Too stoned to drive projects

Made this while mind bent on some grape punch from Ethos…


Great piece of wood! I can see this working…

:sunglasses: :+1:



Interesting, as Gpaw said that’s a nice lump of wood lovely tight grain and colour. So are you just cutting out the figure or cut a slab off it and then cut back the around the outside edge to to bring the figure forward :thinking:


I know this doesn’t relate but if I’m to stoned I usually drive with one eye shut


I bought a few of these walnut slabs at the local lumber store for $10 and just sanded the surface, wood burned and sprayed laquer


Did you mean to post that here :thinking: :rofl:


Yep. Lol. Lots of times I drove home with one eye shut

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So what is happening to it next?

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You mean one :eye: open.

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Yes sir! If I drove intoxicated 2000 times. About 5 times it was so bad where I had to close an eye to get home


I once drove home after drinking 3 bottles of wine :dizzy_face: after 15 minutes I was half way there, and tried to put on some music, dropped the tape, picked it up, put it in the cassette deck, and looked up :cold_sweat:

The car had come off the road, traveled 20 yds on a wide grass area and between the poles of a large road sign, with about a foot clearance on each side. Then came back on the the road twenty yds past the sign whilst doing about 50mph :confused:

I looked in the mirror and all the cars that were behind me backed off about 50 yds :smirk:. I pulled into a supermarket car park after another 50 yds and phoned my brother to come and get me, I figured someone would have called the cops after seeing me do that.


That’s a close one for sure. I dodged telephone poles. Flown across lanes and hit several deer… it’s amazing we are still alive and not killed someone


Around here you hurt or kill someone loaded it’s 7 to 10 years automatically


Yeah, that was 40 years ago, I didn’t drink and drive after that, it was too close a call, for comfort :sweat:

My brother in-law who is Scottish, not that it’s an excuse lol, had some drinking issues when he was young. My wife said that one night he was so drunk, he woke up around mid day, and couldn’t find his car, so walked to the village pub thinking he must have left it there.

It wasn’t, walking back, he saw it half way up a river bank, he missed the bridge over a river on the family farm, went down a 25ft bank one side through a load of trees, crossed a 5 ft deep,15 ft wide river, and up the other side 10 ft amongst a load more trees.

No one could work out how he managed to do it without flooding the car or damaging it, hitting a tree :thinking:

It took him a couple of days with a chain saw cutting trees and his dad’s back hoe combined with a winch to get it out :rofl:


Aye, the Scots, they get the job done. :selfie:


Man did he get lucky! That one takes the cherry! A chain saw and tractor lol. Did that crazy ride slow him down any

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No not really, he became T total in his 40’s, after his wife threatened to castrate and divorce him for pissing in the wardrobe all over her 35 pairs of shoes one night, after he woke up out of his head wanting a piss :joy:


Lol that’s hilarious!! :joy:

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