The year of making do

Four days later not much new to report.

Wappa4 and her clone are still recovering from their separation.

LA Amnesia clones are happy in their new home and bushing out a little.

Did a little LST on both vegging plants.


Reveg clones bushing out, starting to show their monster crop nature:


Wappa4 clone is no more. It has joined the choir invisible. Long live Wappa5.

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Wappa4 still with the yellowing, spotted leaves. This after 3 doses (2 small one as-directed) of calmag (@SaintAliasKnife). Affects the bottommost leaves then moves up.

Note also the yellowing veins and stems.


Flipped to 12/12


LA Amnesia reveg clones in flower box, sad Wappa4 in veg box, started new Wappa5 in the starter cabinet.

Don’t know what’s up with Wappa4. I was sure that the calmag recommendation would be the right one but so far she has not responded to it.

Was: pale, yellowing leaves with black spots. Affecting the lowest / oldest leaves then moving up

As of today however there are lots of upper leaves now showing some distress, this time along the edges of the leaves.


Going to assume that Wappa4 just got hungry fast and hit her with some full strength general nutes. Will probably either save or kill her.


My ultimate goal is becoming cold like Drago about this stuff. Someday maybe.

She looks like a Rocky though 🪴

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Reveg clones stretching hard, did some LST to lower the canopy a bit heading into flower.


It’s crazy how fast they recover from LST.


Wappa5 transplanted and moved to veg cab

2nd gen clones: still waiting and watching

Monster crop clones starting to bud out


Started 3 more clones (left side) from the monster clone plant


Realized it has been a bit since I’ve posted here.

Deleted the first set of clones as they were clearly inactive. on inspection, none of them had developed any roots whatsoever. Clearly I have a serious bug in my cloning routine.

Second set of clones is still in process. I have to travel in November so I have to get everything into flower by the first week of August to be sure to harvest in time. It’ll be questionable if any of the clones will be viable by then even if they do root.

You may recall Wappa4 which had a serious condition causing yellowing and spotting. I completely defoliated her tip to root, flushed the hell out of her, and put her naked outside to take in some real summer sun. In two days she was leafing out, so she’s still got life in her yet. I put her back in the veg box to keep an eye on her. If she stays green she’ll make a fine addition to the fall harvest.

Meanwhile Wappa5 had a rough transplant and kinda stalled for a week. But now she’s recovered and picking up steam, she looks very healthy. Great leaf color.

The monster clones of LA Amnesia3 are budding out nicely. Very healthy look on this group of plants. I’m extremely happy with how they turned out. Monster cropping (which is taking a clone 3w into flower and revegging it) is definitely a thing. After a very slow start, these plants all grew and branched agressively. This is definitely something I’d consider doing regularly if I had a tent grow and could better exploit the size and shape of the resulting plant. For a mini grow like mine I’m not sure it makes sense. We’ll see.


I just found your thread and A+ setup. I love it! I used to live near an Ikea… Those were the good days.

Here to see.your harvest, looking great!

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Wappa4 and 5 are doing great. Wappa5 got a topping and is vigorously pushing out six new stalks. Wappa4 is leafing back out very nicely. Both are on track to flip to flower in 2 weeks.

The LA Amnesia monster clones are still super healthy but have stopped stretching and are working on producing buds.

All the other clones I was making failed / I gave up on them. I have to get everything I’m growing into flower in the first week of August so even if those clones managed to eventually pull through there wouldn’t be time to flower them.


Wappa5 (left) is going gangbusters, so did a little LST on her – compare to photo in previous comment from 3 days ago. This is the healthiest plant I’ve grown to date.

Wappa4 (right) is also growing vigorously but still has the same problem she’s always had: leaves yellowing and/or brown spots.

I’ve previously given her a few doses of calmag on the hunch that one of these was deficient but that didn’t help. Two days ago I up-potted her using All-mix hoping that the fresh soil would help correct whatever might be off but so far it hasn’t helped. Maybe too soon to tell.

At any rate I need to correct her issues fast because she needs to flip to flower soon. Any advice helpful.



Another grower suggested I give Wappa4 a drink of low pH water (5.8) to see if it unlocks some possible lockout. Tried it today, we’ll see what happens.

I’d say definitely a ph issue .

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I can’t be more excited about Wappa5 (left). At only 3w she’s really filled out and will be ready for flower soon. So rewarding to finally have a truly healthy plant from the start.

Wappa4 (right) may have turned the corner. Today is the first day that I’m looking at the plant and thinking she didn’t get any worse.

Goal is to get Wappa5 about the same height and then flip these. I give it 3-5 days.

Meanwhile the reveg “monster” clones are just beautiful…

Controlling humidity /VPD in this box is getting to be a bit of a challenge. I did some bro science today to try to figure out how much of the humidity is coming from the wet soil and how much is coming from plant transpiration. Spoiler: it’s almost all from transpiration.
Study: Sources of humidity in a micro growbox



Oh look, if it isn’t my own words coming back to haunt me.

Today there are several more sick leaves. I considered my tight space, with the two plants already crowding each other, one extremely healthy and the other persistently sick, and decided it would be better to optimize my healthy plant than to have it competing for space with a sick plant that may not even make it through flower.

So now it’s Wappa5 or bust. At the rate she’s growing she should fill out her space very nicely in the next couple of weeks when I need to get her in flower. Also now there’s room to get her into a big cloth pot where she’s gonna be happier anyway.
