To sow or clone… that is the question

To the OP, for me, I like the hunt, seeds gives me.
Clones, I do not trust anyone enough to send me their clones, unless I can go pick them up, in person.


CJ will definitely be next.


I get the attraction of clones and personally I think clones really meant something 15 years ago when seed packs were hit or miss and mostly miss. I never had access to clones so I cycled through tons of packs looking for something decent. Most packs you got maybe one decent one…not even great.

Now it’s really flipped. Most stuff from seeds is very good, you might get a single dud and I’ve had several times where everything was so good I had to run the clones a few times to pick the true winner. The imo stuff you can get from seeds is now on par with clones. Of my 4 current keepers only 1 is a named clone.

I think clones really are now more desirable for having a “named” strain for selling and not having to go through the process of popping a pack (which honestly can get crazy carrying when you are keeping clones of everything.

I don’t see seeds vs clones as a quality issue anymore (assuming you are using a proven “breeder” and not the first idiot who pops up on insta)


A lot of good points you make. Thanks for your insight.

I can tell you as someone who decided to buy clones its a worthwhile investment for the fact that you can buy a couple clones to get some for trade and then trade with others. Your going to want to be picky with the clones you take in and make sure they were sprayed with IPM and quarantine the plants you recieve for 2 weeks minimum. Ive spent close to 2 grand on clones now and a lot of what i bought others had and were willing to trade. That being said tho there has to be a lot of trust in the person sending the clones for trade so you know what your getting isn’t infected with pests or disease. I was just trading and buying clones like crazy and then got mites when I let 1 clone not do quarantine


If you have the time over the money definitely pop the seeds and phenohunt them yourselves thats my 2 cents because the other method requires a lot of trust in other people


Think I will prob grow good genetics from seed and see what happens. I have been lucky enough to be gifted a couple clones.

I’ll have a few clones ready in a month if anyone wants to cover shipping. Any extras I have can be yours for the price of shipping. $10-$12 3-5 day shipping and about $33-$37 next day shipping


Mighty OG of ya Bruh.

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I’m gonna keep the best looking one of each strain and took 2 of everything for the most part. They will be rooted when they are ready to ship. Still haven’t seen any roots in the cloner yet they’ve been in there for a few days now