This is why I dont like LEDs

I had trouble initially - deficiencies and unhappy plants. Once I started really light on the dimmer and slowly turned it up it helped a ton - it seemed like the plants needed a bit of time to adjust to it, moreso than under t5/cmh/hps. Adding environmental controls to my fans helped get higher heat and humidity in my cold basement. They are definitely more finicky than bulbs - but once you figure them out they can do really well.


I’m keeping my leds :sunglasses:


Thanks buddy

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Temperature and intensity are the things I have had issues with while figuring out leds. In the fall/winter I do have to run a heater unfortunately. When I had the intensity turned up too high or the light too close I would get the “calmag” deficiency.

Those issues were only when in veg. I add a 600w HPS when I switch to flowering. It adds all the heat I need. I really like using both types of light together.

Temp/intensity/vpd in check, no issues whatsoever. I use dank.franks soil recipe, seems to have plenty of calcium and magnesium. If I feel I need more I would just top dress with some Gypsum.

I suspect the high intensity is forcing the plant to grow faster, but without the temperature required they can’t get the nutrients fast enough, hence the look of deficiency. You can throw all the nitrous or boost you want at an engine, but without increased fuel you’re not going to get increased performance. Get your ambient and leaf temps in check and the problem should go away imo


use wettable micronize sulfur 80% sulfur or higher at 2 tbs per gal twice a month to kill spore on plants( will kill broad and russetmite aswell ) , don’t spray if using or planning on using any oil based sprays wait up to a month before switching spray plants up to 2 weeks into flower or stop at first sight of bud sight development


rubs his eyes…wha…what’s going on here? Oh yah. The mildew is causing the yellowing, and once you get rid of it, your plants will be much better looking and grow better as well. That stuff takes a shit on your plants. 1 tablespoon 90%+ sulfur mixed with 1 liter of water or half that spray on the plants then again two weeks later it’s dead. Never spray in bloom and never use within 30 days of an oil based application.
I have a feeling you knew that already.


This is chicken!!! No, that’s a duck!!! :upside_down_face:


Transplant them into bigger pots with better soil dude.
Give them roots that precious freedom you so desire for yourself.

Even weirder it’s a platypus


No that’s a badger. lol get it bad-ger


I seed what you did there

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First there is a mountain then there is no mountain then there is

The yellowing isnt caused by PM

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Plants with real bad PM dont have this issue, plants with less PM have real bad yellow leaves.

I know all about deficiencies. I’m very experienced at that! :joy:

But check it out — you have yellowing on top leaves. That means the plant can’t translocate nutrients to the new growth from existing plant tissue. Therefore, you have a deficiency of immobile nutrients. You’ve gotta be thinking things like sulfur and eh-hem iron.

But having a deficiency does not necessarily mean that it is being caused by lack of nutrients. Even still you do have a deficiency and either the roots ain’t suckin or it’s not there. It seems environmental, but I’d be doing foliar with a spectrum micros product like tm7… if not for that pm. You might be able to mitigate the damage while you figure out the cause.

But you probably need to spray that pm, so I compatibility with other foliar is questionable. The pm and deficiency may not be completely unlinked some it might have a weakened immune response, or it may be resulting from the same environmental cause.



I get that @breadwinner but this comment has me confused.

It seems they are saying running and HLG 600 Rspec gave them PM which I just don’t get. LED’s don’t create PM.


It almost read as sarcasm. That’s kinda how I read it, since it was sooooo wrong.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m upset at myself for finding this so funny but I do agree and can sum-up as follows:

1). Bad foundations equate to bad building no matter the how much effort goes in. (aka: deal with your soil/light/airflow/etc to have the best possible outcome).
2) Good seas do not make for good sailors. (aka: use all this fuckery to learn and move forward as a better and stronger grower.)

All the best of success!!


This is my favorite thread right now. I’m fresh outta likes so I’ll double back to this in a couple hours.