The year of making do

I can’t be more excited about Wappa5 (left). At only 3w she’s really filled out and will be ready for flower soon. So rewarding to finally have a truly healthy plant from the start.

Wappa4 (right) may have turned the corner. Today is the first day that I’m looking at the plant and thinking she didn’t get any worse.

Goal is to get Wappa5 about the same height and then flip these. I give it 3-5 days.

Meanwhile the reveg “monster” clones are just beautiful…

Controlling humidity /VPD in this box is getting to be a bit of a challenge. I did some bro science today to try to figure out how much of the humidity is coming from the wet soil and how much is coming from plant transpiration. Spoiler: it’s almost all from transpiration.
Study: Sources of humidity in a micro growbox
