TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

I buy some stuff I know I can get the same or cheaper. I’d hate if they went out of biz. Local availability has saved me in a time crunch @HighTilliDie Guys where I go know better than to bother me. They’ll match Internet prices on most stuff. @TopShelfTrees1 , you mentioned diamond K and calcium when talking with @shag . Got Diamond K. What’s your source of Ca?


@crownpoodle maybe its because I’m younger (29) I’ve never understood the whole small business thing. But then again I’ve never had any family that owned a small business and I’ve always just went wherever was most convenient. In my small town that’s the only grow shop and tbh his prices are more expensive than amazon and im like man id love to keep coming back but if the price isn’t right why would I not use my Amazon membership to get free next day shipping? If im really in a pinch I’ll go there but ive only been there 2x now because he just doesn’t have a lot to offer for me and my grow. I’ve tried to get him to match prices before and he just scoffed at me. Said best he could do is a military discount which still ended up being more expensive than Amazon again. That time I but the bullet but I haven’t been back yet since then


Unfortunately Amazon is going to kill all small stores for exactly what you just said. Convenient and cheaper. The last hydro store I was in was terrible. Selection was poor, high prices, and random hours. The random hours was the killer


Yeah the thing for me is being in the country my options are go thru Amazon get it tomorrow free shipping with Amazon prime, drive to STL 30 miles away and go to a hydro shop there, or buy it from the manufacturer wesbite and wait 1 week and pay shipping. Amazon always comes out on top unfornately because it’s not worth it to me in the end to waste more money somewhere else when I’m getting the same product in the end


I hear you. Time is important for sure


Honestly I feel like the world would be a better place if everyone bartered and money was non existent like the Indians back in the day they had shit easy compared to the hell of modern day America


Can’t tax bartering. Bartering is great if they want what you have and vice versa


@crownpoodle i use kelzyme atm it’s a boogie brew product I like it and it’s cheap but Diamond k is cheaper :wink:

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I’m going the jacks route as soon as I can swing it though, then just going to custom tailor everything from there probs , Diamond K,?Zumsilic , coco cal and a bloom booster I haven’t decided on yet. Tbh I should have bought the bags last year when I had the chance :man_facepalming:t2:


Sup :dog:


Lol I love that pic! Isn’t she a looker?

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Farmer Joe sent me some Cal Nit, Agsil16h, and I believe, masterblend 0-12-24. It’s been a huge help keeping my plants healthy and fast growing.


Perfect. 1st place that came up is I like them. MBferts is another good spot to check.


I’d love to try living soil but the damn amendment list is insane !


I saw a dog, felt like an invitation :laughing:


Everything has it downfalls but it’s definitely something I wanna try when I start outdoor growing somewhere next year whether it be at my moms or dad’s. I know my aunt wants help but I don’t want to start someone on something new when I don’t even know what I’m doing. I told my aunt just get indicanja purple cow soil and we will go from there. I personally want to do living soil for the sake of just water it with plain water. I could amend 1 time a month from a distance but I can’t make nutes and water for them constantly so that was my idea with it


Pillow fort! Lol cute dog tho!


Yea man he loves pillow forts. Hell, we both do :laughing:


I’ve been using KoolBloom for a booster. Both powder and liquid. You do much foliar feeding? I used ro frequently.

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Good morning @TopShelfTrees1 and OG:!

hope youŕe all doing welll and wish you a nice and day!