Heady McDank 2024 Overgrow Seed Server Auction, this time It's Feminized! Haha

Hey Overgrowers!

I hope all is well in your patches of life!

Spring has almost sprung and time to seed the garden patches!..

I come bearing gifts! …

It is almost that Server Auction time again and have I got some exciting stuff for my Overgrower seed patches this round!

LemonadeJoe and the admin crew are doing some upgrades for the Overgrow site and need to raise some funds thru a seed server auction.

It takes a good amount of financial lubrication to deal with site costs, servers, and such. Not to mention time and effort to set up and keep going. LemonadeJoe and the crew brought back the Overgrow site and for that we are Grateful.

Let us do our part and help support the site that brings us all so much joy! - keeps your eyes open for the seed server auction as you won’t want to miss out on these…

Some info on what to expect… a bunch of lots with 2 packs of Fem beans… each pack will have atleast 10 beans…

The female plants I used for the reversals are

My selection of DNA Genetics Strawberry Banana from Fem


Skunktek’s Piescream 27 bred by Freeborn Selections

Grape Stomper

GMORootbeer from Skunktek

Stay tuned! More Server Auction info and flower pics coming soon!

Till then, May the growth be with you!



RoaztedGarlic GMORootbeer x Cube

Frosty, multi topped bushes, this one is a monster sativa pheno! I do not think the 5 gallon was big enough… she needs atleast 10 gallons and 20 ft cielings!


Great OGing @HeadyMcDank ! Looking forward to seeing the action!



As Marvin Gaye said… Lets Get It On…


Excited to see how this rolls out. I never took place in an auction before so im definitely interested


This is Piescream27 x Blue steel in half gallons… i got em in 5 gallons now wait till you see them!

1st pheno is cube leaner and my fav
2nd pheno is gelato leaner more purple stony


Excited isn’t even the word


I am all in for another exciting auction! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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This is a grape stomper x limepop kush x skyjaro pheno.

She really needed a bigger pot. Larger plants. Really sweet nugs dense and classic kind nuggetry look. More uplifting sativa ey kind of experience. Resin would be good for bubblehash.


Another RoaztedGarlic pheno with an early flower perspective shot next to gmorootbeer…

This RoaztedGarlic pheno had chunkier buds and is more common with what I saw in testing. Flowers about 8-9 weeks.


Piescream27 x grape stomper

The frost… omg the frost!

These were very potent meds. Frosty wampum!

Grapey flavors n aromas

The buds swell pretty wild… then comes the frost…

! 20230614_074500|580x500


Bring on the auction!

Here are a few shots of your Bruce Banner x Hulk Smash:

Sorry about the HPS lighting……


That is some prime Nuggetry! The frost is as close to 3d as you can get! that is next level… looks like you can scrape the resin off with a dab tool!.. Well done! I am droolin…

glad you reminded me oldjoints…

The Strawberry Banana reversals have some of my work with the Banner lines in them.

Including, my Strawbananner (Bruce Banner x Strawberry Banana) cross. They are gone now, folks loved them. The same Banner Male to the SB Female. Those were epic! larger plants with fruity aromas that pin the corners of your mouth to your ears and make your nose hairs tingle like a chemical burn…


Overgrowers -

anybody interested in the Strawbananner Bruce Banner x Strawberry Banana line I made a while back This seed server auction will be everybody’s last chance to snag those lines… and they will be in Fem form to boot!.. atleast until I make F2’s! … Outdoor growers will want those, I will throw up some pics for the thread…


I was looking for a strain to fill in for my room. I bought some of these so I guess I will try them out…………

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I think they may fit the bill! … hehe…

if I did this right I found that old pic… good size in those 5 gallons… got a couple from the SB reversal that will be up for auction that are my selections from the Strawbananner (Bruce Banner x Strawberry) line that recieved the SB pollen kinda like a bx… I have not had a chance to test em yet…

Well done yet again!


Ok well here is the Banner x Lemon Skunk:


And the Cherry West x Rosso Corsa:



You do great work Brother! Both of those girls look amazing…

Thanks for reminding me - I hit my Cherry, Cherry Selection with a couple of the reversals that will be available for this auction! Folks may want to keep an eye on those the testers I ran were very aromatic she is a good breeder adding taste and potency to anything put to her.

I was just thinking about that lemon skunk cross the other day!.. got some plans for a few classic revivals in the next year or two… I am knee deep in blues right now and the next run … then pivoting to some OG!.. Got some Yeti OG/Headband/Underdawg f4s and a few crosses including Bodhis lazy lightening 88g13hp x loompa headband then also some super lemon haze f2s I think both would pair nice with those… Some OG action for the OG crew!.. god willing next year if not the year after for a spring auction…

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When we’re you planning to put in said auction? Really bad wifi in my basement office, odd it posted twice.

I should have it ready towards the end of the month, I will have to confirm when we will go live with LemonadeJoe and I will update the thread…