This is why I dont like LEDs

A little bit.

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Ya nailed it!


So did I but had to double check, lol. With all going on I think it went right over my head :roll_eyes:


You should spot sarcasm on this thread easier than this. I think.


LOL, yeah, I should have. My bad. Problem is I have seen folks say stuff like that and mean it. Oh well, eggs on my face now.


ok that bike meme and then stupid leds made me laugh so hard i went into a coughing fit. so glad for this thread as it brought some humor to me and i cant sleep.


Seems to me after reading down through this thread, when speaking of LED, they are being rolled into one ball, every LED manufacturer is the same. Not True.
HID’s were/are 3 separate features, HPS, MH, CHM, also Mercury Vapor, but MV, was recognized as not worth while. Each has a different and distinct color, heat signature, light pattern, and I loved them, loved to blend them, hated the current amounts to get buds.
LED’s are also the same way, with a thousand more variations available, so a bigger foot print for ADVERTISED results.
I bought a few of those over the years, but I did NOT lump them all in a pile and say, these LED’s fucking suck! I quit.
I kept trying out various sources, I’m set with my choice, as I picked one designed by a grower, watched them tweak and change up their boards, fully dimmable, colors and terps are fab.
I’m just thrilled with the results, HOWEVER, I still use a T5 on seedlings, up to about 6 points.
I then walk them up the ladder to more potent LED’s.
You can not just say LED does not work well, I mean you can but seems illogical when there are so many excellent grows with them.
But get on back to demonizing LED, while I get back to growing in my wee perpetual circle.


That makes sense, thanks.
Im used to HIDs helping heat up the room


I’ll offer my two cents on the matter. All lights are tools at the disposal of indoor growers. It’s up to us to determine how many watts we can have, lighting positions, and so forth. The grower makes the environment with the tools at his (or her) disposal. Obviously there are limits on what is practical and what is not practical. If you have a 4x2 and that’s it, you likely won’t be putting a 1000w HPS in there. Likewise, if you have a 6x6 walk-in closet and you have a little 1000w LED that isn’t effective either.

Myself, I prefer LEDs to every other kind of light (including the sun) simply because they’re easy to position (relatively speaking). A LED diode puts out quite a bit of photons, and you can put them anywhere. Of course you run into practicality and monetary concerns with scaling solutions up to industrial operations. Another angle to consider is that you can operate LEDs remotely, and solutions for that are much easier to manage than traditional bulbs and ballasts.

With what’s commercially available, LEDs are a lot more plug-n-play, and easier to get uniform light distributions within a grow tent. HPS I’ve seen some amazingly dialed in systems harvesting 1500g+ off 2x 600w vertical HPS cool-tubes every 63 days.

In the end, it’s up to each grower to decide what environment they will provide for their cannabis. Different strokes for different folks.


The demonization of LEDs in this thread by some of you is really funny. And kind of sad.


LEDs are the devil’s work!


shouldnt everyone like 50+yr old technology that is really inefficient? to each their own, climate will play a big part in the growers lighting choice. Whatever the grower chooses its better than choosing nothing at all. i think it would be pretty difficult to grow them without any lights! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:




Must be why my mother-in-law decided to stop using her decent automatic drip coffee pot and went back to basically boiling her coffee on the stove in a percolator. 100 yr old tech must better than 50 yr old tech….or something like that. For the record, I can’t drink coffee at my MIL’s anymore since the switch. It’s truly awful out of her percolator.


Time and place to me, I love being the first person up in camp, I always prepare the percolator pot the night before. I wake usually between 5:30 and 6:00 am, throw some starter wood, on in the fire pit, getting it going, and percolating that pot of coffee, is just soul food to me man!!
I love percolated camp fire coffee, in my old, 4 piece coffee pot, hell I always take 2 of them along, as that smell will have heads poppin of the tents. After 2-3 cups, I make breakfast for the camp.
Sorry to the OP for wandering off topic. Damn I got to go camping soon.


I used to do a lot of winter camping and I tell you a fresh pot of espresso over the fire after rolling outta your bivvy sack is a special thing.


An analogy I like is the light is the throttle, if you are gonna run wide open throttle then you better have everything else right or that little engine is gonna choke and sputter.


Looks like a Sulfur deficiency caused by weak genetics and no sunlight. :thinking:

Symptoms of sulfur deficiency are identical to the chlorosis caused by nitrogen deficiency, in sulfur deficiency the yellowing of the leaves is more constant over the entire plant, including the younger leaves.

CMH is the perfect light. CMH’s closely mimic the sun, provide the highest gram per watt, and even provide the desired good UV wavelengths that fend off mold and mildew as well stimulate plant vigor and greater resin and terpene production.

Metal halide perovskites have shown promising optoelectronic properties suitable for light-emitting applications. The development of perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs) has progressed rapidly over the past several years, reaching high external quantum efficiencies of over 20%.

Applications of the lead-free MHPs (LFMHPs) are emerging as one of the most promising strategies to tackle these issues. Compared with lead-based MHPs, the LFMHPs show better environment stability and broader emission regions from the violet to near-infrared wavelength. Thanks to numerous contributions made by the researchers, great progress has already been made for the LFMHPs. For example, the photoluminescence quantum yield has reached near 100%. However, the performances of the lead-free Pero-LEDs are still lagging compared with their lead-based counterparts.

Metal halide perovskites (MHPs) have a general formula of ABX3, where A is a monovalent cation such as CH3NH3+ (MA+), CH(NH2)2+ (FA+), and Cs+, B is a divalent metal cation such as Pb2+ and Sn2+, and X is a halide anion.
As a fresh semiconductor material, the MHPs possess lots of outstanding optoelectronic properties, including high carrier mobility, strong optical absorption, low exciton binding energy, high defect tolerance, tunable bandgaps, and narrow emission full width at half maximum (FWHM). All of these superior optoelectronic properties give the MHPs an enormous potential to perform well in the fields of solar cells and light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

Perovskite LEDs are an emerging technology for next-generation display, lighting and communications
While perovskite LEDs can be produced simply and at low cost, they show clear technological advantages

I’ve always vegged and flowered with a Metal halide. Won’t be long and Metal Halide technology will be adapted into LED.

So the lesson learned is, the two most used light-emitting sources are coming together for the next generation LED. And I’m gonna buy one when it’s available and affordable. :dove:

Here is a flowering garden under a Metal halide only in the picture.
The big reflector is a must to get the most out of a metal halide. I love the bud structure of Metal Halide in flowering. Almost the same as growing under the Sun.
I’ve seen monster buds grown under a MH in flowering, this picture shows some very beefy buds.


Wowz thanks for all the info.

And yeah, my favorites are MH and CMH.
Id really like to have MH and Mercury Vapor together, but MV is near-illegal these days. CMH by Phillips bridges the gap between the two.
I’ll have to look onto MHPS

Its definitely not weak genetics, tho.

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The Sun? LEDs over the Sun? Am I not catching the sarcasm?

That bike was hilarious both times