The Saddest Christmas-- @CannabisSequoia is in deep trouble, Any Help appreciated!

Greetings OG,

After a delightful Christmas Day filled with Family, Food and Fun, I awoke this morning to a personal message from one of our notable OGer’s who is having the worst holiday season ever!

@CannabisSequoia is fleeing the Hawaiian islands sick, broke and under extreme duress. The request was made that I notify you OG homies in a search for positive vibes and “psychic support,” and I think the best way to do that by just posting his report here. He’s not asking for money or any specific assistance, but all the love we can send his direction will be appreciated.

cannabissequoiaThe Lorax!

Ho bra 🤦

Thank you for the good vibes- but I’m fleeing the island back to California because of a hostile neighbor…& the house has been listed since thanksgiving.

Please keep me and my 2 service dogs in your thoughts while I get ready to fly Friday…

We leave the house at like (still Californian hehe)7am Hawaii time fly at 11:30 to Seattle for 3 hour layover then to Sacramento & land 15 hours later. An OG member is picking us up at midnight :hugs: & driving me to my old place.

I’m at my limit man - this reply is tough to write— I have.bad tremor since a few months ago & have Graves’ disease. And a bunch of other shit too.

One of the dogs got loose this morning- I’m in a hippy shack 10 miles from my house. 3rd world shit. She amazed me and reappeared 10 minutes later so my atheism is getting strained.

Would you please start a thread for me rounding up some OG love? Just mention the fleeing, not the costs, not looking for material anything- just psychic love power from OG homies.

Crying now. Fuckin not happy about this even though I was already planning to move back.

And damnit I know I could be a lot worse off like most of the planet- ffs I’m in Hawaii

But the brochures don’t mention that the locals love to see haole suffer

There was a guy shot in his driveway 2 blocks from my house the day I fled to Ocean View 2 hours away & slept in the car with the dogs then after 5 rejections I got this shack if an Airbnb

I’m outta breath so to speak




Sending positive vibes your way brotha @cannabissequoia!

Once you get to CA, I hope you’re able to decompress and start healing all levels. :green_heart: :vulcan_salute:


I’m sending lots of love and light your way @cannabissequoia

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if we can help!!!

Your OG family loves you and has your back!



Absolutely man! Come home safe! :pray::pray::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: @cannabissequoia

OG love :green_heart::green_heart:


Positive vibes @cannabissequoia for a safe journey and healing


Sending all the positivity I have. Sorry to hear about everything going wrong over there. I’ve heard some similar stories about folks that move there and return to the mainland a few years later.

Thanks for being such a great member on here and surely real life. It’ll all equalize and things will get better. I know for me there’s been some dark days, but much better now. Keep trudging and trust it’ll be better soon!

One love :heart:

My heart goes out to all of us that are having a rough time this holiday season. Brighter days ahead, keep pushing towards them!


Positive vibes 🫂


Yeah good vibes your way…i lived or northside of Oahu when i was 6 /7 didht have a good time as i was a blonda hair blue eyed kid that didnt fir in with locals…years later being that blonda haie blue eyed grown man …lived on a. Indian reservation by invitation…from tribal chiefs…experienced some discrimination from some residents…but ir only makes you stronger…so i can definatly sympathise with you


Definitely could be worse - when I read “fleeing the Hawaiian islands sick, broke and under extreme duress” I figured it was legal trouble. Maybe a hostile neighbor could lead there, but at least there aren’t any uniforms involved right now. Either way, he has my prayers, FWIW - they’ve never seemed to help anyone before, and in some cases have coincided with people killing themselves, so maybe he’d rather not have them. :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow. Sending some karma, @cannabissequoia

Sorry to hear about the troubles particularly over the holiday.


damn that’s rough! Sending positive vibes and best wishes :pray:


Godspeed, @cannabissequoia .

Sounds like you are getting a fresh start whether you like it or not, and so i hope the new year brings you better luck.



Best wishes to you, finding peace, finding solid footing, to rebuild on.
With the love of 2 dogs, many issues, can be put aside, and then, accomplished later on, as you find solid ground…
Find some Peace and drink it in deeply, sending vibes to your and yours!


Love for you and your dogs, man. I sincerely hope your situation improves.




damn, man, sounds like you’re doing it wrong then. or right, depending on the point of view.

and yes, it is a terrible and sad thing. i’ve been told that my prayers are strong (not sure how or why but i went with it) so i will ad @cannabissequoia to my prayer list. couldn’t hurt, at least i hope it doesn’t hurt.


I really appreciate this & until I’m back home please keep it up :relaxed:

Will definitely have a lot to share but the next 4 days will be long & stressful.

Am hoping my karma balance is good & will refill it by next year :pray:

@SCJedi asked me to reproduce 81 Durban p from Mel frank & will be the last leg of my trip going home.

I’m honored :pensive: to be asked

I be got a good half oz of sourdub x snow lotus bx from last year & gave away about a qp

Thanks again for helping stay aware of the love that exists in good people.

It’s 4:32 am hst & I’ll ttyl



I wish you a safe flight and a soft landing. Sending love and good vibrations your way. Welcome back home, my friend!


Sorry to hear of your troubles but you’ll be home soon my man.


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: All things pass. Even the bad things. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Buck up little camper @cannabissequoia, the cosmic world :earth_americas: seems to have a plan for all of us and this is just a stepping stone in your long journey though life and the happiness you are about to find on your way. Look :eyes: for the potential positives and don’t dwell on anything negative. Positive VIBES are heading your way sooner :soon: than you think :face_with_monocle:! :facepunch::+1::wink::star_struck::santa::christmas_tree::snowman_with_snow::four_leaf_clover::boom::four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers::tophat::tophat::tophat::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Reach out to me anytime and I will be back to you ASAP, just like all from are GR8 vast community! :blush: