Tips,Advice,Secrets and Swear By's.

Share things that you’ve found that work for you.

I’ll start by saying that if you have a tear in your tent nothing I’ve used works better than Flex Tape for repairs.
Ok your turn.


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I keep a spray bottle and add either kelp juice or Epson salts depending on need for quick fix on some deficiency


LIFTA Credit to @ReikoX


No smell, no tell, no sell


When you think you have waited long enough to harvest…give it 2 more weeks


Whatever amount of nutrient you are going to use, use much less and wait a week.


Two of the best things I ever did was start composting and start a worm farm.


If stealth is a concern worms will get rid of any evidence leftover from harest


Read the damn directions, try that first, then decide what to ignore.

Follow the directions on the fertilizer bottle.

Cannabis specific usually means snake-oil.

People figured out how to grow great weed inside a long time ago, don’t try to reinvent the wheel and keep it simple.

Use pesticides on any incoming clone from outside the garden. Soak the substrate with it. #1 way to get bugs is Someone Else’s Clones.

The hobby is mostly a waiting game. Be patient. Be proactive, but also know when to LITFA. Have the wisdom to know the difference lol.


Fish fertilizer is liquid magic. Just don’t use it on your plants in the spare bedroom closet after you mixed some dried chicken manure into the soil.

Silicon dioxide and potassium silicate (Agsil16H) are a MUCH cheaper alternative than stabilized mono/orthosilicic acid products like power si and aptus fasilitor (both when added to water will hydrolyze into silicic acid and some k in the case of potassium silicate)

Agriculture salts can be purchased insanely cheap vs bottled or especially cannabis specific nutes (as mentioned above) and work great.

Weed can be frozen in mason jars long term. When taking it out don’t open the lid until it has come down to room temp or it will lose all of it’s smell and taste and possibly get condensation moisture and mold. A couple hours or overnight for bigger jars.

Nutrient calculators are very useful.

Great weed doesn’t necessarily have the highest thc.

Grow rooms can be pasteurized by heating them up to remove pathogens (of course if it is safe to do so). The amount of time depends on the temperature. The lower the temp the longer it takes. 40C/104F for 24 hours or so.

A quantum meter is a worthwhile investment if you grow with LEDs or plan on it.

Don’t slack on your grow! Guilty here :stuck_out_tongue:


Ahhh the old feet racket!! I wanna start a fert company! Organic and a veg & flower. It’s crazy the amount of money peeps spend on CANNABIS ferts!! I stopped falling for that bs years ago. I feel your pockets!!