Thinking of putting on a server fund auction, who's interested?

Count me in @DougDawson

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Yeah man I’m all game for the server funds charity drive ! :crazy_face:

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I get that @George , it’s a tough one. I have thought about limiting this to a certain trust level but all that really does is lower the amount earned for OG. After a few months of doing barely any giveaways I would think it would be a bit better this time.


I would definitely be interested!


Sounds fun!
And a great way to support the forum

Can I find a thread from a previous auction to see how it is all orchestrated and played out?

I know it sounds simple. AN auction. Just don’t want to commit to the auction and not know what I’m getting into / being outsmarted by experienced auction go-ers.

I was at a live auction For a foreclosure on. A house and all it’s contents ( that was fun . Just got a number and a item list when we went in house, group of bidders and a auctioneer in basement and a person marking the bids. I bid on a ton of stuff , it was fun LOL. . …at the end we had to pay for items to a clerk in the kitchen on a credit/debit terminal

I won bids on a bunch of garage stuff , lol a whipper snipper, deep freeze, tool box , ratchet sets .

Wish I had gone to another … a lot of them are online auctions now.

Anyways, I’m interested… .
I guess it’s pretty straight forward.
I guess it’s a time /place type thing as those above in the know .

I feel bad always posting my photos uploaded to the server…this is coming up on my one year grow anniversary in December ! I will have two full harvest under my belt!

Lately I haven’t been using IMGUR/ picture hosting . Mainly because it’s on my iPad not cell. And I don’t always take iPad to tent, and I was emailing my photos to myself from phone to iPadd then uploading, but I get lazy lol.

I am going To take a small step forward and commit to only sharing photos via web host.

Thanks Doug for running a field test on interest!


Hey bud, here was my last one.


Thanks !!!
Had to hit the back page immediately when I saw some pollen was included on that fundraiser.
What a nice touch

I was wondering why Over last year I kept seeing PPP being used by members!!

Carry on!


I sent PPP pollen to almost 100 people, did 3 signups for it after collecting over 21 grams of it. I added it to the auction lots as a bonus :slight_smile: This time I will be adding donated seeds as a bonus.


Sounds like fun, I’m in!



I am sure many people will be pleased to get a chance at some genetics.

I like the auction idea better than a raffle. I’ve seen raffles on other forums (non cannabis related ) but for server funds. Upgrades .admins and such offered up unopened darts / equipment and did draws for each item.

Going to skimmover the genetics posted at top of thread.

Thx for the link


I’d be down for an auction, can’t guarantee I’ll win anything but I’m at least down to try lol


I’ll surely toss in a bid or two, see how much things go for


Looks good @DougDawson - count me in for some bids!


That’s how I started here!!! I’m in.


I can donate some packs, just let me know


Here are two absolute truths:

  1. I have more seeds than I can use, with more on the way.
  2. I will definitely be bidding on your auction @DougDawson.

Just waiting on the particulars!


I’m down for an auction but know Christmas is just around the corner.

I want the bidding to go high on all the lots, except of course for the one I win.


I’m always looking for good genetics and the giveaways or things involving luck are never on my side and I don’t do them because of it, so an auction is right up my alley.


Haha that is poetry. Bring on the auction!


@LemonadeJoe. Please put up my donation for this fundraiser. Thanks Joe! It’s the terp_fi3nd pack. Unless otherwise. Thanks LJoe!