The year of making do

Lol yes you must harvest at exactly 63 days 11 hours and 14 minutes :joy::+1:


Only 37,440 mins to go

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:joy: seriously though looks like you’ve got a ways to go yet.

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Oh yeah it’s like a month away

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Only 37,436 mins to go… :grimacing:

Maybe I should check it again.

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They make a product called “5 minute ripe” you could use.

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Lol yes. They even make a product called “already cured bud” I could use if only my local pharmacy was allowed to carry it :rofl:

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37,410 and counting

Good recommendation. I’m not planning on repotting these little clones, my plan is to get them established and flip them right away and let them run till they’re root bound. I have no room for three full sized plants. That’s assuming all three make it and stay female, anyway. If I end up with only one usable female then I’ll probably repot and in that case I’ll definitely add plenty of perlite.

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Not a lot to update on the flowering plant. She’s looking healthy but not adding mass as fast as I’d like. Buds are starting to mature.

She’s larfy so I did a bit of trimming and pulled a few nothing budlets off her undercarriage. After a couple day quick dry I vaped one of them, which was surprisingly potent given how undeveloped it was. A good omen for a really strong plant.

Clones are meh, I’d post a photo but it would be redundant since they look about the same as last time. They’re not in the way so I’m letting them run until they get in the way.

Since clones are slow going I started a new seed today. She’s going to be Wappa #4.


For anyone following this diary, I believe I have discovered the primary source of my plants unwillingness to grow & light sensitivity: I believe my soil is alkaline due to the unnecessary use of pH-up as a result of a bum pH meter. More here: Beware the cheap pH meter

First things first: the new seed was a bum. :roll_eyes: Started another.

Flowering plant is looking fine and smelling nice but still not bulking. As I mentioned in the above comment, I recently learned that my pH meter has been lying to me and as a result I’ve probably made the soil a bit alkaline, which helps explain her small size and sensitity to light. Unfortunately at this point that ship has probably sailed, I doubt I can really correct the issue in a meaningful way over the next 3-4 weeks, so I’ll have to wait until me next plant to see if I’m right.


Clones are still meh. Fortunately I have only given these unamended water so I haven’t injured them yet. All three plants are showing new growth. The smallest one that had the least flower development seems to have fully revegged.

The other two are still putting out a mix of new leaves and pistils.

These were taken a little too late in flower so it remains to be seen how well they’ll do and if they’ll remain female or go hermie. Mostly this was just an experiment to see what is possible, but considering how puny the mother plant has remained, it would really be nice if one or more of these became productive.


Meet Wappa 4:

Got her in the box with the clones for now:

I’m excited to grow another Wappa and see if maybe this time I can learn from past mistakes.


Day 45F || 24 || 2


Day 48F:

Day 27 || 5

Wappa 4 has officially joined the party:


New growth on all three clones looking sad and twisted:

Not sure what that’s about. Maybe just part of the revegging process?

Late edit: lights were way too dim


LA Amnesia 52F finally starting to show signs of bud ripening. She still needs at least 2 or 3 more weeks:

New growth on clones looking godawful:

A fellow grower told me not to give up hope, and suggested that I may have “monster cropped” these clones. I read up on this technique and in fact I accidently followed the technique perfectly. According to what I’ve read, these late-revegged clones start out looking awful, and then start branching like holy hell. Or maybe they’re just dying lol. We’ll see. I’m in it to learn.

Wappa #4 has pitched her first solar panels and is doing her thing:

I’m super excited about this one. I expect good things from her.

/Beak out


Oh boy. I just discovered a serious problem and, no lie, I feel like an absolute moron.

The problem? A giant, brilliant light leak into my flowering box.

When I redid the box I ran ductwork to the flower box. The ducting wasn’t lightproof, and light from the veg box has been leaking through the hole into the flower box. Not just a little light. A lot of light.

It’s been like that for a MONTH.

So I have fixed the problem by covering the duct, and I will be checking for balls, but it’s probably too late. I have a few more weeks before she’ll be ready for harvest. I may have a shitton of seeds.



Wappa 4 seedling in the starter box, 3 reveg clones in the veg box, F54 mother plant in the flower box.