TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Mmmmm I haven’t one in forever. I’m always lethargic for 2 days after. Yummy poison. :yum:


Morning fella’s!
Quitting coffee!?! That’s crazy talk.
I only drink coffee, water, or juice. No more alcohol, obviously. But, I do have a weakness for the occasional Dr. Pepper. Mostly just on a vacation trip. That’s about the only time I’ll ever eat fast food also.


Same…. It’s weird the crap one meal will do to you from McD’s , lol we know it’s bad but still eat it :laughing: lol us smart humans


I quit coffee been about 2 months. I drink a cup of Yogi Blueberry slim life green tea or Blackberry focus English tea. My digestion is better and so is my body.


Ya idk about EVER giving up on coffee, it’s definitely a guilty pleasure of mine as well as an absolute staple


At least McDonald’s is expensive now… That means the food is better… Right?
I didn’t think so.
At least it’s not Taco Hell and their pink goo that passes for meat!
Heads up. They stopped using this nasty :nauseated_face: stuff but had a ton of it left so the government bought it all to use it in public schools.
Way to look out for the kids.


I do it big when I do it. Big Mac pack 2 big macs and 2 large fries and 20 chicken nuggets. Will put you down so you don’t eat again for a year. :rofl:


Jeez! Ya that’ll do it for sure.!

@MoBilly i remember this crap, sooo disgusting! I did not know about the schools buying it though…. Absolutely horrible, that’s how we treat the future of our planet huh? Just feed em poison , by the time they notice we’ll be long gone :man_facepalming:t2: what a society we live in huh?


Went to burger king last week for a 2 for 5 whopper jr. Wow what a disappointment. I haven’t had one in years but I like them. The burger patty was less than 1/4" thick tiny tiny tiny. Taste like crap not the normal fast food bad taste but foul no flavor. Yuck I’m done with fastfood for another few years. Except El pollo loco they cook whole chicken right in front of you. One of my friend in new Orleans had Vince Vaughn all up in her shit he was a drunk asshole really. Threatened to beat me up if I didn’t let him buy me a beer then he ordered the appetizer menu one if everything. Oh ya friend was a bar tender so she was stuck. He went to ATM yelling about how he was going to cover everyone’s tab but ATM only gave $200 a pop this was 2002. So he started screaming how about how cheap the bar was cause ATM wouldn’t give more than $200. He promptly pulled a stack of credit cards out and threw them at my friend to cover tabs. Ya real class act don’t care if he was drunk or not although he was sloppy. Fell of the curb that was funny especially since he is a big dude I’m 6"1" and he had 4-5 inches on me. D-bag!

@mobilly did you know stores sell us grade A canned food. Schools and prisons get grade b-d. This is canned so getting away from A leaves room for some nasty stuff to get through by the time you get C or D grade :face_vomiting:


He seems like he’s a Dick in real life ! And he is, that’s just ridiculous. Some feel they can act as they please with no repercussions as they are wealthy/famous! Ahhh ya nope! Dumbasses


Oh god I can only imagine what’s in some of those cans! :persevere:


And people wonder why we have a population with no energy or drive. Food is fuel. Period. Would you put contaminated fuel in your truck and expect it to haul a load or even continue running? So many years of feeding our growing children crap has created a society of out of shape (myself included) unmotivated people (not me).
I’ve helped raise horses, goats, dogs… most of my life. I know that what you put in, you get out.


Haha. I totally forgot when I stopped eating McDonald’s cold turkey I had legit withdrawals. I was legit feeling sick as my body processed out the last of the poison.

@MoBilly I heard they were expensive as hell now. No one ate mcdonalds because it was good. I ate that shit cuz I was poor.

I stopped and got breakfast at Burger King the other day. I was looking for the 2 for $3 or what ever. The new deal was 2 for $5. I started laughing and asked myself “Is that even a good deal?”

Yeah. The one sandwich, just the sandwich was $4. Lol. We straight got mollywhopped with 20 years of inflation in just 1 or 2 years. These assholes are talking about inflation is slowing down. Slowing down to what? :joy:


That’s a whole other problem with society. The shity food is the cheapest food. So it just continues to further the cycle of poor eating and sickness.


Oh I get it. The 70’s and part of the 80’s were tight for us. I went to work for a guy that was just starting out a landscaping business. It was me and him for the first two years. :laughing: Anyway, we made a stop on the way for a nasty egg something and broke for lunch there for a nasty burger. But it was food… of a sort.


I don’t cut back on stuff very well. Moderation is not my deal. I’ll get where if something I’m consuming starts to get in my head, it’s just a matter of time before I quit. I refuse to switch to something else either. Might be a bit from the point I realize what I’m doing, until I stop. Doesn’t even have to be something I’ve gotten carried away with. If I’m “thinking” about it, there’s a problem.
That’s just me.


Haha. The beginning to this day had me so thoroughly grossed out I haven’t eaten yet. Maybe I’ll just wait for dinner.

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This is what “slowing down” looks like in the language of Big Brother.

Balance sheet went from $0 to $4 trillion over the course of 60 years, then up to $21 trillion in ~2 years, now it’s back down to a mere $18.6 trillion. Reducing the balance sheet further takes money out of the hands of the 1% who’ve already spent it, and thus is impossible because they’re too big to fail… because they pay the politicians’ re-election costs.

Therefore, devaluation of the currency is baked into the system at this point, the only question is who gets hits the hardest by it. I’m guessing it will not be the richest and most powerful. :rofl: More likely the people who don’t have financial advisors, much less politicians in their pocket. Sad, but this is the story of the world…


Just a heads up, quitting vaping with nicotine lozenges was suuuper easy. Transition down from high dose lozenges to low dose. Then switch to hard candy or mints. Easy peasy. Some micro-doses of mushrooms will likely help speed up the process as well.

Just a simple step down over time, works the same with all drugs. Just don’t do anything fast, or go “cold turkey”. Cold Turkey is cruel 1950’s AA propaganda & it doesn’t work for 98% of people.


It’s an Album shape but it’s made at the XTR factory, their foam tech is next level. I know the dudes who own XTR, Slater has been playing with their boards lately.

Album, Twinsman is the model

@crownpoodle you definitely grew up in pretty iconic place for shapers and board designs, blessed mate.

Lost 5’5" 19’3/4" is my favourite of the lost movies, Matt ‘Mayhem’ Biolos shapes some amazing crafts. I have his Quiver Killer model.

@ifish Nathan Florence took it to the next level

Pete Mel, riding and XTR design. Skitz one…