Topping Clones - Where to cut?

Been making a bunch of successful clones lately. So much that I had to give a bunch away. Now that I have that on lock, I have questions. All the clones I currently have in veg just grew out naturally however they wanted. I did a little training but not much. Now I am curious about topping clones. The structure is obviously different than the plants grown from seed. There isn’t a spot with two new branches that I can cut above. Where do you recommend I make the cut when topping clones? Here is a photo of a Kush clone I want to top.

Do I want to cut at the blue line, red line, or purple line, or none of those?


Red, it makes the opposite line parallel. :cherries::cherries: :cherries:


I would do blue and then pull it gently sideways a little bit with the goal of getting all 3 of the remaining tops going as even as possible. Bending it sideways to get them growing out and away from the main stem.
Edit to add:It has alternating nodes as a mature plant instead of immature structure you’d see in a topping age plant from seed where it would have symetrical nodes.


I would also say blue. You have 3 good nodes close to each other to become colas.

Versus if you cut at purple, where you could easily end up with just 1 cola, which defeats the whole purpose of topping, however, you will get enhanced side branch growth regardless of which color line you choose.



First you should cut your clones from 4-6 inches in height. Roots usually come from internodes when cloning so in your example and with the 4-6 inch rule I would use the red line. I always make my cuts right below an internode so my roots are mainly at the bottom of my clones.


I had two Kush clones with close to the same setup so I cut one at the red and one at the blue. We will see what happens. Thanks for the input.

Thanks for the tips on taking clones! In this case I already have the clones and they are rooted but I was asking about best places to top them since the structure of a clone is a bit different than the ones I grow from seed. I wasn’t planning on using the cut top to make another clone in this case.


Literally anywhere you can cut a leaf and a stem off you can grow a new plant. Just takes time. 95 Silver haze


So far anything in the chem91 in it seems to be the most difficult to clone. Most others tho, 2 weeks in a misting dome and into a cup off to the races.

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