TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Haha, slow rainy day here just back from the docs, gonna take Carl from UP out for breakfast/lunch @MCR0161 at our go to spot in an hour or so. Just chilllin watching way of water atm. What you up to @Emeraldgreen


This the link brother much appreciated and much love :100::blue_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::green_heart:


Please help a young one going through some struggles my OG fam, if you can, please do. I’ve personally seen the struggles of a very young child and the C word and although we were extremely lucky I wouldn’t wish any of it on my worst enemy, I truly wouldn’t . Thank you in advance, even a prayer, kind thoughts, a little love or a card etc. This precious young one needs all the help and support we can muster. :pray:t2:


Morning buddy. I’m late to the party. Went back to sleep, which is rare for me. On my 1st C&C. Coffee and a cone. We’re (me and the cats) are smokin’ some Sherbikerbubble loaded up with dry sift. Hello. Good by.


Just waiting on the old man for breakfast/lunch/brunch but I smoked a nice fatty of gas face earlier while walking the little four legged ewok


so i keep emailing every company i can to sponsor me for a grow tent fan filter combo. no one will bite unless i have an instagram or youtube. wonder if i just keep sending them emails if they will give in LOL.

morning all.


My dad grew up poor in Montana in the 20s and 30s. Think the movie , A River Runs Thru It. His dad ran, and he worked in a pool hall. Not a nice place. Pops was good. I was about 9 when we got a table. I was a natural. Pops saw it and cultivated it. He told me "Never play for $”. Lots of reasons that’s good advice, so I never did. I did drink for free if I was in the mood. Folks don’t like to loose $. A pitcher of beer is no big deal.


I have played pool for money (I’m pretty good) and you’re right, there’s lots of peril there.

Never huge stakes but there’s the sort of people who will fight you over $5. I’ve been stiffed and just let it go.

Just chalked it up to that guys a proven douchebag.

Not worth the fight. Most people are straight up though. As long as you don’t hustle them and beat them fair and square.


I’m terrible at pool. People think I’m sandbagging them at first when I jump on the table.


Greetings @TopShelfTrees1, let me just back-it up a few days to the frickin “Cola pictures”

Beautiful work Bud !!! Truly


I cant wait to hear his react on that bro :rofl:


Morning gang. Hope everyone is ready for a relaxing weekend!


Good morning everyone! @MCR0161 my dad says you are a dick, but it is kinda funny lol” he was giggling for a long while at that one.


Good morning


Good Morning :sunglasses:
Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Morning @TopShelfTrees1 and all the rest of you trolls.


Just procrastinating atm (story of my life) I dropped a light on my damn Strawberry Cough clone yesterday, killed the main branch, one shoot is still there though so all is well, just gonna take a bit longer, also sheared off a side shoot of lost cake, funny part is Mac 1 was flattened out like a pancake, by this morning she looks like nothing ever happened. :open_mouth:‍:dash: can honestly say that’s a first for me but I should know better than to balance a damn quantum board on the side of my quarantine Rubbermaid :man_facepalming:t2: lesson learned I suppose :confounded:

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I would not use tent space on either sc or THAT LC

THE LC I have now is better
You won’t like the SC And her buds produce larf even the large ones , trash her like I did

There are better LC than the one I sent you .
Only been through 3 and found better already

Trash her I’ll send seeds let you find your own jewel

I’m gonna try n revel LC 3 if so you want to run her


I’m trying to convince Mike to fire back up the 8x8 so we can rebuild the stable now instead of fall . If so the SC is going into storage in the mom room/clone catalogue. Either way she’ll stick around but won’t be run anytime soon. Next couple are definitely spoken for, we’ll see what early 24 looks like. Idk he’ll probably run it before I do he loves all that oldschool shit and was pretty stoked to hear I got her, BD too as he said he hasn’t had any in like 8 years. I’m hoping to throw in a just clone run asap, idk things are constantly changing/evolving around here. Shit a year or so ago I would not have thought I’d have any of these besides KM and SSx KM#11