This is why I dont like LEDs

No issue with LEDs here … other than a couple of crappy units that took a nap. Yeah, up-front they’re still a bit pricey in a relative way.


I thinl calmag suplement and check ph.

For some reason I haven’t found the right balance on my led lamp and calmag and ph correction are working nice so far but sometimes I get this leavda discoloration just like yours, then I double the calmag and it doesn’t get worst.

I suppose led lights need some adaptation from the grower part, maybe something related to the water we use since some don’t need calmag but I also grow with hps and the plants are happy with the hps, led isn’t as I want to, but I need to make some ajustments here and there.


I’m off to hug my duel adjustable 600 watters and let them know I still love them and we can’t all be born as fancy led racks :rofl:
The other kids might make fun of you but your special in your own way and I’ll always keep your glass clean.


I use LED’s for veg. Havent noticed a calcium def. I do have hard water though. CMH for flower


LEDs are definitely a learning curve, they are the only thing I’ve grown cannabis under, but I have done other plants under them that definitely need adjustment. I don’t think they are worse than other lights, they are definitely different and you

need to watch the plants and adjust accordingly.

Not everyone may have the time or resources necessary to have their grow slowed down while they figure it out, I get it.

In terms of price, while some things about them are less than ideal I have had great results with some 4 ft strip lights I got cheap off Amazon. Most of the ones made specifically for growing are definitely pricey, and while I’m sure they perform better than mine in some respects, I know from other herb samples I have tried that it isn’t enough better in a tangible way for the end product to make me want to pay it.

Photos from my last round : MDS & Bananastan. I paid something like $120 for 8 - 40w(actual like 38 I think) strips. Got 2, a warm and cool color temp and use different mixes of the two for veg/flower.


What are your Temps at? My issues under led were temp related… all the vpd crap is crap for under led… don’t follow hps/cmh vpds bro… it’ll just cause you to go crazy… I’ve pushed Temps up from 78 and 80… to 85 and 88 f° and saw much improvement… also watering volume… don’t do too much at a time … @ifish is spot on with imbalance of uptake…lack of radiant heat on leaf surface causing not enough uptake to keep up


We’ve been converting to LED from MH/HPS over the last couple of years.

My wife still believes LED produces inferior results. She hasn’t changed her mind yet.

I’m not so sure and believe we do see good results, but I think the difference in lighting requires some adjustments to our methods.

Last grow under MarsHydro FC-6500 definitely seemed to support an increased need for cal mag and the change in temperatures raised some potential challenges too.


yeah i don’t get the raise temp for led stuff. Maybe thats for blurples or at least, not lm301b based leds? as i get nothing but foxtails and worse growth under lm301 based leds at 80+ degrees. flowers come out much better for me at or under 78 degrees at all times and I don’t have any issues with plants being in cooler temps than that either. Just a bit slower growth as you get down to the 60s.


Adding more cal mag is like sweeping the issue under the rug.
The plant was fine before but needs more cal mag with the led lights.
Conclusion the lights have issues allowing for proper nutrient uptake and this could effect a lot more then just calcium and magnesium depending on other variables.
Conclusion led light science is flawed and people are finding work arounds.


In flower the racing hormones help with uptake
It’s in veg the problems occur with some


In actual science these are called hypotheses, not conclusions.


Are you using soil that’s been cooked for 2 weeks or just supplementing with top dresses and bottled nutes throughout the grow ?Ever since I’ve been cooking my soil for two weeks I never get Calmag issues in my tent with my LED lights anymore.Even during flip.Before I did that my plants would go beserk and bam Calmag issues


No that’s a gavita pro 1700e so deffo the samsung… I’m talking only veg

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It’s only a hypothesis untill it has been tested and shown to occur repeatedly and the results are reproducible amongst many.


I agree with you on seeing different genetic expressions depending on the light source definitely seen genetic prefer certain light sources

but I think it really comes down to the cultivars
just like certain outdoor cultivars ain’t selected for indoors and certain indoor cultivars ain’t hardy enough for outdoor conditions.

I would also look into feeding the correct npk ratios and strength I say LED definitely push plants bit harder at the end of the day they both have pro and con and a learning curve it up to the grower to properly utilize their tools I ran both but prefer LED


I disagree here bro… no offense. These aren’t “workarounds” I’m new so I’m learning … not some 20 year grower like most of you… but I’ve seen incredible results under the gavita by other users… like up to 2.4 or more gpw … and finished inside of 14 weeks from seed @Heritagefarms


The dirt & PM gotta go, IMO.

Even some walmart dirt or steal some from nature.

Re-using dirt has only worked for me on lightly used soilless mix or composting it. Any time I’ve re-used potting soil I’ve had problems.



I grow and feed a variety of different ways based on the plants needs and time of year.
Long story short people have to alter there growing methods with led lights to avoid problems, adding supplemental uv lighting fixes one aspect of it but there are other light spectrum related issues that are not addressed.
I want to see side by side studies done with the same strains , testing to show what the results are and scientific analysis explaining what is occurring and why.
Untill then the results and peoples opinions are very subjective and I’m just not interested in led lights.
All new technology comes with unforeseen hurdles and new issues that most people don’t expect or realize.
When we went from horse and buggy to gasoline engines people went further faster and there was no more horse crap in the road but it birthed the oil and petroleum industries that have resulted in horrific human rights violations and the destruction of the environment.
Now they want us to go electric because it better then gas right, all the materials for those cars come from horrific mines. Diesal tractors move the material , semi trucks haul the cars after they’re made in factories consuming tons of energy and the batteries are toxic waste but it’s better then gas right. That’s not even touching in the electric grid or it’s inability to handle a large network of charging stations. New tech is always attractive but always sweeps issues under the rug and unleashes it’s own while doing so.


Just like people had to alter their grow styles from outdoor to indoor… does it mean all indoor is flawed??


LEDs don’t inherently effect uptake in any kind of negative way that I am aware of. Lower temps will slow uptake. LEDs don’t give off as much heat.

If you change your light source, but don’t account for balancing the other variables, it isn’t being done according to the scientific method. The other variables are so many that it makes it incredibly difficult to properly perform this one properly…….

I guess what I’m saying is, if LEDs aren’t for you that’s ok, but there is enough bro science around. They aren’t inherently inferior. Just different. If you have solid science that says otherwise I’m all ears.