This is why I dont like LEDs

Buds look FIRE! I have been thinking about switching to pro mix or just straight up rockwool lately. I had to use cheap, compressed, brick Coco this run because I couldn’t source any decent coco in time to transplant. Even after double charging and buffering I think it’s still sucking up all my Ca and Mg and releasing K and sodium.


Don’t mean to clog up the ops thread by the way. Just a lot of good info going on in this one.


Wait… what gavita are you running ?

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Use to run their DE 750 Hps units

Keep mothers under T5HO

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Same here I’m looking at some active grow t5 replacement led that would cut my power usage in half but I’d like to see them above 6k kelvin , the ratio of blue to red is much better then other brands though and they have uv so they may be a good option.
Im considering testing them in one set up and if they act right I may convert a 8 light t5 hood into a flower led.
Apparently you have to bypass the ballast though so it takes a little re wiring.
Full spectrum sounds good to people because full seams better then not full but in reality they are balanced spectrum and that’s not what occurs in nature, the spectrum changes from spring to fall and to much fall spectrum upsets mother plants , some strains more then others.
Somebody mentioned that it seemed illogical for it to effect one strain and more then the other but they failed to consider the wide range of geographic locations cannabis grows and the fact that different parts of the planet have different ratios of light based on the angle it enters. We do not fully understand the genetic triggers in cannabis that can trigger flowering and some land race strains that don’t receive much of a change in daylight hours may be triggered by a change in temperature and light spectrum based on the season.


Mine are quality units maybe 6 years old . Have like 5 of them . 2 4 foot rectangles and 3 2x2 s.

I still use regular bulbs , only running one or two of them , use 2 different spectrum bulbs in them .

Would go with led bulbs but see no point . They cannot be adjusted and it’s a pain moving the light all the time.

The GLS 300 led is fully adjustable , will cover the 4x 4 mom tent by itself , and I can adjust it to my desired PAR levels. I much prefer it and soon as the octo ladies vacate the Mom tent next week the T5s are being put up and the 300 led will handle Moms from now on

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T5s and DE HPS’s for sale :sunglasses:


Love this! So true!

With led, especially in the beginning of your grow less is more. So just keep in mind:

Hps out the door,
led is more.


Just to prove I’m not 100% against led here is my veggie starting area , these are the lights that pissed of my cannabis plants but seem to do fine on veggies.
205 watts 6’ x 48” area


After about 18 months of using LED, I’ve noticed plants appear more deficient and unhealthy IN light than they do when it’s off. Examining when light is off or taken out of the room, suddenly the pigment is darker and the Mg doesn’t look so accentuated at the margins. Mg, Cal and K seem to be the consistent deficiencies to show. If plants are in general good health, the appearance of Cal, Mg and K I don’t let it bother me. I know it has more to do w the spectrum than being nutrient deficient. Primarily mother plants show the worst under the appearance of light, but again it then becomes apparent the health isn’t to point of rapid remedy and increases out of it. I think LED lights give mixed signals in respect to how deficiencies show in plants.


Agree , I’ve learned to turn off the leds before I look close , way different under natural lighting

The problems I saw under the leds went away when turned off😎


I never cultivated with HPS before, I started with LED and I have good results.

In flora I use 150w LM-301h 3.5k + LED Philips High Bay 160w 4.5k

I use peat moss and perlite 50/50, my feeding looks like this:

N - 170
P - 110
K - 270
Ca - 190
Mg - 100
Fe - 5
B - 1
S - 120

The only deficiency that appears from time to time is Mg, but apart from that, it is very advantageous for me, I live in a hot country, and those who grow with HPS here must use air conditioning because of the heat, so it is much more feasible to use the LED, both for the initial investment and the savings on the energy bill. But in colder regions it will be more advantageous to use HPS, as it supplies a certain need for heat. I believe that for each situation a certain type of lamp will fit better.


I Always get What looks like K or P deficiency with my leds even tho they are very good leds.
I am in Coco tho


H’ok, so, here is the Earth…Round!

I figured a few things out.

About 1/4 of the bulbs on the LED are dead. Its about 9 yrs old, used for about 5yrs. This may affect the spectrum the plants are getting and thus the metabolism (nute/cation uptake)

The yellowing seems to have been lack of sulfur and magnesium, either or both.

Ive remedied the issue by dissolving gypsum in vinegar as well as dolomite lime in vinegar and watering those in separately (about 2 days apart).

Though, I did burn the shit out of them by reusing a spray bottle of essential oils like 5days after it was mixed, then adding more essential oils, so, overdosed the shit out of them with oil. But, theyre bouncing back

Yellow tips on old growth, fresh vibrant green on new growth. Which makes me think immobile.


So. :smirk:

I asked permission before surprising @Wuachuma with 2 cu ft of Build-A-Soil 3.0 :raised_hands: knowing that it might be complete ass-hattery :man_shrugging: and so we’ll get to see what happens next. :bulb:

The shipping was more than the dirt :confounded: & it definitely isn’t walmart dirt but this was an opportunity to be a kind weirdo, test my shooting from the hip science, AND test out Jeremy’s water-only recipe. :+1:

It’s unlikely I’ll be shipping dirt from CO to HI but the Craft Blend sounds tempting to try out.



Thanks again brother, it means a lot and helps a lot.

Im transplanting now.

Half the yellowing plants are getting transplanted into this BAS 3.0 mix. These BAS plants will just get water.


It’s a very random chance but I know a person who lives in Hawaii , used to live in the redwoods and has ties to Colorado via his mother living there.
Are you by chance a red headed fellow who raises coturnix ?


Is that really Ad Hominen? He’s not attacking your character over the position you’re maintaining. Actually seems like it’s doing both at the same time. But I can’t say he’s wrong really.

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