TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Wow, that’s got nothing but goodness in there. I gotta try some now. I’ve never had green tea tbh

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Good morning everyone :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
@Foreigner are you using a translator for your German? Really good to hear your acceptance of taking care of your parents. It’s a beautiful thankless job. I would talk to an attorney with your parents now to see what needs to be done legally to make it easier.


I am trying not to use the translator so as not to get lazy but I will use it for more complicated stuff. Or just switch back to English.

I expect my parents have all their ducks in a row but yes it will be made official and everything.

It’s not happening now, but I see the future.

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My wife got a call one day to check on here mom. We went down to check and left 6 years later! Because nothing had been done in preparation for the inevitable, her mom qualified for absolutely no assistance. It was a mess. We were able to let her live out the rest of her life in her home, created a lot of financial hardship for us though. Also your brothers actions are sadly the norm


I’ve had time to get over my brothers shameful actions but it still burns me sometimes.

I don’t think I could live there as an aide, but I could definitely do am and pm duties.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves. But when the time comes, I’ll do it.


Good morning’ OGers! This thread moves so fast, us working schmucks can’t keep up. …Sign of @TopShelfTrees1 's hospitality. He hosts a popular tree fort.


Haha I love it! Perfect

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Someone needed to be there 24/7 in our case. It was definitely hard. No one understands how challenging it is to do 24/7 care


Yeah I bet. I was reading about the Asian concept of a “good death.” Which basically means of a stroke in your sleep with no pain or vomit or loss of dignity.” Not sure why I was reading it…


AxWMorning @TopShelfTrees1 . Morning all.


Is it helping at all brother? No more golf club !


My mother in law stroked out 4 years to the day of us starting to take care of her! It was like she didn’t want any further indignities


Every once in awhile I meet a very old person who gives me hope. I had a sewing teacher (yes you read that right) who was 88 and sharp as a tack and very funny and active and had a supersonic hearing aid and could hear you from 50’ away. Crazy old bird. She was awesome.


I’ve definitely meet a couple older people that are inspiring to say the least. It’s always a trip talking with them for me. Some of the stories and experience they share is fantastic.


She had a picture of herself sewing as a teenager during world war 2.

But parents, I don’t think anyone is going to want to do it except for me.


You are correct. Their are 3 daughters, 2 couldn’t bother to show up


I love elderly people, when my grandma had to go to a home (she was wealthy so it’s more like a five star resort no joke) and she didn’t need 24/7 care up until the last week or two so it was just a gorgeous condo, 3 meals and snacks from a great chef and amenities I met so many awesome people in my countless days spent there and really got to gain a newfound love for all of them. I’ve always been great with older people. And most seem to be so accepting, kind and just want to share wisdom and stories . The man besides my father who taught me all my fishing tips/tricks was in his 70’s when we first met, he spent 15 years meeting me 3/4 times a week in full waders and hip pack plus his lunch pail, rods and net. And we’d hike down the Cinderella stairs to the whirlpool and start there EVERYTIME, then walk miles throughout the day hitting our spots all the while teaching me like the calmest , wisest teacher. Then we’d walk back up he was 87 when I last saw him and said he was sorry but he couldn’t do it anymore, it brought tears to my eyes and we spent the day out and about just talking and had breakfast and lunch together. A couple of months later he was gone. I love that man for everything he taught me and the way he did it, a kind gentle soul who was in optimum health until almost 90 years old. He HATED sugar btw, swears it’s the devil, never smoked but drank here and there, and ate GREAT FOOD always. I wish I would have heeded his warnings and stayed away from sugars from day 1 we met…. (Rest in paradise my good friend, you are missed)


I know I’ll be taking care of my dad at least and I fully accept that responsibility as he’s an amazing father and one of my best friends. I only hope my kids see me in half the light I hold my father in . My hero no question


Absolutely no excuse (unless done really wrong) they took care of us , gave us their time how can we not give back in their time if need. Society is so messed up now :man_facepalming:t2:


There are excuses they are just all lame. Stuff like it’s cruel to bring children into a cruel world. But HE has children. It doesn’t make any sense.

My BIL said it was shameful. And he’s right, it is.

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