Morning @TopShelfTrees1 and fam!
I’ve tried a bunch of different methods so far. But I’ve been sticking with the last 30 minutes before lights off it will click on for ten, then off for ten, then back on for ten more starting the last 3 weeks, then the last week I do the entire 30 mins…. No anecdotal proof but I’m thinking this has been helping. I’ve done the mid day thing, done it for an hour , and even done staggered throughout the final 6 hours . I’m sure I’ll continue to experiment as well.
Good morning @Indicana_Jones and everyone else, hope everyone has an awesome day today!
Good morning everyone
Carpe Diem.
Morning @TopShelfTrees1 and the rest of you fine souls. Positive vibes this morning to all.
Packing a cone yesterday. She says “didn’t you just smoke one?”. “Yes, but I’m just rolling one now.” I pause for a few seconds. “But I’m going to smoke it pretty soon.” She just shakes her head.
Haha sounds like me, my wife and I went for a walk the other night, and I fire one up upon leaving, maybe 20 mins later I pull out the joint tube, she looks and says “really” I said “you new here” and I get “I thought you said that stuff gets you high for hours?” “Yes, yes I did but that doesn’t mean two won’t get you twice as high , possibly longer too” she shrugs her shoulders…. As we proceed and are walking through the Calaguiro estates mansions I pull out another, she looks, grins and then just laughs and shakes her head. I was holding the “you pay for it?” One for next but she gave up. Lol
Good morning to you @ColeLennon
High noon here right now so were kinda still on morning here…
Good morning to all of you gentlemen and you too @TopShelfTrees1
I found that sometimes when you grow really good weed you like to smoke it just for the pleasure of smoking.
I liken it to Cigar smoking.
Sometimes I know I am pretty high already but I still feel like smoking so I do, but this leads to a very high tolerance.
My wife’s nickname is Weed Hound so she takes no issues with that at all…
Good morning gents
Tossed some males yesterday, this Giesel x Skunky Brewster was so skunky and just downright vile already it was sad to kill her but I’ve got more where those came from thanks to the awesome generosity of MR. @schwaggyp the legend himself.
Starting to correct these deficiencies in here and getting rid of clutter , should have all males removed in the next few days.
When I was younger, my friends would smoke weed then want to do something. Me too. I wanted to smoke more weed.
Now thats crowded…but good temps/humidity…got air flowing be alright …
I think you should cram another 3 or 4 in there. Looks like a party man.
Just removed 5 yesterday @ColeLennon