One of plants twice the size

Question. What would you do if one of your plants was twice the size of all of the other ones? This happened to me my last grow because I totally suck at germinating so one of the plants had a head start. That resulted in a plant that was over 6 feet tall while the other ones fit better in my tent at about 4 1/2 or 5 feet. What I want to know is can I just Chop it off in the middle? Should I train it? (I don’t want it to get too wide tho either). If the other plants were this tall honestly I would switch to bloom right now but I can’t because everybody else is too small. I don’t have another tent or any other type of set up to bloom this plant by itself so it has to come down to pruning. Hopefully you guys have some good advice on this one because I don’t want to have another monster plant! Lol


honestly you can cut back individual branches that are taller than youd want to keep an even canopy, or you can flop the taller tops over or tie them down… easiest solution will vary between users…

I’d rather cut back the tops to the closest node to the height you want it


As long as it is less than 1/3 of the plant, chop it even with everything else like toast said. Another option, chop it up for clones and just remove it. Give the other plants more room and run the clones later as a monocrop.


You could take both these pieces of advice with a plant that big. Clone the top half of the plants and flower the bottom halves immediately.


Thanks y’all that’s what I needed to hear before I got to choppin!


Has it shown sex yet? If it’s a known female just put her under a good fluorescent light and use as a mother and take clones as others have mentioned.


My goal as a grower of my own personal stash Is to grow four plants of different strains with the best buds I can possibly produce each time I grow. I have a spinal cord disease and I’ve noticed that I really need to medicate with both indicas and sativas and with as many different strains as possible. The dispensary comes in handy for that but it’s expensive around here. I also don’t have much room so for me, cloning and mother plants aren’t in the cards right now. If I was more experienced I might try packing more plants into my tent and flowering them fast but for now the method I’m taking is growing these four as big and as bushy as possible, low n slow lol.


Cut down Big Bertha. Also bent the highest branches. Idk if that’s a thing or not but we’ll see what happens lol. Fim’d Big Bertha’s sister. I think :joy:


before shot… guess pics don’t get uploaded in order around here :joy: