To flush or not to flush, that is the question (Poll)

Thank you for that @George!
Once again my Friend, something out of Left Field.

I Love to Hate it and here I was cruising along.

Should be mentioned, especially with the BBP foliar applications being utilized… The BBP is a weekly foliar spray x 6… and I made sure to MIST the plants well, 3 days later. I did this to maintain a clean leaf surface.

I might be the guilty party here following that. Dialing down the RH

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I always prefer more LITFA and so do my plants, even having less crop, they are just plants and we usually forget that :sweat_smile:, I know you cannot fight against your perfectionism anyway, don’t be disappointed about that my friend … beer3|nullxnull

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thx @Pigeonman, i saw this last week lol
:beers: @George


Do I flush my apples, tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, courgettes, beans, squash, pears even tobacco etc ad infinitum? That would be my answer.


It Only makes sense @jesuswearsflares, I’m glad to be headed in that direction.

My First year of Loading the soil w/ Nutes and amending… using more and more H20 featured meals…

I’m trying… & Thanks for piping-up!


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why would you starve the plant when it needs nutrients the most???

To me the flush is nothing but bro science



Proper meals ie: 3-week soil amendment batches have ended / expired, last week.

I’m brewing worm castings / molasses teas in the interim for each feeding / watering @Jetdro.
They cannot be harmful ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: thanks for chipping-in.

I’d actually love to hear any “nute” suggestions that you might have at this late stage of the grow! Russians will have 2-3 weeks yet.
Zam could be ready next week, 10 days? Amber & Out

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I don’t flush, but I also don’t push super hard. I use jacks 321 in promix for hand watering and coco for ebb and flow.

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Thanks for that @Emeraldgreen.
Wonderful info

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I never flushed for years. I let a buddy talk me into a two week flush. The plants ate themselves, worst quality ever. Now I’m back to no flush


I’m with Jet on this one. I can’t speak to hydro because I’ve never run it, but with organics, my plants are well fed right up to chop day and the leaves senesce on their own. YMMV.

Beautiful plants, by the way.


Thanks for that @Coda
One for the Autos this time around !

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Plants don’t starve, they just take the nutrients from the leaves reservoir, so you will smoke later on less chlorophyll and metals left, smoother taste …


Accidentally voted that I do when I should’ve said I dont

Even the sole term “flush” George, quite hard to share accurately. Here we are more progressively “rinsing” in practice, even rinsing with finishing products for some … it make the concept even more blurry.


I think we know what we’re speaking about, the title was intended to be a click bait :grin:, call it as you wish … ejem|nullxnull


You’re right :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m flushing, and i even show how (end of the post), to convert heretics that smoke their nutes in calling it terps ^^ lmao this one


i dont find that to be true , i push same feed all way through flower , the last week fill is half strength however ,

Watching the results bring me the conclusion that you’re doing the right thing, patience is rewarding … beer3|nullxnull

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my 10 weekers will eat their leaf at week 8 EVEN feeding , plant is finishing , wont take what it will not use in my opinion

just my take on it