This is why I dont like LEDs

I’d think uv isn’t the helper here… it can also be achieved by adding supplemental ir or some far red possibly yeah?? :thinking: it’s leaf Temps that change here…

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The hypothesis that growing under LEDs increases cal-mag needs, maybe; although I’m not personally aware of any controlled experiments setting out to prove that, and nobody has linked any here. The hypothesis that they have “issues allowing for proper nutrient uptake,” that it “affects a lot more,” and that “led light science is flawed” almost certainly haven’t been proven in a controlled experiment, by definition, otherwise they’d be part of LED light science. That’s what science is, lots of hypotheses tested in controlled experiments and coming to actual conclusions - at which point they’re called theories, because science acknowledges that theories can always be disproven. You’re awfully certain of yourself, for what seems to be nothing more than data drawn from word-of-mouth.


Don’t get me wrong… I’ve been going through it for a lonnng time… no uptake under led during veg… light cost me 1300 … I was losing my mind… @ifish has been an incredible help as far as knowing it was a temp leaf surface issue… I stand by that… I know it is literally the main issue under leds… so it’s an easy fix with either upping temps (blackdogled says 85 is perfect) or adding a light that will increase them… btw… i found at 1st around 300 ppm calmag was good starting point under led


Ya their a few lab studying saying plants responding from uv -b but not uv-a but most of uv bar on the market are uv-a…

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dont get me wrong…uvb…all the way…i have 2 solacures just waiting for my 4x4… but it wont help with leaf surface temps like ir or far red

solacure recommends 15 mins on and 45 off for flowering during lights on… makes sense i think… 15 mins on trigger response for defense… then 45 mins off… grow resins without degradation… back to 15 on… re trigger defense response… back to 45 off…grow resins without degrading thm


I’ve run the lights and seen the results for myself enough to be confident in my conclusions. If I was trying to sell one or the other which I’m not I would document the results in the way I mentioned and go into further more complex explanation in regards to there light spectrum issues but for me I have no need to prove anything to anybody beyond myself. There is plenty of research being done and that has been done on many of the issues I’m touching on and a simple google search will give you hours of reading about it.
Some people have good results or what they perceive as good results but enough people have issues who never did before to warrant further investigation and explanation beyond bro science.
Me running side by side comparisons and witnessing the results is not bro science , people stating that it works for them and there for is not flawed is how ever.
The scientific method goes from observation to hypothesis to being able to reproduce the observation in a controlled manner to other people being able to reproduce the same results.
Several people my self included notice issues when running led, hypothesis forms that it’s the led because that is all that has changed.
Several different parameters are altered to change results some times issues can be avoided some times not. Many of the same issues and changes are noted by a range of people.
Issues go away when led goes away
Conclusion manufactures need to figure out what’s wrong with there lights not me. Like salt build up never hurt anybody smh.


i just do not agree with you… google is full of broscience so googling anything was a crappy suggestion in my opinion… also… im the pickiest person i know…so i will deffo be a good judge of quality… as nothing impresses me hardly… i think youre just biased at this point…maybe you didnt fine tune the way you did under your other lights? theres many things that could be speculated i think


Powdery mildew and rotten soil, but the leds are the problem?


let me ask this… how long with other lights… your experience?? and how long using leds before this comparison??


Bro… that’s pretty much exactly what it is. You’re not in a lab, you don’t have documented results, you probably don’t have a 100% controlled environment - and yet you’re doing what you think we should regard as science, but others aren’t? :roll_eyes:


That’s concerning , google has a wealth of information if you know how to go about sifting threw it all. So are you saying you don’t use the internet to learn ? If so that is a huge loss and would be like living in the dark ages.


Your on the right path with calcium I recommend ditching the cal-mag (useless your plants need extra mag at that point just pick up epsom salt ) and use a calcium carbonate for pure pH neutral calcium source that way you get rid of the extra nitrate in flower
I recommend to start looking into how calcium phosphorus and potassium ratio and how they play together
remember calcium is a big responsibility phosphorus is the energy and potassium is the size of the truck


again… how long did they try before assuming something was off w led lighting? im willing to bet that theres no comparison in time spent

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I switched to all LEDs over the years, I love them!


No I’m doing what is good enough for me to be confident in what I’m witnessing, if I wanted to convince anybody I would do exactly as you mention and I already have and document it in a proper manner.
I have degrees in more then one scientific field and a lot of lab experience under my belt. This is a forum for general conversation and sharing of ideas.
These are my ideas based on mine and many others results , I’m not asking anybody to like or accept them but it is what it is and they are what they are.


whats concerning is youre willing to sift…while im here and other grow forums to learn from established growers… good luck w google and the sifting…i dont have the time for that trash…i learned to play drums by watching and hearing as well… google didnt exist back then… i watched the professionals and learned…i disregarded what anyone i knew said…because it was always inferior knowledge…and to this day i can play anything i hear


You must be speaking strictly about cannabis related information while I am referencing knowledge in a broader form. Even cannabis related there is a wealth of knowledge available threw google that is not on other forums but to each there own.
Here are just a few things from a google search


yeah ill pick and choose what google shit is ok… but to suggest googling for someone whos lost a little…is a terrible suggestion… a time wasting suggestion…


Good luck getting rid of that PM