Tonygreens RIL Group Buy Grow Show (Closed)

Oh shit, I must have missed it. I’ve been reading along most of the way, but lost track for a bit and just skimmed catching up.


the clerk types in each address mailing 3 packages takes me 10 minutes or more in the post office with no line and with covid there only letting 1 person in the office at a time its a cluster fuck and i live in a small town… you would have to dedicate an hour a day for a month to ship them all priority

then imagine sending everyone the tracking i would probably resort to sending them all with stamps no tracking only way its feasible on a volunteer level otherwise your just pissing your time away at the post office

add a misspelled address or wrong zip code for 1 in 20 and you got a nightmare with being tagged 20 times a day the all ready unmanageable inbox probably gets 3 you stole my seeds messages a day ain’t helping speed things up

as a community we should just lock this shit up till August and see what happens between then and now even if he comes through 100% perfect tomorrow at this point he is probably gonna wanna be done with OG.


also i don’t remember did we pay for shipping yet ?


Red sap ain’t a thing


I’ve only read about it. I always say bullshit until I see it with my own eyes.
I’ve had a golden color glutation come out, but not red or purple.


Oh I’ve has numerous plants with red sap just aint a thing is it.
Don’t make it any better just kinda cool to see with actually no benefits.


You know me, I like weird traits


I do too, but that elusive red sap I’ve yet to encounter! I have Dragons Blood and DB crosses to look thru. Hopefully I find it, just for my own benefit. Like @OleReynard said there is no particular extra potential there, just kool to see.

And that blue ink pheno from @Tonygreen is also on my list of to have plant. His description of it peeked my interests heavily.


I think that obviously everyone understands that this is a big task/undertaking for Hugh to take on. This is my guess as to what is going on:

  1. Why he hasn’t responded: at this point and really at any point, all his time spent might be dedicated to actually going through the process of packaging/shipping labels etc and not even have time to read through what is now this probably long unread thread for him.

  2. He may not have realized how much he got into with all this and may not want to admit that whether it’s an ego thing or just worried about his reputation (not realizing that not communicating could also hurt it).

@Hugh_Glass if you’re reading this, and it is feeling like you bit off more than you can chew, just be transparent and talk to people. I’m sure there are many reputable people here that would gladly accept being sent a bunch of the seeds to package up and send out. I think most people here would be understanding and rather you just post here and say that then not post and try to do it all yourself and thus take a while with nobody knowing what’s going on.


I’ve seen it in Dragons blood pics, my own 8813 and Mazar I sharif.
So with that said I’d say most from Afghanistan has the possibilities of having that trait.


Iv had it in a few different plants of DragonsBlood , i have some plants in a friend’s house and there’s one there that’s got red sap, I’ll try grab a pic of it tomorrow ( when I’ll be at the 2nd spot.).

Yes, you’re right , it’s cool to see but nothing more …!

Happy growing peeps…!


I’m not gonna @ Hugh as his inbox is surely overwhelming by this point. But if you see this, or someone else is in contact…

I’m outside the Philly area… i am retired and available to come assist if needed. Just reach out…


this thread’s a wild ride lol


We’re at the bargaining stage ? :joy::joy::joy::joy::sob::sob::sob::skull::skull::skull:



:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:



@Tonygreen, I don’t think any of us have questioned your efforts and investment in your GG4 RIL, but seeing it laid out like that is enlightening.

BTW - what’s that male you used just prior to the introduction of the RIL?



Man, how long did all that take start to finish?


Thats the Chem based bx line, mycotek gg4 bx6 JW gave me. Started with chem whereas I started with Sour Bubble. Shit wouldn’t fit but its a whole nuther bracket. 8 years and some change or something ha.
It was over a year of work to set up the population to select a male to begin backcrossing.
Gorilla Bubble Bx5 x Mycotek Gg4 Bx6
Nearly identical, the Chem based bx appeared to grow about 10% faster and larger. I attribute that to the sour bubble influence.
