasses:, then again I expect nothing less of you or your grows! :rofl: :wink::blush::partying_face::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:


Been a long week for me that I am happy is over.
I am getting ready to cut down the Double Grape here either tonight or tomorrow. Would like to give it just a little more time but my smokeable reserves say otherwise.
The Emerald Fire OG is getting very frosty, I expect this plant to be ready in another month. In the meantime it is on cruse control.

Double Grape

Emerald Fire OG

In the main tent all four plants are firmly in flowering. Plant A, the male plant is starting to drop some pollen so will not be much longer before its raining pollen in the tent.
Plant B and Plant D were the two plants that went into reveg and did not really get that big overall. Plant D is really small and I am not expecting much from that plant.
Plant C is the real gem of the run, big and bushy.

Finally in the last tent the Sour Twist is doing good it will be another week or two before I transplant her into a growing container. Also last week I started another seed and now I want to show it off. I started a Purple Eurkel X Fallen Soldiers Photo Fem from CSI. I did want to do something else but with it being only half way through hurricane season I did not want to run something really cool only to lose it because of something from a hurricane like a post storm apartment inspection.


Auto looks :eyes: good, glad it’s ready so you don’t run out of smoke :dash:. I would be devastated with out weed to smoke :dash:! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::blush::wink::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Well it is a theme I have had to deal with since December. That is why I will be happy if come November recreational weed passes in Florida. I can just hit up a shop until my plants finish.


Was a good week for the most part with a little bit of excitement.
On Friday there was a small fire in one of the other apartment buildings on the other side of the complex. An air handler in the attic started to spark and got some insulation to start to smolder. Fire department came and put it out. No damage to any apartments or the building itself. I do not expect the front office to conduct any apartment inspection from this since the fire marshal already inspected the apartments a few months ago for the fuse box. The fire extinguishers have all been checked for this year as well. If anything they might check the handlers in the rest of the buildings in the complex. Just wanted to put that out there. Now on to the plants…

In the main tent all the plants have been pollinated and I am just giving the male plant an extra day or two so I can collect some pollen before I cut him down. With the way all the plants have grown so far there is no way these plants are autos. Other than that all the female plants are doing fine. Plant C has gone all over the place and is just huge.

The Emerald Fire OG is doing fine as well just finished giving her a trim to see her better. Planning on cutting her down in another 2-3 week hopefully.

In the final tent I just repotted the Sour Twist into its growing container. Going to keep her in this tent for a little while longer before I move her into the tent with the Emerald Fire OG. That way I can give the Purple Eurkle cross plenty of room to grow nice and big.

One final thing, I am looking for ideas on what to name my newest cross. Anyone have any ideas?
Double Grape X Cherry Brandy


Is your electricity included in your rental payment each month?

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No, that is separate.

Bummer! That would be nice. I had a friend who had probably the best rental agreement back in 2010 were he had to only pay for internet and everything else was covered for a two bed, two bath apartment with a large balcony. I think in total it was $1100 at the time.