The year of making do

This app is pretty decent;

And a member here just purchased a par meter and found it to be +/- 10 ppfd from Photone app. I also measure about the same ppfd with this app as listed in the mfg literature that came with my led.

Worse case you use it as a reference point.

I doubt it light burn, it looks like the same pattern of discoloration is on lower sets of leaves also.


I’m just repeating what the vendor of the light kit told me. I would assume they understand their product.

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A par meter in comparison to a phone which could be quite abit off depending on the model is true though seeing how you dont have far red or the likes in the those panels by the looks of it then its should be alright at least lux measurement wise. again that PPFD calculation they use i think is off but dont hold me to that.

Also you have side panels and phones dont have a cosin cover over their sensor to average light coming in from all angles as the phones sensor is more directional and would give a bit off reading.

Saying that the app be can be used as a good reference point.

side question about how many watts are your running and how big is the cabinet sqft wise, as its not like your efficiency is gonna be different from whats out there at the moemnt

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Hey there @Mr.Sparkle thanks for the reply.

My cabinet is a little less than 2 sqft. The lights are 15W ea, so 45W max. I’ve been running 50% so that’s 22.5W if everything is linear.

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Doubt your getting light saturating your plants, could just be the slightly higher pH.

Consider my old besta cabinet i typically ran 90-100w of decent light in there “lm281 chips” at yeah that was 2sqft as well.

Mind you cause you started low they may not like the higher light now or jsut need to get use to it.

But still 10w a sqft is quite low, i typically recommend people run in that 30+ range.


A little defo today, and a squirt of Neem oil solution because I saw a gnat…


@Mr.Sparkle and others, thanks for all your advice. For the time being, I’m going to lean into the lightning system supplier’s suggestions, since they have the most experience using these specific lights in small cabinets.


“They ain’t dead yet”


A little more defo today


I think she might actually be rooting and I’m so happy about this I could just fart rainbows.


Watered today, and a little more defo. She’s starting to show first signs of frosting. Still taking 1wk between waterings.

I watered with 3L of pHed water (pH 6.4, no nutes) and measured runoff, which came back pH 6.6, so I finished with an additional liter of un-pHed water (5.8) and remeasured runoff @ 6.4.

I use BB pH-up and I’m concerned that this product may build up in the soil. I felt this same way last grow. Anyone else seen that? I always water until I get a fair amount of runoff so I don’t really understand why it would build up, but then again I also don’t understand why my runoff is coming back so much higher than my input water.


Clones are all hanging in there and showing various stages of root development.

Today I planted them in soil which I think I probably overwatered lol.

Unfortunately all three of the homemade cubes I was using split when I was removing them from the tray, exposing the roots. I tried to massage the cubes back together, so we’ll just have to see if they can handle the trauma.

Next step: buy proper cloning cubes.


Buds frosting up a little more…

Developing a nice sharp lemon/pine terp profile that I always associate with strong effects. She’s got another 4-6 weeks to go, looking forward to seeing these buds fatten up more and develop even more nose.


Yesterday I noticed a pretty strong funk coming from this plant. Can’t tell if it’s the plant or the soil. Smells like a mildewing towel or funky cheese. Humidity was high (60+%) so I cranked the dehumidifier and upped the light level a bit. Today humidity is down to 50% and so is the smell - still present but not as strong. Super worried about possible PM which I know nothing about, but at this point I’m not seeing a problem so I’m going to hope it’s just dankass weed and nothing worse.

Been a few days since my last update. The funky smell has mostly gone away, and the plant is back to its previous lemon / pine thing, which is good.

Growth is still slow, she’s coming up on her final few weeks of flowering without a lot of bud fattening. Patience.

To address the funky smell I’ve had the dehumidifier cranked which has stressed out my little clone experiment. For a few days they were seeing 40% RH which obviously isn’t good for such a young plant. I tried various options for bringing up the humidity and finally found a solution: placing damp washcloths in front of the air intakes. That’s brought humidity back to the 60-65% range and the clones do finally look like they’re starting to reveg. Fingers crossed.

If they don’t start showing some real growth by next week I’ll probably cancel them and start some new seeds.


You might add more perlite to your mix when you up pot them. They maybe unhappy because of wet roots. Let the soil dry before watering again. :v:


I agree,overwatered and roots suffocating


I’m sure you and @Buzz are correct. I’m a chronic overwaterer, even despite the fact that I know I do it. In fact if you look up in my thread you’ll see that when I planted these clones I even acknowledged I had probably overwatered them :roll_eyes: I guess eventually I’ll learn.

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100% agree with @Tejas and the addition of perlite as well . In fact I often recommend that chronic overwaterers add more perlite than needed as it can help the situation somewhat, then trust in the LITFA until you know she’s bone dry again. (Well don’t let the clones medium dry right out but close)


A little bit of good news: the clones are all hanging in there and at least one shows signs of successful revegging, with new growth clearly emerging from the old calyx:

Growth is slow but that’s to be expected with a reveg clone (esp since these were already 3w into flower).

Now just have have to see if they remain female…


I’ve officially reached the point where I’m pretty sure that if I check this plant every couple of hours it’ll magically become ready.

It’s not even close.

Homebeak needs some medicine yo.