TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

tbh i think its killing my gut so prob is a problem lol. im just a very addictive person already a litre down with my supper but ill try stop after that


Nice vids! I remember little Jon-Jon. Kid ripped. What’s up with the foam tops? Mayhem shaped some great sticks and the artwork was fun as a youngster. I only had one Lost with artwork. 5’2 shove nose fish. Had his octopus coming from the nose down most of the board. Dumb thing was I really didn’t want to surf it hard, because I didn’t want it breaking. Ended up spending more time hanging on the wall. Haha Was always jealous of the people that could buy the boards with the artwork. Are boards still done by hand or are they machine made these days? Cannibal, Quiet Flight, Action (Webb), BAT (Brian), Lost were pretty much all I ever had. Had one Rusty, one Channel Islands (Merrick), one Town & Country, and a 10’ G&S longboard.


Real question is how long will the fed keep raising rates and how long until they start to drop them.

For better or worse people have largely accepted price hikes and continued to buy buy buy, hence the strong economy.

Old Jerome says holding rates higher for longer may be what’s needed but fact is he can’t total broadcast what he wants to do or people will start front running things like bonds. The fed only has one really big tool and that’s a hammer via interest rates. No matter the job they just have a hammer.

None of the above is meant to be political, and I apologize if I am derailing. Just say the word and I’ll stop.

Weed, food and monetary policy just get me all excited inside.


Good morning fam ! Man you guys have me pumped watching all these videos! It’s gnarly


Morning buddy. Beautiful morning out. Gonna be nice here. HOT! Just inland. 107. Yuck. Stay hydrated if you have to be outside.


Rainy and cool here atm, we had hail last night, marble size, tons of it ! Was scooping up handfuls throwing them at my son. It’s 70 degrees right now, nice change tbh, was 62 last night . Was supposed to go fish but water is mud now.


Well…you could always smoke weed, drink coffee, and skip rocks. Actually, smoke weed, drink coffee, and do nothing too. You trimming?


Yup, was lazy af yesterday so I didn’t , gotta get on it today. But I like your idea better. Hell maybe I’ll come to Cali and learn to surf…. Even had a surfing dream last night. No joke! I picture you out there pushing the board as the wave comes yelling PADDLE PADDLE PADDLE! And me eating shit face first into my board. Lol


@TopShelfTrees1 meant to mention we had 3 of the grandkids stay over this weekend. Medicine for the soul, God bless 'em. Sharp fricking little trolls. Not so little anymore. My oldest is 13 in September. I cannot wait until she can drive. Nora Rose, Isabelle Rae, Weston Stone. Ranger Scott will be 1 next month!


Holy crap time flies! I remember when Weston was much much smaller! And the little ones already a month! Love the surfing pic! And look at how happy those kids are! Bet they love time with gramma and gramps, you can just see it in their eyes! I love it

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And Isabelle with the surf board Weston with the boogie just as you said. That’s awesome they are starting already, so much time to learn, you teach em how ?


Nora’s my oldest, so she named us. Mimi and PPa. Nora had it on her summer bucket list to stay over. Had dinner and breakfast planned. These 3 didn’t ever live under my roof, but we’re here enough they might as well. Being 7 minutes from their house, I had one or all EVERY chance I could.


Ranger is just starting to walk. He’s a serious little fart.


I just provide opportunities. Their mom too. Been plopping 'em down in the sand all along. Roughage.


Haha epic opportunities! Nora is the only one I haven’t seen yet, good to put a face to a name. Ya living so close is a definite bonus for all of you! Blessed for sure brother. BLESSED as are they to have you


Good Morning @TopShelfTrees1 @crownpoodle and OGs! :coffee: :sunglasses:


@InTheWoods Good morning brotha, hope you are having a great morning


Much love and respect to the REAL ONES…. The rest can eat a dick!


Ohhh shit, running into some issues with people today?


Every day of my life…. Promises promises promises, or they are taking food right off of my plate. Tired of it and the next one is gonna reap the rewards of all the rest I promise you that . :man_facepalming:t2: