Good Morning
Mornin Tops! Mornin OG fam! Just getting up myself. Gotta make a few calls to see if checks are ready, make a trip around the Matterhorn and then it’s more boxing and decluttering shit from down stairs.
trim jail?
This made me giggle
Somewhat, chopped and hung for now, took off some fans etc. The SMELL was absolutely overwhelming! There’s one Chem-D that smells like garlic/onions and superglue and it was burning my eyes and nose so bad I had to take a break a few times and leave for fresh air, eyes watering and all! Unreal. And there’s many more stanky bitches in there too!
uhii that sound like something lovely from your description ! looking to see the end results
I’m shot and forgot that your were harvesting today haha. Happy harvest brotha!
Those are tears of joy
Haha. There’s so much water to cross here, there is no direct way anywhere. Every way feels like the long way around. Funny the turns of phrase we pick up from our parents and hold onto.
It really is…. I’ve got lots too trust me
droll man looks so good great work bro!
Thank you very much @m0sirys i appreciate it
Fuggin bums are out of the office until Wednesday. I bet Paul Revere didn’t take a 4 day weekend.
Hahahaha ikr I’m pretty sure it’s the same over here too as I called the pharmacy and CLOSED smh thank God I’ve got one pill left, bastards
Paul was probably in a brothel celebrating for the whole month of July.
Morning fella’s!
So excited to spend the day with my son while the wife has to work.
Awesome @blowdout2269 cherish those moments bro! Before you know it they are as big as you are and off on their own.
Don’t remind me bro.
My dad would say “fools rush in and get the best seats”. Say what? Pops had some interesting ideas.