Tonygreens RIL Group Buy Grow Show (Closed)

She’s gonna be a beast!


Eyesdown found him one or two!


Huh? Confused lol


Umm you doing IV drip on that thing?


Takes same amount as all the other plants, water til drain off twice a week once with nutes, here are top five nodes on the Kola

should start blowing up this week. Spread all Kolas to the perimeter, pruned the middle out and pulled the laterals from bottom 4 nodes up into the middle, hopefully getting a few more Kolas in the canopy, pruned bottom 2 bones of lower fan leafs.


Rilla at 3wks…get a flip and up pot next week


Mmmhmmm …of latest I thought to take apex cuts between 6 and 7. Cull the bottom pair…take the seconds for two more clones (now 3) …at the flip clean to the top 3 nodes on each branch …let them stretch and reassess at about 4 weeks… That looks pretty awesome though!


Usually top mine from 6 back to 4 and take a few clones from bottom 8 but this one I wanted to get back into training mode for some coming bud runs to re-stock jars of this years favorites. It was topped 4 times I believe. Have a big XCheese running too.

Gonna pull these Suckers as clones and back them up in veg.


Up potted today


Early trichs 2 weeks in


Dang near looks like a caudex.


I breed against that toss the early flowering ones because they’re no good. Never had a problem hitting between 20 and 30


all but the 4 with the green tags are the RIL.


You referring to @Instg8ter 2week plant? Your experience is That pheno isn’t a good one? Hitting 20-30 what? %thc?


No, I’m referring to some old stoner isms from I think DJ short talking about early flowering plants, ie toss the first to flower hard! By his logic we should throw those out. Dont listen to that is what I’m saying lol.

Lookin good cbz, watch the feed on those yellow ones and check your run off. They may be running a little hot as far as ec goes. If yer still in veg prune off damaged leaf, itll help new growth be more vigorous. They’re like a little fucked up useless body part that the plant will still try to feed and put energy into that you can redirect elsewhere for more effect. If they are a little salty flush then give a medium balanced feed and remove the n3crotic tissues.

They’ll have you thinking they are hungry so people pour more juice on em. Lot of times they are hungry but that’s because bad salt levels hinder uptake.

Anyhow after taking that step to check you’ll know if you’re off or do indeed need some food!

You’re getting it tho man. You’re gonna smash this round!,plant%20will%20wilt%20and%20die.

"When salt concentrations in the soil are high, the movement of water from the soil to the root is slowed down. When the salt concentrations in the soil are higher than inside the root cells, the soil will draw water from the root, and the plant will wilt and die. "

Then you get the triple whammy, plant wont take up water, wet pot wont dry, low oxygen environment, mold, fungus, bugs, rot, death. All from too much love ha!


Oh, you go against that train of thought, got it!


Your spot on, they where getting too high when I checked the run off this watering! I got some sludgehammer flush when I was at the store buying my ec pen, would now be a good time to use that?


Hahaha, only one running , only thing that will make me chop it is “balls”, the JW can hermie but I find it’s usually a light situation as opposed to training or potting. Also as I said this is a bagseed from my last run a year ago of a big mother so there’s always a chance. I wanna see these build up layers of trichs for another 8 weeks with those fat branches and close nodes, think she will be a squat brute.

Benn meaning to ask @Tonygreen , how long do you like to take the Gorrila leaners for best potency? always found mine best around 70-75 days.


I’m glad that was mentioned. I was getting ready to go find where you said you liked the fastest plants. Thanks for saving me the reading.

@Tonygreen you said your criteria for a male were vigorous, fast, and responding well to topping. Was there any other criteria?


An old hippie once told me no real dope is in there until after 10 weeks. Anymore I go at least 10 but 11 if the plant is holding up. Fire or flood might get a o week chop ha!

Yo cbz I never used that product but flush em, you know what to do! My feed is something like feed, feed, plain water, feed, feed. Let em dry a bit in between. Your fastest growth will come when the pot starts drying and the roots look for water. But in that mode if they find too much salt…

Males, good vigorous growth, sharp stem rubs, loop to check trich density, those hairy ones mainly appear and are a good indicator. Thumb jabs to disturb soil and roots the first weeks of flower will draw out easy intersex, in a line I know like GB I’m looking for traits I know are linked, ie the leaf shapes, structure or little petiole leaf. If you are looking to F2 a line find your keepers twin!