The Vault & Expert Seeds – SUPER On Purchase Promo & Giveaway!

I would love to grow some Blueberry from Expert Seeds

That’s a hell of a deal! Wouldn’t mind those Blueberry Glue Auto Fems for sure.

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Thanks for the giveaway :sunglasses:

Blueberry glue sounds great

sounds great. thanks for the chance.

Blueberry. New to me so far. I would like a chance. Thanks.


I like Blueberry 🫐 autos :fire:

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DING DING DING! Time’s up, and we have a new winner again here at The Vault. The lucky one this time is @Greenup !

Congratulations! Drop us a DM with your full name, address, and email to start processing your prize.

To everyone else, as always, THANKS A BILLION.

Stay tuned, you know we’re always announcing new promotions and giveaways


WHA WHA WHAT!? I think this is the first sponsor prize I have won on overgrow. Happy days! I am a fiend for anything marked blueberry, I have to try it!

Thank you so much @The_Vault_Team, PM sent


Congrats @Greenup!


Congratulations bud! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you @The_Vault_Team :+1:t2:


Great event. Nice win.

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The seeds landed! I went a head and picked up something else from the website… Blackberry Kush I been looking for a long time. Hope it’s similar to what I get once a year in Colorado.



Unfortunately it’s been 18 days since I put all 6 of the Blackberry Kush into soil and not a single one of them is above soil. I have started 2 other rounds of seeds since i started those and every single one is a plant already. Bummer, heart broken. Maybe the autos will be better. Can’t really reach out to the seedbank since their website states not to mention anything about germinating or growing seeds when reaching out… kinda hard to complain without mentioning those. Oh well, live and learn, first and last overseas seedbank purchase for me.


Over 20 days now… think it’s time to put the soil into the recycle bin. Really down about this failure. I haven’t bought any “Blackberry Kush” seeds online for this exact reason. I did reach out the seedbank via their support form and tried to explain the issues without mentioning growing or germination. If nothing else it will be an experiment to share with the community about what they can expect from overseas seedbanks.

Besides some order details and sob story I said the following to support.

I have “tried this product,” and after 23 days, it still doesn’t “work.” I was successful with many other products during the same timeframe so I don’t suspect a problem with my tools, supplies, skills, or environment. Pretty bummed since I been searching for these for 4 years, the search continues.


Update for those interested. I have heard back from the seedbank. While they can not guarantee germination (understandable), they are were willing to do me a one time favor of adding 10 extra freebies to my next order. I would say this is a somewhat fair solution if this truly is a rare occurrence. I figured I would share the outcome so others can make their own decision based on this info. I am in no way saying all the seeds from this bank are bad, I might have had bad luck. I will report back once I plant the autos from them.


Did you even attempt to recover the seeds and see what the problem might have been?

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I did yesterday. I pulled out each seed and they looked dark, I squeezed each seed and crushed like it was hollow.


At least they are doing what is reasonable to make up for it.

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