To flush or not to flush, that is the question (Poll)

Why half feed? icon_e_surprised|nullxnull, that would mean you’re not really convinced, I feed 1/3 as I stated before so won’t blame you for that … beer3|nullxnull


Maybe it is just fading and senescence in your case … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


no I’m 100% convinced no way I’ll starve a plant in its final weeks when it puts on the most weight not a chance

I tend to run my plants Typically a week longer than they need to that’s why I backed the fee down in the last week because they’re basically done and not drinking anyway that way when I pour out the Reservoir I’m not wasting nutrients


= senescence engaged (almost death)
At this stage it’s totally useless to flush, yes.


I once read article about flushing that said it can help plant with increasing color and taste,
my question is , is it true?

And if it is ,what is the best way to flush for taste?
And is flushing outdoors necessary or does Mother Nature help with it?


I personally leave flushing for toilets but some do flush their plants. I don’t know anyone that flushes outdoors. I would read through this thread. Some amazing growers give their opinions and methods. :v:


I don’t flush because I really don’t have to with organic soil. It just kinda flushes itself I guess lol

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Ate themselves?

Sorry I’m a medical doctor not a plant doctor.

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I think the best way would be to follow context clues from professional fertilizer companies.

Let’s look at Organics Alive for example.

Veg Week 1 10-2-2
Veg Week 2 10-2-2
Veg Week 3 10-2-2
Veg Week 4 10-2-2

Flower Week 1 14-7-7
Flower Week 2 14-7-7
Flower Week 3 14-17-15
Flower Week 4 8-20-18
Flower Week 5 4-25-21
Flower Week 6 0-22-26
Flower Week 7 0-4-20
Flower Week 8 0-0-0


Correct me if I’m wrong but is that 7 different fertilizers?

That’s not happening.

And what if I’m growing a long flowering varietal?

I call BS.


I grow in a Mostly organic soil i do use Foxfarm Big bloom and i use Big Grow in a pinch especially with some Cultivars that have little shit fits with nitrogen here and there but mostly i use dry amendments if im using a salt its very briefly waiting in a top dress to kick in one good dose and i still dont flush.No sense in a organic soil your washing out the very soul of that soil in weight of microbes your pissing away.Ive found out in tolerable small doses you can use some salts with organic soils ,disruption of microbes is very minimal.A dose in between top dress will get you to where you need to be till the too dress breaks down.I havent Flushed my weed in over 25 years.Have a pepsi taste challenge side by side and tell me which one is better.Id lay mine down next to any all day long.I bet i could grow Midz and still it would outshine flushed.Now salts in pots all the time thats a whole different animal i would imagine Bottle babies would run into salt buildup in pots so one might have to flush.I dont know i dont use bottles as much.

“Flush” with feltered tap or ro with calmag to fix a nute or ph issue.
For finishing outdoors or indoors using megacrop or organic amended coco top soil fed in my experience flush with ro is bad myth, gentle drenches with filtered tap or RO with added minerals ( or ro and top small amount of gran/powder organics week before harvest) makes sure you never starve it and tastes better to me.

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Pretty much agree with ya. “Professional” fertilizer companies are in the biz to sell you fertilizer. That’s it. Lots of it.
I’d be willing to bet there are more things going on besides the 7 different ferts.

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As of recent I been using a lot less “bottle” nutrients,
I have seen less of a need for a proper “flush” in an organic environment.
The more the chemicals the more the need to flush

I have a veg and a bloom fert and I will gasp sometimes mix them together if I feel it’s appropriate.

And bloom juice, and supergrow, and candy elixer. It never ends.

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