This Weekend's Walkabout

Today being Saturday, I decided to pack my trusty corn cob pipe and some fine, nicely cured, invigorating, tasty C-99( Mosca Seeds BX1)
I went to Arch Creek Park, which is a little bit north of me in Miami Fl.
Never having been here, I began my sojourn by fading into the undergrowth of this semi-tropical oasis and fogging up a bowl of delectable and inspirational C-99!
Now I am ready to explore and begin my hike.
I really enjoy the combination of the outdoors and ganja intoxication!
Particularly when the area is new to me!

Interesting historical information here:


Here is the aforementioned creek which is wonderfully pristine and soothing to my buzzing brain.


After checking out the creek and the ruined natural bridge, I continue along the trail.


After trudging along in the jungle for about an hour or so we decide to spark up another bowl of the fabulously yummy C-99.
This is what I saw.

And then we find an itsy-bitsy teeny tiny museum😀
It was very small, but pretty cool(or really hot 'cause there was no air conditioning or breeze)!
It had some skulls of a saber tooth cat and an American lion…tres interesting!

^^^^^Those extinct kitties were indigenous to this locale a long, long time ago.
I had never heard of a saber tooth “cat”(I knew about the Tiger) before…let alone an American Lion.

I forgot…,here is the micro museum:

After the wee Museum the trail led to this:


Thank you all for allowing me to indulge myself in an inebriated, self serving, phantasmagorical travelogue fueled by delicious and nutritious Cinderella 99.

Until next weekend…ta ta!

beautiful dude! look at all the ferments. er plants sorry;)