TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

ya right thats just one of your other sick movies right


he should dye it a bright color and then shriek in his face until he assimilates!!


That’s one of the worst…"Dad…make it go away (heart breaks)


I cried like a baby when she was little. Then again at 14. :rofl:


This is the first I’ve heard of this company. Just looking at their site. Some interesting stuff, canadian company, cad prices. Cool.


@MoBilly and @crownpoodle

Because you took the time to do the right thing we now have a little bit better world to live in.
You have done the world a service.
I do not mean to be rude or disrespectful on memorial day, but thank you for your service.
If more folks took the hard road to raising their kids we would not have all this disrespect in the world.

I never hit my daughter, I think she was about 16 years old when I shoved her in a chair with my finger in her face telling her she will not be disrespectful.
But she knows I have a temper and I do not bluff.

Next thing I knew child services is at my house with plants growing in the basement. :open_mouth:

I told the SS lady that if my daughter was out of control and she needed discipline I was gonna make sure she got it even if I had to go to jail, she is my responsibility.

I never saw that lady again…she must be a very fine person because she could have taken me as a threat.
She must have understood. :heart_eyes:

A big problem here in Detroit was runaway dads.
Most boys in Detroit grow up without dads.
It is very sad, a lot wind up dead or in prison.
Moms are super important, but Dads are more important than you may think. :wink:

Hope everyone’s weekend was a success. :partying_face:


Thanks @shag .
And yes. I worry about the future of the country because family has lost it’s importance to so many.


Sooo much has lost its importance nowadays, sad but true . We live in a completely different society than what I was raised in that’s a fact.


Very true.


One of the biggest problems the nation faces.
Years ago a friend told me about a force trying to destroy the family model in america.
I though he was kinda cooky for saying that then, but looking back I see the damage that has been done.
How thing were.
And how they are now.

Very true.
Look at the show happy days, that was a typical household…find me a house that operates like that today.
Lets just say that is not the norm, but it sure used to be.


I’ve seen the proof, honestly just watch tv, movies etc. nowadays, no whole families, everyone is divorced or if not cheating in the open, kids tend to be confused, gay or trans whatever, and hate their parents etc. it’s the same demographic over and over and over, they make the public see what they want life to be, very sad but true. And there’s a million more examples if you just look.


Progressive world we live in. The US was founded on progressive moves against England. We can’t pick and choose what we want to be progressive and stall the rest. Does not work that way.


this is what the agenda is now days. destroy the family and create government dependence. more fatherless homes creates moms at home on welfare. its been done to one community already now push it on us all.

pls let me know if i should remove this @TopShelfTrees1


I’m mostly Amish but I couldn’t get used to the beards.

Seriously though, I choose what technology and media I consume. Just because it’s there doesn’t mean I have to watch it.

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Nope, you are good @204medismoke theres a whole lot of crap going on that’s for sure, I’m just glad others see it as well.


I like Amish women. It’s like feeding a starving baby bird.


Yeah baby show me a little ankle.


My wife and I have been together 27 years (since high school) both of my sons are adults and live at home with us as well. I cannot think of another person I know that still has a family unit for 25+ years beyond my generation, the family dynamic is a thing of the past to most, hell marriage is as well, it’s a strange new world and I know I raised my sons well and instilled in them all the proper beliefs to me and what has been instilled in me and my family down the line, and I only hope they do the same.


Change is not only inevitable, it’s necessary. I’m saying that we need to direct said change to be beneficial instead of something that weakens our country.
Stagnation is death to a civilization just as much as the death of family and patriotic boldness is.