TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Bingo! The other classic of him is with the mascot haha.

I was little and still in Tee ball when I went to a Yankees game with the parents. I had my glove as every kid did when they went to a baseball game. Mid game my mom pointed to a man a couple rows down from us and told me to go talk to him and see if he’d sign your glove.

Tommy was nice guy smiled and signed my glove.


Nice, killer way to start the day! I was looking at my Veg plants yesterday pulling males . One OTS has this crazy leaf crinkle like the leaves are so damn big they just can’t push through it it’s weird, and another is absolutely dank already in Veg , between that, the FPOG (I can’t believe how much it smells like skunk) and Giesel x Skunky Brewster they are putting the carbon to work heavy, had the tent wide open last night after watering to get moisture out, my entire place was STRAIGHT DANK SKUNK and Kush, crazy potent!


Oh ya , can never forget him punching out that Phillies mascot! That was awesome, and that is pretty awesome having that glove, very cool. My best memory of baseball was when my son was 7-8 we were at a Jays game 5 rows up on the first base line. (Tied with best seats I’ve had) you could see into the bullpen all over back then through fenced windows, I saw Rocket Roger Clemens in there warming up, I’m like “Nikolas let’s go see Rocket Roger” so we did, and he came over to talk with us, asked where we’re from, told my son he idolizes him (long story) but he’s a cancer survivor and signed a ball and chucked it up to us, then had some guy come and give

us an epic picture that is 1 of 1 and we were told was hanging in the dressing room next to his locker.


Wow that’s a special moment and gift. Glad to hear your son kicked cancers ass!

It’s these experiences that elevate them more as a person off the field beyond what they accomplish on the field. He always threw gas when he was on the mound.


Isn’t that wild when you come upon someone who has gone thru some horrific stuff. I can’t imagine going thru something they appear to almost have forgotten. Like an afterthought.


That’s great about your son, man. My #1 homie is going through cancer with his daughter right now. It’s taxing for sure.


I cringe when I hear the C word, I don’t even like to talk about it.
Oh and…
Good morning @crownpoodle unless of course, you have been up all night again.
In any case hope your day is going as good as it can be going. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I have not forgotten you, just busy and lazy. :blush:


I’d be down brother! Thank very much sir. Let me know when you want my deets and I’ll send them to you.



I hate it too, absolutely ! it’s like a really dirty word around our house that’s for sure.


well im glad your son beat it and showed that piece of shit disease whose stronger. lost to many good ppl including my brother almost a year to date. man time flies still feels like it was only a couple months ago.


Again, So sorry bro, for real :pray:t2: I can only imagine what you went and are still going through. He was one of the lucky ones, although he still lost an eye and has a prosthetic now but many others with the rare form are blind or worse , dead. Shit is absolutely horrible and I don’t think there’s a soul out there anymore who hasn’t been affected by its devastation yet. Sad but true.


well im glad your little one made it and knows the loss of his eye and prosthetic are the signs of a battle he won and to wear em like badges of honor to those that werent as fortunate. and ill pray for the lil guy even though im not to religious.


We did several promotions with Roger .

100 percent CLASS ACT every time


If you are unscathed by it, you are extreemly rare. Be grateful. I remember all too well sitting down with the girls, 8 and 14 at the oldest. “Uh guys, mom’s got…”. 25 years ago and all good. Just a blip on the radar. But a scary fucking blip. Guarantee I puked when I was told. My normal response.


Definitely a life altering experience brother, the kind that shakes your foundation to its core, makes u look at things differently and tbh I was almost still a child myself (felt like one) but after many years of contemplation I see that we were blessed all along and it could have been so much worse. At least children are extremely resilient and tbh other than a few months it never phased my son, he’s my hero in so many ways! @crownpoodle


My buddy frank was like that, you could pretty much count on it.
If he did not puke we made fun of him, you know good job buddy that sorta shit.
Other than that no one said much, just routine for the crew…LOL

I try to carry that attitude everyday.
I do not live in Detroit but just outside.
So a just short drive and I am in the ghetto.

When I am having a bad day I just look around and see folks that are having a normal day that is not as good as my bad day.

For example, I see someone that has trouble walking or has to take the bus, I feel for those folks, every day is usually worse for them than what I call a bad day, I mean there is the exception to the rule, but usually my bad days are not really that bad in the grand scheme of things.
Sometimes I am just a whiney bitch… :rofl:


My parents lived just outside of Detroit for a few years. I only got the chance to visit them once. When I broke away to explore the city, I was shocked by the level of poverty in some areas. Like, I’ve lived in some fucked up environments over the years but this shit was wild. Damn. That had to be almost 10 years ago now.

How’s the downtown area coming?


Downtown is still growing, robocop is coming soon…LOL
They are going to rip out 375 and turn it into a neighborhood.
They even re-did Grand central station.
We had the grand prix on the streets again this year instead of Belle Isle, I wanted to go but never made it.

When I built scaffolding, we made the bleachers for those events.


You could write a song about it…LOL
I know this song was posted by @TopShelfTrees1 but it fits your comment perfectly.
The big city is a different animal.
That is why I love the country. :joy:


Awesome thread and nice healthy plants. So
@TopShelfTrees1 regarding the UV lights… what were the best lighting schedules you found to be effective?