Thinking about Bokashi

I have a compost already but I was thinking about trying out Bokashi method using this method.

“How to Make an Inexpensive Bokashi Bucket” How to Make an Inexpensive Bokashi Bucket

You can compost meat, oil, dairy and cooked vegetables in it which can’t go in ordinary compost. In a few weeks it is fermented and can be added to the compost. Anyone have any experience with this?


No but am also thinking about it I have been reading JADAM and lots of KNF stuff working on my first collection of LABS and IBM so bokashi is a no brainer I read that the inoculated bran or whatever is good by itself for plants as well as composting let me know how you make out with the bokashi very interested


I made LABS and have been playing around with it, doing some buckets and spraying it for odor control. LABS is magic!

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I bought one and used it for maybe a week. I kind of forgot about it. In fact I think it is still under my sink from two years ago. :nauseated_face:


Just watched this!

Had never heard of it before, very interesting! Though it was jenkem for a minute…ew! Thanks @cannabliss


Tried it once like 7 years ago. I found it to be a pita and not worthwhile for me.

Don’t know if I want to have to keep buying inoculated bran.

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the plan is to make my own using the LABS otherwise I wouldn’t want to buy it either


You keep making me learn @cannabliss!
“How To: Culture Lactobacillus (LAB) for Horticultural use - The Nutrient Company”


LABS is SO easy and is very useful around the house. I do plan on inoculating some bran eventually, but have just been keeping a spray bottle full of diluted solution in the fridge and using it when I add kitchen scraps to the compost bucket, then I put it in my Bokashi bucket until it is full, leave it 2 weeks and then bury it in my backyard compost or wherever. LABS helps keep odors down, allows us to throw things we usually couldn’t in the compost, activates living soil, speeds up compost, and is basically free(cost of milk and rice, which we buy anyway)


I’d never heard of any of this before I came to OG, SO AWESOME!:smiley::+1:


You don’t have to keep buying, making it ,grab EM1 And some wheat bran at a feed store and make it for pennies several years ago I’ve done it but haven’t much lately yes it’s a great concept helps divert stuff to the land fill etc bury it in your planting beds I’ll send a bit of info if I can find my book


Ya the 1lb bags or so are ridiculously priced IIRCC I found wheat bran 40-50 bag for like $12 and a quart of EM1 for 30$ or what every they go for now and you only use a fraction of the concentrate To make a 5 gallon batch of bran


Here is the one Iv used you might even find it in the local library

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