The Power of Boron



I recently started buying a pack of micronutrients from Build A Soil. It’s supposed to have all the important micros and humic acid, and is sold as Big6. There is another popular product called Trace 7 I think. BAS said their’s leaves out iron because Colorado already has plenty in our soil.

So, really, ideally, I should be using the one with all 7 because I use ProMix and EWC, and a small amount of Ocean Forest soil, or bagged organic Humus, and figured I may be missing the trace elements because of my mix. It may actually be in my new Roots Terp Tea… It’s replacing the older dry stuff. They did add sulfur so I need to check on the others.

Now that I know it only comes from space I want to up my intake to maybe 10% of my total mix. It’ll be the new soil thing of the future; Space soil will replace super soil. Because well, it’s got stuff from space in it.

Actually, I have only been using those trace elements at the rate of a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water/nute mix. I’m hoping I can make myself pick up KNF soon, to at least cut some of my costs. I’m all organic but now that I’ve been back growing for a while, I know I can come up with cheaper ways to achieve good results.

I did let a few of my volunteer plants outside grow on their own until flowering and you’d be amazed how strong pot plants are when you leave the seed outside in the dirt all winter and it comes up when it’s the right time. It was fascinating. Even watering, they seem to be able to go without it easier than the way most of us grow. The best example came up in a crack in the hardpan clay soil just outside my back porch. It was a beast until it showed he was male, and then I chopped it.

It’s a wonder when you compare those seeds left outside all winter with the ones I try and baby pretty much.YMMV. now, where’s that bowl… I gotta let somebody else talk around here.


My :brain: hurts


You don’t need to listen to any of this nonsense. Have you seen your plants lately?! lol… I wouldn’t change anything at your crib Paps. You’s been a machine lately. Keep up the good work!


It’s a bit of a shotgun approach, but it works. What if I told you you could test your soil and only add those that are defficient?? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:




Welcome home!


Any thoughts on Brawndo?


Yep, all shotgun approach, lol… I figure what can be in Peat. So, I cover some basics and not ask questions, haa

My regular soil is heavy clay, but it’s probably got more silica in it than lots of places.

Yep, promix, ewc, and a little composted soil of some sorts, and then I picked a good organic nutrition product, in Root’s Organics, and add silica and trace elements. One day I’ll get off of the store bought nutes.

First thing to do is test my soil. But, from the massive weeds we grow here indicate pretty good soil. It’s too heavy to mix into my pots. I’ve been easing back a little on the nutes I use now.

For now, though, I need to go and check my plants again for any Boron damage.

Hey @ReikoX, do you have a good place to get your soil tested? Does Build A Soil do it?


:face_with_monocle: toxicity vs deficiency… :face_with_monocle:

So I dimmed my lights and pushed my calmag which led to a potassium deficiency which expresses itself as this:

It appears you were right all along. I’m going to invest in boron stock. It’s BRN on the ticker if someone wants to join me.


@westcoastcroppers aka @StrainAuthorityGroup

Show me a non-deficient plant, por favor.

@Northern_Loki It contains that which plants crave, to be certain. And it mutilates thirst.


Logan Labs is who I’ve used. Build-a-soil does offer testing through Logan Labs.


Thanks, I’ve been meaning to do it. Is Logan Labs in Denver? I’ll look it up. I’d like to test a few areas of my property.

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One place you can usually get tests done is through your county extension office. A lot of times, they’ll have soil test kits that go to a state university that does the test.


Ah, good idea. Thanks!

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It’s got what plants crave. @vernal knows


“ROFLIUM, the only antidepressant you’ll ever need.”


Man I hate these tests heh

The first article is all “elevated levels of Boron will improve your plants xxz”

Then “Boron is an essential micro”

And finally “we removed it completely from the plants food we used(0ppm). 8ppm is better than starving your plants, it’s science”

Why not leave a base 1 or 2 ppm to let the plant function and compare it to elevated, 8ppm.

“Water is dangerous to humans”

Everybody that dies drank it in the last 2 weeks.



So apparently elevated boron levels cause females to turn male :thinking:


So maybe there’s a method to the @WestCoastCroppers madness? :stuck_out_tongue: